Bicidyahan Mechanized DIvision Arrive IN OOG


Tough talk for a bunch of people that are under arrest in Lascanood like common criminals lol. When are you going to get the 500+ prisoners including WOMEN from SSC? It’s been 8 damn months! I heard SSC is even calling the prisoners family members every day like the Libyan magafe who capture tahriibayal telling them to send money lmao

There will be nonstop war in that region until it's over.
SL independence claim is based on those borders.
They are trying to build Somalia inside Somaliland, so it's an act of war.
War will continue until one of the sides surrenders or is gone.

SL left by force and the enemy nation burned to the ground. Khatumo will have to achieve the same feat if it wants to exist.
I don’t think you really believe that , otherwise you would have attacked already and perhaps gotten your prisoners back. I don’t think you will ever recover from the shock and utter humiliation of what happened last August. Imagine being beaten by tribal macawiisley after claiming to be an ‘army’ and ‘country for 30 years lmao. SSC were fools for not continuing on to Burco when they had the chance though. No killer instinct unfortunately.


All I see is cagaf cagaf tearing down HJ tuulos like it’s falastiin. Unfortunate evens but hardly ‘war’ when it’s so one-sided. Y’all need to do better.

SL is right not to turn this is into an all out tribal war after all that's not the way to build a country. Right now the situation isn't calling for it. It will be dealt with by larger of numbers of troops.

Besides those people are holding their own right now against the coalition of failed state actors.


I don’t think you really believe that , otherwise you would have attacked already and perhaps gotten your prisoners back. I don’t think you will ever recover from the shock and utter humiliation of what happened last August. Imagine being beaten by tribal macawiisley after claiming to be an ‘army’ and ‘country for 30 years lmao. SSC were fools for not continuing on to Burco when they had the chance though. No killer instinct unfortunately.

Burco? What does that achieve? Why not say Hargeisa? That's how far they have to get. You know it's hopeless so why entertain this nonsense?
SL is right not to turn this is into an all out tribal war after all that's not the way to build a country. Right now the situation isn't calling for it. It will be dealt with by larger of numbers of troops.

Besides those people are holding their own right now against the coalition of failed state actors.
I think you are dillusional if you think SL has the power to do a damn thing lol. SL clearly ended last August. The rest is just a ruwaayad. You are more likely to see a war between East/west Burco communities if the election is delayed or West Burco community doesn’t become president. Meanwhile Gabiley community will sit back and watch while they chew qaad and drink farshad lol. That is the only real question that remains about SL. SSC needs to make sure they can use PL ports for free and they should be good as long as SL remains billigerent on their western border. What a sad bunch Somalis are. Typical black african negros lol.


I think you are dillusional if you think SL has the power to do a damn thing lol. SL clearly ended last August. The rest is just a ruwaayad. You are more likely to see a war between East/west Burco communities if the election is delayed or West Burco community doesn’t become president. Meanwhile Gabiley community will sit back and watch while they chew qaad and drink farshad lol. That is the only real question that remains about SL. SSC needs to make sure they can use PL ports for free and they should be good as long as SL remains billigerent on their western border. What a sad bunch Somalis are. Typical black african negros lol.

If one base being stormed ends a country, I've seen Somalia end numerous times this year alone.
Or maybe you are just exagerating for effect. Either way we'll find out soon enough.
Burco? What does that achieve? Why not say Hargeisa? That's how far they have to get. You know it's hopeless so why entertain this nonsense?
If they got to Burco then Hargeysa would be a cakewalk lol. The real fighters in SL are in Burco mainly as you and I both know. Why do you think SL hasn’t been able to attack since East Burco community were arrested? You think Abaarso community were going to bail them out lol? Once broken, then rest would scatter.
If one base being stormed ends a country, I've seen Somalia end numerous times this year alone.
Or maybe you are just exagerating for effect. Either way we'll find out soon enough.
You know very well that what happened wasn’t just a base being stormed. It was the capture of unbelievable amounts of plunder and prisoners, including all SL tanks and some women too lol. SL army ran away and was turned into barefoot Oromos tahriibing back whence they came.
SL independence claim is based on those borders.
They are trying to build Somalia inside Somaliland, so it's an act of war.
War will continue until one of the sides surrenders or is gone.

SL left by force and the enemy nation burned to the ground. Khatumo will have to achieve the same feat if it wants to exist.
See this is the problem you're mixing up Qabyalad and Western nation-state model and it's not working.

It was 'Somaliland' a part of it so long as the people there wanted to be. They left and it is not any more a part of Somaliland than Eritrea is a part of Ethiopia. There is no special sauce or magic that makes that soil 'Somaliland' unless you wanna tell us that BS about 'dhulkuu ma guuro ee dadka ayaa guraa' like Edna Adan.

