Bicidyahan Mechanized DIvision Arrive IN OOG

So let me get this, you want to fight Dhulbahante to forcefully take their lands and your argument is it was given to you by the British? Can you Isaaqs for once think with your brains. ?
We all know why we're doing this don't need to repeat anything. Dhulbahante said we'll be apart of somaliland back in the 90s and now they wanna pull out. f*ck that
I understand your point but stick to the agreements bruv. We had a heshiis with these guys and now they're telling us to f*ck off. That's not right.
Did you stick to your end of this ‘heshiis’? Was it legally binding? Either way, I think they’ve made their point violently clear.
Don't worry about ethiopia helping SL cause Oromo are not battle hardened like the tplf. Only ppl who fight there are tigray as seen when they got rid of amhara in 91. Even if Oromo help Somaliland they are no different in war like the southerners who attempted to invade in mudug and nugaal coastline of suuj and garmaal in 2016. We did just a qanimo on them as it wasn't a real war. Somaliland with Oromo help is like two qaawan is qaadayo.
Reerkaan waa waalanyihiin sxb, they "pulled" out from kacaan legit government laakin maamul gobaleed maamulkale kama goosankaro ku yeh, war dadkaan are retaded ninyahow, aniga warkooda maba dheegeysato walaahi.
Kan sidas leh isaga lascaanood sida George Floyd okale ugu xidhan kkkk


Reerkaan waa waalanyihiin sxb, they "pulled" out from kacaan legit government laakin maamul gobaleed maamulkale kama goosankaro ku yeh, war dadkaan are retaded ninyahow, aniga warkooda maba dheegeysato walaahi.

Somaliland isn't federal state lol. Who told you that? You just make this assignment because it feels good for you? Maybe that's why you are confused. Somaliland pulled out of Somalia by force not by nice words and it stays that way. They have to keep to fighting Somaliland or leave the country.
Lol, horta ninyahow ma xanuusantihiin real talk
Lama xanuusaneyee reerkan dhulbahantee maxaa sii ah. There was agreement btwn the reers in SL and they were part of it. If they wanna pull out fine but don't expect us to just be like ya sure bounce.
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Lama xaanuusaneyee reerkan dhulbahantee maxaa sii ah. There was agreement btwn the reers in SL and they were part of it. If they wanna pull out fine but don't expect us to just be like ya sure bounce.
Faysal Cali Waraabe once famously said to a white man ‘90% of our population is mentally unstable because of the war’ and the white man asked him about the remaining 10%. Waraabe replied ‘the other 10% is also mentally unstable because of jaad’
season 2 lol GIF by NBC


Faysal Cali Waraabe once famously said to a white man ‘90% of our population is mentally unstable because of the war’ and the white man asked him about the remaining 10%. Waraabe replied ‘the other 10% is also mentally unstable because of jaad’
season 2 lol GIF by NBC

Lol, get real, It's either SL or Khatumo and Khatumo has to go. There's no coexistence.
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Lol, get real, It's either SL or Khatumo and Khatumo has to go. There's no coexistence. They aren't forcing Somaliland back into the Somali project.

No rogue adminstration claiming half the country with a fraction of the population will be allowed to exist.

Please don't start talking about federalism. That's debunked political project.

If you attack the very core of the Somaliland project then you have to finish the job. Don't just say okay i'm a set up this adminstration and lets' just coexist inside Somalia's federal project. That's a declaration of war until you are gone.
Tough talk for a bunch of people that are under arrest in Lascanood like common criminals lol. When are you going to get the 500+ prisoners including WOMEN from SSC? It’s been 8 damn months! I heard SSC is even calling the prisoners family members every day like the Libyan magafe who capture tahriibayal telling them to send money lmao
Lol, get real, It's either SL or Khatumo and Khatumo has to go. There's no coexistence.
Khatumo doesn't claim territory beyond Oog. They are perfectly fine with the current situation and Somaliland will still exist.

You can't try and say that they have to be part of Somaliland when the SNM bailed out of Somalia.

Co-existence is very possible Somaliland's leaders just aren't interested in it


Khatumo doesn't claim territory beyond Oog. They are perfectly fine with the current situation and Somaliland will still exist.

You can't try and say that they have to be part of Somaliland when the SNM bailed out of Somalia.

Co-existence is very possible Somaliland's leaders just aren't interested in it

SL independence claim is based on those borders.
They are trying to build Somalia inside Somaliland, so it's an act of war.
War will continue until one of the sides surrenders or is gone.

SL left by force and the enemy nation burned to the ground. Khatumo will have to achieve the same feat if it wants to exist.
Khatumo doesn't claim territory beyond Oog. They are perfectly fine with the current situation and Somaliland will still exist.

You can't try and say that they have to be part of Somaliland when the SNM bailed out of Somalia.

Co-existence is very possible Somaliland's leaders just aren't interested in it
The guy above is right. Its SL or khaatumo (sfg) we both can't exist.
Khatumo doesn't claim territory beyond Oog. They are perfectly fine with the current situation and Somaliland will still exist.

You can't try and say that they have to be part of Somaliland when the SNM bailed out of Somalia.

Co-existence is very possible Somaliland's leaders just aren't interested in it
Are u reer SSC?

