Black Plague or HIV?

Walaaahi deep down i wish for a global black plague to decimate the world population.

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A very infectious and deadly disease "popping" up in the world doesn't seem crazy tbh. These bored billionaires are tryna play God and thin out the population. People like Bill Gates are in the lab cooking up COVID-32.
a lot of these unsanitary disease come from how people use the bathroom and how they poop. So my question is how do you poop. This is a safe space so no judgment :trumpsmirk:
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I am too, but by the plague????
I'd rather be on the guillotine not slowly shriveling and turning purple.
isn't that GLORIOUS? The pain is better than sex orgasm
This exchange between you two in a quite funny way, illustrates our innate maternal/feminine and paternal/masculine nature and how it transcends age.

Men through their societies, constituted the most macabre forms of death, the Japanese with their Seppuku disembowelment rituals, the French with the guillotine, even the Arabs, etc etc. Even as individuals, men when given a choice between pills, carbon monoxide, jumping, belts, ropes, knives, handguns, they tend to opt for the most violent death attainable in their age. Leo Hirschfield, Ernest Hemmingway, Kurt Cobain, etc etc opted for a sown of shotgun to the head. The Greeks are a notable exception, but they were a "sus" lot occupied with their futo, even then, if they offered Socrates a shotgun instead of the hemlock, he would have taken it.

Now on the other side of our fairer half. They prefer a clean death or a silent death. Is it to spare loved ones? Like kittens who burry their mess, or an indication of a deeper connection to their flesh, which they are always opting to preserve. I dont really know, its also hard to look back into their history, for some time, I thought Cleopatra managed to convince a soldier like Marcus Anthony, to take his life along with hers, her way (poison) but I was wrong on that 😂 . You have a long line of women who followed after though. For example Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf, Marilyn Monroe, Margaux Hemingway (yes, his granddaughter), and so on, who mostly opted for pills.

But then you would think they would not be preoccupied with mans macabre right? Nope. They particularly covet that dirty part of his mind. From crime shows to imprisoned Serial killers who had fan clubs. We really were made for each other.
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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
This exchange between you two in a quite funny way, illustrates our innate maternal/feminine and paternal/masculine nature and how it transcends age.

Men through their societies, constituted the most macabre forms of death, the Japanese with their Seppuku disembowelment rituals, the French with the guillotine, even the Arabs, etc etc. Even as individuals, men when given a choice between pills, carbon monoxide, jumping, belts, ropes, knives, handguns, they tend to opt for the most violent death attainable in their age. Leo Hirschfield, Ernest Hemmingway, Kurt Cobain, etc etc opted for a sown of shotgun to the head. The Greeks are a notable exception, but they were a "sus" lot occupied with their futo, even then, if they offered Socrates a shotgun instead of the hemlock, he would have taken it.

Now on the other side of our fairer half. They prefer a clean death or a silent death. Is it to spare loved ones? Like kittens who burry their mess, or an indication of a deeper connection to their flesh, which they are always opting to preserve. I dont really know, its also hard to look back into their history, for some time, I thought Cleopatra managed to convince a soldier like Marcus Anthony, to take his life along with hers, her way (poison) but I was wrong on that 😂 . You have a long line of women who followed after though. For example Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf, Marilyn Monroe, Margaux Hemingway (yes, his granddaughter), and so on, who mostly opted for pills.

But then you would think they would not be preoccupied with mans macabre right? Nope. They particularly covet that dirty part of his mind. From crime shows to imprisoned Serial killers who had fan clubs. We really were made for each other.

"But then you would think they would not be preoccupied with mans macabre right? Nope. They particularly covet that dirty part of his mind. From crime shows to imprisoned Serial killers who had fan clubs. We really were made for each other."

Strange you should mention that. I am currently reading this book


Annabella refused very rich and successful men marriage proposal but then accepted the proposal of the most baddest, maddest, man in Regency England. Lord Byron. LOL

She got the curse of ALL the men's heart she broke. He mistreated her, beat her or at least bit her, and they were divorced in one year. But at least she had her brilliant daughter Ada. Shown in the cover book


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
A very infectious and deadly disease "popping" up in the world doesn't seem crazy tbh. These bored billionaires are tryna play God and thin out the population. People like Bill Gates are in the lab cooking up COVID-32.

