Black Africans denied shelter in Lebanon


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Point is, these Arab and Sunni Shia would happily leave black Africans to die and give shelter to each other as citizens of Arabia. Same people cry in their prayers and ask Allah to give them victory. Cajiib. They oppress and kill each other like dogs. Maids and poor Asians are left to die in the sun. Have you seen one Sunni Arab nationalist or condemn the Lebanese do such actions? Have you ever seen them condemn what is going on with black people Libya?

The entire ummah must support Arab causes which are often nationalistic and not even Islamic. Meanwhile, Arabs ignore the ummah and oppress non Arab minorities in their countries.

Make of you it what you will.
Mate Arabs aren’t that United

khaleejis don’t view levantines as their own neither do North Africans

the Arab world is split up in to sects
North Africans first
Khaleejis first
Levantines first
I'm always lost :what1: when people associate black with Africans. Can we start stating which Africans it is
You think Lebanese checked the passports of the Africans who were denied shelter?

“Black Africans Denied shelter”

Do you want the nationalities of all the people who were identified as being Africans with black skin identified? What are you going to do with that information?

Guys, some Somalis are stuck in Lebanon. Please gaslight them as to why they were there in the first place and also don’t forget to have a discussion about IQ and Pan Africanism.

Good work lads.
It just goes to show you how rapidly racist and demonic Arabs are. They make 4 thousand dollars per capita yet all of them want maids while the Jews next door make 53 thousand per capita and only hire foreigners to do healthcare for the elderly etc like the west. If Arabs had their way all of them would have maids they are lazy and deserve everything happening to them the Lebanese are the worst of worst Arabs even other Arabs talk about how racist they are.

Guys, some Somalis are stuck in Lebanon. Please gaslight them as to why they were there in the first place and also don’t forget to have a discussion about IQ and Pan Africanism.

Good work lads.
they are students, there’s a lot of somali students across the arab world, especially in egypt, jordan, and saudi arabia
What are you saying? Are attempting to refute the fact that Africans as a whole do not value each others lives?!?
Not saying what happened to Africans in Ukraine and Lebanon right now is not horrible and abhorrent.
Fact of the matter, Africans don’t value Africans in Africa or abroad, they’d prioritize and favour any non black person over their own. This is apparent in EVERY facet of most Africans lives, they yearn for proximity to whiteness and want to mate/breed with anything that is non black. It’s a sickness that is prevalent in both genders. It also very noticeable in the business world, a non-african business would have less scrutiny and distrust than a local African business. Shit like the saying goes, guess white mans ice is colder :manny:
You are just yapping and not sticking to the point
You think Lebanese checked the passports of the Africans who were denied shelter?

“Black Africans Denied shelter”

Do you want the nationalities of all the people who were identified as being Africans with black skin identified? What are you going to do with that information?
Your still not understanding what I said, but why are associating black with African? Now if you said nationality that would be more understandable? Stop bringing Western ideology to Africa
Your still not understanding what I said, but why are associating black with African? Now if you said nationality that would be more understandable? Stop bringing Western ideology to Africa

People are without shelter in a war zone because they are perceived as Black Africans, and you want to discuss ethnic labels and pseudo racial philosophy? Go on do that on the thousands of thread about that subject in this forum.

