Birmingham/West Midlands meet up!

You moved from Sweden to Birmingham UK?:deadrose:

To be fair it cold up here and no sun expect summer even then it 50/50. It feels like you more you stay the more depressed you get bc of the weather. I almost want to move to.:manny:

Also i hate snow but thank godness it didn't happen this year.:wowsweat:


Milf hunter
That’s surprising since most of reer euro moved here at a young age in the early 2000s.

Why would you come post brexit? :kendrickcry:
pre-brexit actually

i was fucking up in sweden and my family thought this place would be cool

also we got family over here:manny:


Milf hunter
To be fair it cold up here and no sun expect summer even then it 50/50. It feels like you more you stay the more depressed you get bc of the weather. I almost want to move to.:manny:

Also i hate snow but thank godness it didn't happen this year.:wowsweat:
bror va sägeru solen går aldrig ner på sommaren

thanks to global warming summer starts in april and ends in october:manny:


Passive Aggressive is the new Aggressive
i'd rather be in burco chilling with camels and my abti's ak47 than here in cold and rainy UK:russ:

cuff a nice xalimo and just settle don't uno:samwelcome:
You must be young if your parents sent you over. You still got time inshallah


Certified Liin Distributor
In the evemt of a Toronto meet up Im skipping

Can't trust these Somalis I'm fine chilling with my cadaan neighbors up here