Boqorka Koombe Boqor Burhan welcomed in Mogadishu

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Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
mr loomaooyaan, I also live in Somalia.

i ain't laangaab to be confined in finite land like you.

waabeene laangaab baad tahay. reerkiina dhan hal gaadhi laba daaqadla ah baa qaada.

geri koombe, carab saalax and other endangered species la muran. i ain't gonna engage you laangaabyahoow.:trumpsmirk:
You seem to know my subclan of majeerteen and that proves that I’m more laandheer than you will ever be, Ogaden are irrelevant and will always be. Since when did ogadens get this confident to talk back to their masters :draketf:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
WRONG.! Didn’t the prophet pbh say that there will be no kings after his departure!
No the prophet muhammad has never said such thing besides prophet muhammad pbuh was never a king that title of a king and a prophet is held by prophet da’ud and his son prophet solomon peace be upon them they both were kings and prophets the most sublime blessed them with boqortooyo And more importantly prophethood.
No the prophet muhammad has never said such thing besides prophet muhammad pbuh was never a king that title of a king and a prophet is held by prophet da’ud and his son prophet solomon peace be upon them they both were kings and prophets the most sublime blessed them with boqortooyo And more importantly prophethood.

The prophet pbh he chose not to be a king. He had the option.l but he said I want to be a humble slave of Allah!


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The prophet pbh he chose not to be a king. He had the option.l but he said I want to be a humble slave of Allah!
Prophet muhammad had no choice he is merely a slave it is only by Allah will that you become a prophet, king or a leader it was Allah will that trump became president of the united states nothing happens without the will of Allah
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