Black women gets a reality check on twitter

I think it’s a little obvious from the tweet that she isn’t trying to force white men to like black women. She’s talking about it in the context of Loveisland, they could bring in guys that have diverse tastes and I agree. There is no point having black men/women if everyone there only go after a particular type.

That guy is probably a disgruntled incel. Talk about twisting a tweet. Also, black men are much more likely to be obsessed with having white partners than black women. So some of those comments are laughable.
ive noticed you think incels are everywhere, I'm not sure you know what the word means, this guy is at best a racist not an intel
He is a hero. He puts on the white man's suit to tell Blacks to keep to themselves. You got to respect it.
You don't understand Negro pathology if you think this...notice he is specifying BW. Madow men have a very weird pathological obsession with hating their women but are delusional about their own appeal. Maybe bc their fathers abandon them and they get coddled so much; they blame black women for everything. I'm sure this guy fetishizes nonblack women and thinks they all want black men too. Sad!
They really think white men are attracted to them
Also shes acc right, I live in London, and most people in London could care less about race
i only found out that race was an issue when I went on the internet
when I grew up noone cared about race politics. If you like a girl you like her
Most white people in London would be open to dating a black girl anyway, so love Islam clearly pick guys from a certain background and they pick ugly black girls, they only ever have 1 black girl on their so she is representing the whole squad
ive noticed you think incels are everywhere, I'm not sure you know what the word means, this guy is at best a racist not an intel
Its just a stupid buzzword now
As the wise man yusuf ali abul rashid said
I believe the word “incel” has lost all meaning on this website. It’s being thrown around left and right, for the smallest of reasons. So i’ve taken it upon myself to remind you all of what an incel truly is. How? you might ask, it’s simple, i will roam the deep web and find men that encapsulate the essence of “incelnimo” and invite them to Sspot to preach their dogma and beliefs. Your welcome.
The vast majority of the world’s population actually prefer their own.
Well, thats debatable, they are only exposed to their own throughout childhood, place them in a multicultural country they will not have a preference for only their own girls. In fact with television and internet, all movies are showing women of different backgrounds, so you will find men from remote areas with no other women who would be attracted to and interested in a girl they saw online.
Anyway my point is, people don't prefer their own for any real reason except cultural reasons.
If you grow up in London, people don't care, I know so many white people who like black girls and ethnic girls and vice versa, people don't prefer their own race when they are raised amognst other races.
all i want is me a japanese muslimah sister. i want high iq genes passed to my child inshaAllah

jk jk dont get triggered guys plz
If you did though neither your child will be accepted by the somali or the Japanese community that kid will be riddled with an identity crisis, but how somali genes work I highly doubt it's going to even look somali I saw a Chinese tiktoker whose father was somali and I swear you, couldn't see ounce of somali in her but hey if you want your kid to not resemble you and be ostracized by two of the most homogeneous ethnic group then go ahead .
Well, thats debatable, they are only exposed to their own throughout childhood, place them in a multicultural country they will not have a preference for only their own girls. In fact with television and internet, all movies are showing women of different backgrounds, so you will find men from remote areas with no other women who would be attracted to and interested in a girl they saw online.
Anyway my point is, people don't prefer their own for any real reason except cultural reasons.
If you grow up in London, people don't care, I know so many white people who like black girls and ethnic girls and vice versa, people don't prefer their own race when they are raised amognst other races.
Beauty is subjective, but for me it boils down to culture. I live in a multicultural place where I interact with many different people and have befriended some. In general, regardless of gender, I love people who have a strong grasp of their culture. This is a tangent videos, but when I see these videos of men or women who are in interracial marriages who always bash their own people and I feel like that is coming from self hate, because truth be told, if they didn't hate themselves you wouldn't see them marrying out of their own. To get back to what I was saying when I was younger, I always understood that I was going to settle with a somali women Irregardless of how outward beautiful that person was and how much I loved them. When it comes to interracial marriages, there are a lot major tradeoffs and its not has rose as you make it seem to be. Marriage is challenging venture In and of itself there are many factors that are in play that makes it difficult for you to have a great marriage, so why would I give myself the burden of dealing with in laws that may have a different culture and speak a different language than me . Besides that I want children to embrace somalinimo 100% that's not possible in an interracial marriage. To end here, I place my culture above any other, so if my beauty revolves around the perception of a culture in my mind, if someone truly loves who they are, they are not marry out their ethnic identity if they have one.
Here is study that shows there is more domestic violence in interracial marriage than in monoracial marriage


