Black Twitter Has Snapped!

The entire thread was just madows rubbing each other's guuses about how inferior camel herders are to their chad f*ck anything on sight culture kkkk. The only Xalimo i saw that replied to his tweet was defending Al Sumal.
No I meant earlier.. When these same adoons were writing the OnlY tHinG wRonG wiTh Somali community is Somali men.. Or wE aRe tAkinG aLl yOuR kwuEens.
He ain’t lie:francis:

What is it with UK Somalis and pretend superiority complex over other Africans? That’s weird and disgusting. We don’t have this problem in North America at all. We don’t pick and bully others to make ourselves feel better about our circumstances. Y’all a bunch of low live weirdos out here embarrassing all Somali uff, you’ve got to do better.

Oh shut up. Somalis are proud people and they have every right to be. I am sorry that we are not as insecure as them.


Without Al Sumal Waaqists, the cadaans would not get de cinnamon and spice trade from the hindus since the Al Sumal acted as de middle man.

Without Hindu spice and cinnamon, de Portuguese would not go searching westward in search of India.

The cadaans would not have discovered de America's.

So no AA's, no Jamacians, no Caribbeans, no Canada, no USA, no admixed Latinos without Al Sumal. :eek:

We were Muslim at that point tho, when the portuguese went west


Slavery broke them lmao. You don't see recent African immigrants chimping out like them

No lineage, culture, language or their own names.

Like clowns all they aspire in life is to be entertainment to their masters as rappers or athletes.

Finished people, they can never break away from slavery.


The funny thing is that account is always going back and forth with black women that attack black men so there are issues between black men and black woman on social media just like Somalis. I see so many tweets of black women dissing black men and some of them get like 100k likes. Imagine a xalimo getting over 100k likes dissing Somali men? I haven't seen that yet. It's the African American equivalent to those Somali nationalist account.


If colonial collaborator could be personified it'd be in the form of a Habesha

West Africans all look up to Habeshas, they refer to the battle of Adwa during the Italian-Ethio war when the Ethiopians repelled Italian invasion and say Ethiopia is the only African country that wasn't colonized (not true, Eritrea when colonized lol).

That's why during independence they all appropriated the Abyssinian Empire flag (Green, Yellow, Red) into their newly independent countries' flags.

But the Madows ignore the part when the Emperor Menelik II said “I am not a Negro at all; I am a Caucasian.”

The Semite loathed them.
The funny thing is that account is always going back and forth with black women that attack black men so there are issues between black men and black woman on social media just like Somalis. I see so many tweets of black women dissing black men and some of them get like 100k likes. Imagine a xalimo getting over 100k likes dissing Somali men? I haven't seen that yet. It's the African American equivalent to those Somali nationalist account.

their gender wars make Somalis look like child play. For us it’s teens and early 20s. For them it’s grown people with kids and grandkids lol. Because Somalis are such small and tight we think our beefs are big. But in the real world they make no impact


Dsavv is a fucking muppet
AAs are the lowest of the low with no culture or identity or their own language. We have a home country we can go back to they just know they came from somewhere in West Africa and are forced to live in their white slave masters country
AAs are the lowest of the low with no culture or identity or their own language. We have a home country we can go back to they just know they came from somewhere in West Africa and are forced to live in their white slave masters country
why are u hating them so much