Blessed news: I have reverted to somaliwaynism

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

Our birthright


I swear by He who holds my life in His hand I will do everything in my power to unite the Somali people into an indivisible hegemon.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Meeshada naga joog we don't need no more emotional cuqdad ridden al kebabs high off khat blowing them selves up into smithereens all for ictiraaf :ftw9nwa:

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
:drakekidding:It's just a niiko mirage. Your offspring will be hybrid bantu and eat cambuulo with fufu. Their names will be Abdi-Kwelu and Farhutu... ka fogow before you're completely infected. Symptoms include: swelling nose, nappified hair, red & yellow eyes :idontlike: war waraabe, joog baan ku idhi
Typical Idoor. They are probably running low on Khat, and want money. That's why they are embracing their Somaliness.

I rather they continue saying we are not Somalis.


Your superior
Typical Idoor. They are probably running low on Khat, and want money. That's why they are embracing their Somaliness.

I rather they continue saying we are not Somalis.

When a bantu looking hutu and half hindi arab cadcad minority call isaaq non somali is the day you know yomul qiyaama is coming. :damn:

Alcoholic khat addicts, true somali are Isaaq, dir darod
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