Bill Gates the best and philanthropist billionaire there is. LOL read on what he does for Africa and the world.

But i agree with u on the white people craziness. After covid. They have found a good idea to control the world. The next epidemic will be massive. I am having orgasm thinking about it right now


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
But how would you know? (About the plague not the orgasm)
You haven't had the bubonic plague, and I'd rather try a proven and tested method for a quick death rather than live out a history experiment.

If bubonic came today, it would not be leathal. Because we have medication for it. And the world is far cleaner and smarter and prepared. During the dark days- it creeped in silently like covid did- only- more traumatic as u saw someone dancing today and tomorrow they are DEAD :chrisfreshhah:

I want a lethal virus that is retro virus like HIV. But work faster in a three days mortality rate.

I guess like bubonic but x 100 lethal.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
If bubonic came today, it would not be leathal. Because we have medication for it. And the world is far cleaner and smarter and prepared. During the dark days- it creeped in silently like covid did- only- more traumatic as u saw someone dancing today and tomorrow they are DEAD :chrisfreshhah:

I want a lethal virus that is retro virus like HIV. But work faster in a three days mortality rate.

I guess like bubonic but x 100 lethal.
It still around but treatable.


"But then you would think they would not be preoccupied with mans macabre right? Nope. They particularly covet that dirty part of his mind. From crime shows to imprisoned Serial killers who had fan clubs. We really were made for each other."

Strange you should mention that. I am currently reading this book

View attachment 342862

Annabella refused very rich and successful men marriage proposal but then accepted the proposal of the most baddest, maddest, man in Regency England. Lord Byron. LOL

She got the curse of ALL the men's heart she broke. He mistreated her, beat her or at least bit her, and they were divorced in one year. But at least she had her brilliant daughter Ada. Shown in the cover book

You really are stuck (immersed) in that period imao, I was too for some time, albeit I was focused on the men's side of things.
I had no idea he was married, what she must've seen in him to forego all the others... He was petty beyond his era, once a poet was celebrating the life of his late king (who passed away just months ago), Byron would not even contain himself for a month, releasing his own poem mocking that eulogy and its subject, with a poem similarly titled to the original poem:
With the best doctrines till we quite o’erflow;
I know that all save England’s church have shamm’d,
And that the other twice two hundred churches
And synagogues have made a damn’d bad purchase.
The original poem depicted King George's III arrival at heavens gate with a ceremony and trumpets, but in Byron's one:
‘George the Third is dead.’
‘And who is George the Third?’ replied the apostle:
‘What George? what Third?’
Women, they know how to pick em.
Also make a thread on your experience reading that book, and what you gleamed from it, I am really curious.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
You really are stuck (immersed) in that period imao, I was too for some time, albeit I was focused on the men's side of things.
I had no idea he was married, what she must've seen in him to forego all the others... He was petty beyond his era, once a poet was celebrating the life of his late king (who passed away just months ago), Byron would not even contain himself for a month, releasing his own poem mocking that eulogy and its subject, with a poem similarly titled to the original poem:

The original poem depicted King George's III arrival at heavens gate with a ceremony and trumpets, but in Byron's one:

Women, they know how to pick em.
Also make a thread on your experience reading that book, and what you gleamed from it, I am really curious.

Being immersed is an understatement. :chrisfreshhah:

I am soaked and baked in it. Part and Parcel. loool

I know so much about the English Aristocracy of 1700-1900 that- the books i am reading i have seen many mistakes authors have made.

The common mistakes they do is --say this letter was written by so and so- which is false- it was written by another. I could tell the difference because of my memory and second i know the voice of a human if i read what they wrote. (That is why some clever character in Somali spot uses the account of her mod friends to make post to escape my notice. I see you huuno)

My least favorite aristocrats are those who do not write many letters. In other words- not many letters of theirs is quoted. Like Annabella. Damn it! (thank God her diary exists. It was brief and analogued)

These no letter writers are usually extroverts. They are too busy enjoying their outings to be nerdy enough to write letters that truly give me orgasms. I moan like a wolf in the moonlight when i see a good letter.

Also -another crucial aristocratic character who is Annabella's aunt Lady M. She is the queen B of the aristocratic circles and sadly she also was not so keen in letter writings. (even so i know A LOT about Lady M so much from her circle of friends who wrote great letters)

I will tell you about them when i am done reading it. So far- i love it. The book is essentially two biographies in one. Mother and daughter.

