Big forehead faraaxs

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Damn that thing is shining bright :damn::drakelaugh:

the whole big forehead thing is worse for female cuz niggas can just grow more hair or shave their heads which will blend it in somewhat:damedamn:


Even tho I just have an average sized forehead.
I still think big forehead are considered beautiful and a sign of nobility. It's the soomaal heritage.

Last time I told a xalimo to be proud of our forehead and embrace it, I got cussed out.

Some Xalimos suffer from major forehead complex :cryinglaughsmiley:
This never gets old. "Free your forehead" Own it, work it :damn:kulaha Geeljire ma naxo. :deadmanny::drakelaugh:
Even tho I just have an average sized forehead.
I still think big forehead are considered beautiful and a sign of nobility. It's the soomaal heritage.

Last time I told a xalimo to be proud of our forehead and embrace it, I got cussed out.

Some Xalimos suffer from major forehead complex :cryinglaughsmiley:



The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
Lool this is failed attempt. That picture doesn't belong here. I just said to gabadha to have utmost self confidence. Off course you took that and twisted it into something different

Only messin with you bro
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