BLM Sweden

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
If you scroll down the comments of that video they think that they're all "Somalian".
This is the true definition to: biting the hand that feeds you.



Southie pride
BLM Vietnam

BLM Malaysia comprised entirely of Somali failed daqan celises


SLM. There is was Somali old man faced racism in Vietnam. When I look at him he looks more handsom then these fugly Vietnam. Racism is everywhere, even you can find inside Somali families.


BLM was started by black lesbians and white jews. They wanna bring that american victimization over to sweden.
Keep attacking the people who are the most tolerant to you and they will turn(Altl-right) on you. By the way, isn't Sweden the most tolerant white majority country?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Once we start talking about ancient Egyptian ancestry we'll know for sure :sheed:


I got boomer connections
To go to predominantly white native country begging and play the race card at the same time, countries like U.S, Canada, is understandable, but Sweden lol :pachah1: These people are something else.:drakelaugh:How the hell you end up in Sweden to begin with:russ:


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
What are you referring to?

The reactions you see here are comments one would expect on stormfront, a discussion forum for white supremacists. Insulting blacks and arabs is easy, I hardly see 10+ pages dissing cadaans.
The reactions you see here are comments one would expect on stormfront, a discussion forum for white supremacists. Insulting blacks and arabs is easy, I hardly see 10+ pages dissing cadaans.
I can't speak on the other 10+ threads on Arabs or Blacks as I'm not on here often. However, I do believe subjectively speaking, that Sweden is the most tolerant white majority country and complaining about white "racism" without evidence is wrong. If they want to show "solidarity" with other blacks/Africans in the U.S, then they can make videos or other forms of activism, but not by blocking streets like they did in London earlier today.

But, what do you mean by "insulting" in you definition or political view? Does it mean by people using the N word or is it to people who are objectively looking at situations that some Blacks/Africans are doing and criticizing them on it?


The reactions you see here are comments one would expect on stormfront, a discussion forum for white supremacists. Insulting blacks and arabs is easy, I hardly see 10+ pages dissing cadaans.

Black Lives Matter are a bunch of degenerates who cause problems wherever they go. This has nothing to do with anti-blackness, but anti-BLM.

By the way, their video on youtube got downvoted to hell. Just shows you what people in Sweden think of these degenerates.
Wtf are they even doing in Sweden?

The United States is a land of immigrants so no one can tell you "to go back home." Also, places like the UK, France, etc. are paying the price for their colonial adventures. Whereas, countries like Sweden are shooting themselves in the foot for no fucking reason.:meleshame:

Why are they bringing these animals to their country? They're ungrateful and uncivilized. They turned many districts of Sweden's largest cities such as Rinkeby and Rosengård into no-go zones. They literally don't contribute anything to Sweden. Contributing nothing and being a quiet, low-crime community would actually be tolerable. They can't even do that, rather, virtually all of them leech off of the government while engaging in crimes varying from petty theft to rape and murder. They're much worse than a burden. They're a pariah community.:meleshame:

Why can't they be like the Persian community in Sweden? They're educated, they work, take minimal benefits if any at all, serve in the police force and military, etc. Instead, they'd rather terrorize a country that gives them everything.:meleshame:

Rinkeby is a nice and friendly place.
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