Black Youtubers discuss Somali racial identity issues

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I understand where you coming from, but to white people we are just black, most black people would tell me I am not black right way but my mom is dhuxul while my dad is light skin, that doesn't make me a Arab or any others race, I am black as it gets and also most Somalis are 85% are dark skin, there is no need for us to claim and start a new race, we are black and we should stop this identity crisis and be proud of it.
Proud of what? Truth is there's nothing to be proud of. It's an empty label, doesn't carry any meaning. And to both ajnabi and white people in specific I'm ambiguous.
There is a interesting book on how powerful Black Slaves where in the Moroccan Empires IIRC its on my to read list

It's more complex actually because among north africans the children of a berber man are automatically berbers and free even if their mother is a black slave. That's why some half-black individual reached high-position in the moroccan society. For example the great sultan Mulay Ismail was half black. Also this same Sultan built an army of 150 000 black slaves ! They were called the Abid al Bukhari ( They were later defeated by berber and guich tribes because they started to gain too much power.

their descendents are still working for the moroccan monarchy btw :





Highly Respected
It's more complex actually because among north africans the children of a berber man are automatically berbers and free even if their mother is a black slave. That's why some half-black individual reached high-position in the moroccan society. For example the great sultan Mulay Ismail was half black. Also this same Sultan built an army of 150 000 black slaves ! They were called the Abid al Bukhari ( They were later defeated by berber and guich tribes because they started to gain too much power.

their descendents are still working for the moroccan monarchy btw :

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Yeah very interesting. The Black Guards where similar to the Janissaries (Ottoman), Ghulam corps (Safavid) and Mamluks (Egypt), lack of tribal connections making them more loyal to the Monarch which means their throne is more secure. It was very common all over the Muslim World because while tribal militaries can bring you to power they are not trustworthy and are prone to betray you.
For sure, the only reason why I’m not acting like the other “we aren’t black” is because I know white police officers and other racists will see me as one of them. By denying it won’t stop them from being racist. Which is why I choose to stand with black people 8 times out of 10 because I know we’re treated the same and have the same struggles. No matter how many times these caucasianists call themselves caucasians, a white person will just call them a “Ni**er”


What is black? Race is mainly a social construct. Genetically, culturally and ethnically Africa is the most diverse continent in the world.
Black is a social construct just like brown. An arab from yemen is considered brown just like an indian and we all know that Indians and arabs aren't the same. A somali and yorba are even more different than an Arab and a south Indian.
Having said this we are black, we have dark skin and the fact most of us have different features doesn't change the fact we are black and perceived as such. Many somali looking somalis could easily pass as african Americans because whites don't really see much difference, at most they consider us as "blacks with different features" but still blacks.
Yes we have our own somali identity, but we are Black Africans


Black people never built a civilization by themselves. Madow history is lowly naked hunter-gatherers.

I know the Igbo are the most successful community in the Sub-saharan African diaspora. So what?

I don't hate Madows, I don't love them either, we still aren't the same. No matter how much name calling you do, you aren't going to make the black race real, Somalis have nothing to do with Madows.
Nobody built civilisations without external influence. If northern europe didn't have influence form southern europe who was influenced by the middle east they would have been stuck in stone age.
Blacks in Mali had an impressive civilisation despite being more isolated from the rest of the world. Civilisation happens in places were people can exchange ideas
Anyway let's look at the present. Most if not all Bantu countries are better than somalia economically, politically and in every other aspect.
I love that we somalis are proud and feel inferior to nobody, but let's not be arrogant


Nobody built civilisations without external influence.
Not true, there were 6 instances of civilization independently coming to be.

If northern europe didn't have influence form southern europe who was influenced by the middle east they would have been stuck in stone age.
Yes, Europeans trace back their civilization origins to ancient Greece. However stopping there is disingenuous. Ancient Greek civilization has it's origins from the Minoan civilization, ancient Anatolia, the Levant (particular Phoenicia), ancient Egypt.

Blacks in Mali had an impressive civilisation despite being more isolated from the rest of the world.

Their civilization had influence from Egypt via the Sahara/sahel and the arab maghreb. They didn't build civilization by themselves. Lol their buildings were made from mud, that's not a great civilization. Even more isolated native Americans had buildings made from stone.

Civilisation happens in places were people can exchange ideas

Yes, the exchange along with the wide spread adaptation of agrarian of techniques/technology and metallurgy (hence the name of stone age, copper age, iron age, etc.) by a society

Anyway let's look at the present. Most if not all Bantu countries are better than somalia economically, politically and in every other aspect.
I love that we somalis are proud and feel inferior to nobody, but let's not be arrogant

When did I say Somalia is in better shape than those nations? I didn't claim Somalis created or had a civilization, because they didn't they were nomadic savages. Doesn't change the fact that Madows never built a civilization by themselves and it doesn't change the fact that we're not the same people at all.
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