Book recommendation thread

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tfw no habesha gf
@Canuck I almost picked 1984 over All Quit on the Western Front actually (Only 2 famous books I heard about I saw at my local library). Will add it to my list though

@nucleus @madamelioness lol I just reverse image searched the chart, and apparently it's a 4chan chart. Probably a joke


Citizen of Southwest State
Any Ayn Rand book should, by default, be in the shit tier. It wouldn't even be accurate to say that she's a mediocre author. She's quite simply, :trash:. :ohlord:




Aren't you American? Why read it in 19th century German. :pachah1:

I have read Marx' work and the guy was surprisingly foretelling for his age. Especially on the capitalist class and how income inequality will only rise without government oversight.
  • One flew over the cuckoo's nest
  • The alchemist
  • Gone girl (better than the movie)
  • The girl on the train
  • Middlesex (really strange book but i loved it)
  • Four agreements
I have ecclectic taste when it comes to books not sure if you'll find it enjoyable.

I second the alchemist
Let's have one of these threads. I'm not doing much this summer so I want to read some books before heading back to uni to read even more books. I have just borrowed 'All Quit on the Western Front' but want to know more MUST READ books.

nuruddin farah triology (maps, gifts, secrets) in that orders they are so beautiful that will make cry especially maps. His novel the maps just beautiful the language is poetic, full of symbols and Somali myths. First time I discovered his books was through Algerian writer (Ahlam Mosteghanemi his in her best seller novel) she introduced him to the Arab world. I felt so ashamed not to know great writer like him and since that time I follow Somali writers.


Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. It's uncanny and one of the weirdest, funniest books I've ever read. Actually, I listened to it on Audible. It's 55 hours long. So far, I've listened to it twice.

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