The years don't matter, the life in those years do
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I don't disagree, but cadaan media is insidious with the way they portray black Americans/British and the way they teach them to hate themselves. If positive representation of madows are in relationships in shows, their with cadaan people, as if their a step up. We all know what happened when madows became proud of themselves and were pro-black, i.e. 'Black is Beautiful', Malcolm X. I mean, an advisor of Richard Nixon admitted they purposefully created and fueled the drug problem in the community. I feel truly bad for them, they have been f***ed over by cadaans. Also, madows barely marry out, Asian women do the most. Stop talking about them the way cadaans talk about Muslims, as if some represent the whole, but then ya'll whine about misrepresentation. 99% chill nice people.
Proud Ride Or Die GIF by Tony Awards
Let’s be real when it comes to dating and marrige black women specifically the ones from west and central africa are the least desired and sought after
that guy is proven to be a black male incel whos larping as a white dude lmao

there is a black male incel group on twitter who bash black women all day and make fake white male accounts to bash them
You don't understand Negro pathology if you think this...notice he is specifying BW. Madow men have a very weird pathological obsession with hating their women but are delusional about their own appeal. Maybe bc their fathers abandon them and they get coddled so much; they blame black women for everything. I'm sure this guy fetishizes nonblack women and thinks they all want black men too. Sad!
the way black men have such a hatred for their women is disturbing wallahi

the black woman made a joking sarcastic tweet and a black man made a fake account larping as a white dude just to hate

i saw a black man on twitter the other day joking about black women dying and said dark women needed to die

something is off with african american men specifically. im glad im somali so i dont deal with that culture
I honestly feel bad for black women. Their own men don't desire them, disrespect them in public and put them through so much shit. They're embarrassed by outsiders too. Allhamdullah, i'm somali
the weird thing is black men bash them all day but if a black woman dates out they call her a bedwench and a white mans wh0re

look at what happened to serena williams. black men called her manly and ugly all the time and when she married a white dude i remember them going crazy on twitter in anger back in 2017


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Wrong. Asians date and marry out more than Madows.

I don't know why anyone pays attention to self-haters and coons with low ethnic/racial self-esteem. Or even belligerent people with little to do than denigrate people who make divergent choices online. I don't, nor have I talked to or contemplated someone outside my ethnic community. I understand that people have choices, and it's not my place to impose or hurt someone for being different or selecting someone I would not. If someone dates or marries out and is normal, they don't harp about their mother or sister(s) or father or brother(s). They choose to live a peaceful and private life. The only ones screaming loudly are maladjusted, disgruntled and hurt. Sadly, people often pay attention to loud minorities.​
who always bash their own people
umm, thats a comletely different situation, most interracial people never hate on their own, thas an internet thing
, because truth be told, if they didn't hate themselves you wouldn't see them marrying out of their own
wrong, you marrying out of your race doesn't mean you hate your own
if someone truly loves who they are, they are not marry out their ethnic identity if they have one.
Here is study that shows there is more domestic violence in interracial marriage than in monoracial marriage
You can't use a study to prove your point, the study has limited data, restricted to a specific area, and also limited to certain demographics of people

Just because you don't like interracial marriage doesn't mean it is bad, your trying to create a problem with something their is no problem in.
Marriage is challenging venture In and of itself there are many factors that are in play that makes it difficult for you to have a great marriage, so why would I give myself the burden of dealing with in laws that may have a different culture and speak a different language than me . Besides that I want children to embrace somalinimo 100% that's not possible in an interracial marriage.
Not all in-laws are dificult to deal with, some of them speak english,
Also in the real world noone cares what race their kids are going to be


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