The author style of writing has so far pleased me because she uses a lot of sources of letters. Even if peripherally not connected to the main actors. It shows she is not a lazy author.

Annabella comes off as a prudish, country girl- who ate her mutton robustly (pork like a soldier accoding to an observer lol ). She gives me a tom boyish spirit. She is not into English or writing- because her tom boy brain liked Mathematics. Darn it- u know where this is leading right? I know i will end up not liking her. Her daughter- Ada also became a math genius. She produced the first codes for computer. Read on her. Ada Lovelace.

Anyway- gotta go will update of course :)
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"But then you would think they would not be preoccupied with mans macabre right? Nope. They particularly covet that dirty part of his mind. From crime shows to imprisoned Serial killers who had fan clubs. We really were made for each other."

Strange you should mention that. I am currently reading this book

View attachment 342862

Annabella refused very rich and successful men marriage proposal but then accepted the proposal of the most baddest, maddest, man in Regency England. Lord Byron. LOL

She got the curse of ALL the men's heart she broke. He mistreated her, beat her or at least bit her, and they were divorced in one year. But at least she had her brilliant daughter Ada. Shown in the cover book
Lord Byron was chased from England by mobs after the tabloids said he impregnated his sister.
Being immersed is an understatement. :chrisfreshhah:

I am soaked and baked in it. Part and Parcel. loool
I dont doubt you lol, you are so immersed you have started to connect introversion to an indoor sedentary activity like letter writting, it seems plausible too, that is some crazy search refining technique.

The common mistakes they do is --say this letter was written by so and so- which is false- it was written by another. I could tell the difference because of my memory and second i know the voice of a human if i read what they wrote. (That is why some clever character in Somali spot uses the account of her mod friends to make post to escape my notice. I see you huuno)
It never ceases to surprise me how perceptive women can be, in ways men can never hope to be. Its why I will think twice trying to bullshit my mother. You have honed your god given abilities though, and must also have a good memory as well.

I had no idea that was that Ada Lovelace, small world wallahi, she has a whole programming language named after her, ADA, not to mention a bunch of other things. Her mothers tom boyish ways paid off then, she made up for the deficit that was her former husband.

Wallahi, Its a pleasure to see another Somali take so much joy in something simple as simple as old letters. It makes me want to pick up the book myself, just to see.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I dont doubt you lol, you are so immersed you have started to connect introversion to an indoor sedentary activity like letter writting, it seems plausible too, that is some crazy search refining technique.

It never ceases to surprise me how perceptive women can be, in ways men can never hope to be. Its why I will think twice trying to bullshit my mother. You have honed your god given abilities though, and must also have a good memory as well.

I had no idea that was that Ada Lovelace, small world wallahi, she has a whole programming language named after her, ADA, not to mention a bunch of other things. Her mothers tom boyish ways paid off then, she made up for the deficit that was her former husband.

Wallahi, Its a pleasure to see another Somali take so much joy in something simple as simple as old letters. It makes me want to pick up the book myself, just to see.

Yes. Thank you for noticing it. My immersion of the 18th century aristocratic circle is real. lol What i like about them is how organized they were as a society. There is grading of high to low aristocracy. Then u must have a house with a name like House of Spencer or House Devonshire. Then- the older first son inherits the wealth and the younger son have to fend for themselves in church or military. Can u imagine that uniformity of purpose?

Yep i am enjoying the book so far. You should read it. Its fun. Right now i am where Annabella is being courted by the lunny Lord byron. As i read i begin to like her walaahi. It surprises me. She was extremely innocent, but extremely naive too. Her top quality in a man was to find a husband who is kind to poor people and is never mean to anyone. (she became famous for her philanthropy) She rejected lord byron first proposal as she did others before- but her devious aunt who is close to Byron convince her. What cruel woman Lady M was. lol This is a story of an innocent girl who is from a country and marries a worldly top-rated poet who is a monster. Good meeting evil and then good traumatized and woke. I would compare it to the slavery of America- innocent Africans taken to America and meeting the extreme evil of the world.

I have not reached the Ada part of course- but yeah she was brilliant. Fun fact. Both her and her father died at age 36. I don't think that is coincident. She was the incarnation of her dad, brilliant and made big changes in the world.