Somaliland isn't going to be recognised with or without those borders. To be honest, Somaliland's best chance for recognition is they stick to their qabil borders and PERSUADE XAMAR to sign off.


See this is the problem you're mixing up Qabyalad and Western nation-state model and it's not working.

It was 'Somaliland' a part of it so long as the people there wanted to be. They left and it is not any more a part of Somaliland than Eritrea is a part of Ethiopia. There is no special sauce or magic that makes that soil 'Somaliland' unless you wanna tell us that BS about 'dhulkuu ma guuro ee dadka ayaa guraa' like Edna Adan.

Somaliland isn't going to be recognised with or without those borders. To be honest, Somaliland's best chance for recognition is they stick to their qabil borders and PERSUADE XAMAR to sign off.

Relax yourself.

Xamar is going the way of the Dodo in less than 5 years. Then we'll find out what happens.

Persuade Xamar. Who persuades someone who is hiding for their lives? You know it makes zero sense. Someone hiding for his life has no authority in the country.
Relax yourself.

Xamar is going the way of the Dodo in less than 5 years. Then we'll find out what happens.
You have a point there. Xamars impending collapse should be excellent for SL. For this very reason I don’t understand why the PLers complain about HSM as well. Makes no sense and is probably just tribally motivated hate.


Let's be real for one moment it was dhulbahante divided and protecting SNM from PL. They survived merely on dhulbahante isku dir and doing constant assassination to keep up the division status quo. Garad jama got a bit of luck to with old time Isimo dying like garad salebaans and has a new crop of Isimo under his tutelage. SNM trying to fight without dhulbahante help is a suicide mission. I'm just glad dhulbahante are united and said enough is enough and has allowed hiil Harti to take their positions.

Their garaads are also holding us all back from going to burco. It's unheard of in a war you allow your enemy to regroup, once you get the upper hand, you must chase them and squash them permanently. Ironically our ISIMO also refused us to enter beletwayne which was the USC HQ in the early 90s war. These Isimo shouldn't get involved and let the security experts assess the theatre and military outcomes needed and the build up the strategy and war drills and trials.

Somaliland public is easy to control if we took over their security as they were disarmed. I don't see much problem in entering burco Iyo hargeisa once we demolish their security forces.
Let's be real for one moment it was dhulbahante divided and protecting SNM from PL. They survived merely on dhulbahante isku dir and doing constant assassination to keep up the division status quo. Garad jama got a bit of luck to with old time Isimo dying like garad salebaans and has a new crop of Isimo under his tutelage. SNM trying to fight without dhulbahante help is a suicide mission. I'm just glad dhulbahante are united and said enough is enough and has allowed hiil Harti to take their positions.

Their garaads are also holding them back from going to burco. It's unheard of in a war you allow your enenmy to regroup, once you get the upper hand, you must chase them and squash them permanently. Ironically our ISIMO also refused us to enter beletwayne which was the USC HQ in the early 90s war. These Isimo shouldn't get involved and let the security experts assess the theatre and military outcomes needed and the build up the strategy and war drills and trials.
Who cares about all that? You are a PLer are you not? PL was served up a golden opportunity on a silver platter. SL was within sight of closing ‘its borders’ and then it got slapped back to reality running all the way back to Oog like runaway slaves from Mississippi. The question you and all PLers should be asking is what are PL elite going to do with this golden opportunity just like the golden opportunity Hassan Bakhti Kusujuud served up with his dhiiqostution?
Just keep coming xayawaan, we'll keep feeding you to the hyenas
It’s all talk sxb. They don’t even care about their prisoners anymore. There was recently a video of Faysal Bootaan getting a bucket of water for the main garaad to do wuduu kkkk. They are just doing igu sawir for 18 May. Can’t wait for the parties this year!
It’s all talk sxb. They don’t even care about their prisoners anymore. There was recently a video of Faysal Bootaan getting a bucket of water for the main garaad to do wuduu kkkk. They are just doing igu sawir for 18 May. Can’t wait for the parties this year!
They are xayawaan sxb.. If you see someone who keeps on repeating the same failed idea that's a sign of low intelligence.
They are xayawaan sxb.. If you see someone who keeps on repeating the same failed idea that's a sign of low intelligence.
As someone mentioned above, dadkaan way xanuunsanayan. Wax fiyow meesha majoogaan which is why SSC shouldn’t have stopped. They need shock therapy to bring them back to reality like the sayid used to do. Af muslin iyo af gaalo kuwan midnaba ma yaqaanan. Just straight up xoog. Meesha wa in lagu kala baxo.

