Boqortooyo greatness

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But imagine when people recognise you because your famous brands :obama:



Make Hobyo Great Again
I am genetically more Harti than you who probably has Hawiye and Marehan in your bloodline.
What's wrong with having Hawiye and Marehan in your bloodline? I get to be MJ and claim their history at the same time.

My favorite rivalries

@Teeri-Alpha vs @Sheikh

Cognjtive and @embarassing

Cognitive and @AarLibaax

@Shaolin23 and Cognitive

@Lordilord and Cognitive


we are not rivals, i aint got anything against our mareahn cousins, and once kismayo issue is sorted we will sit back and sip tea,

marehan are actually a decent people to deal with in politics and marry from unlike many other so called daroods that are actually gun, we just need to turn the clock back to pre 1991 when we used to be allies for centuries,

marehan are like the British, if you make peace and have understand with them waa noble people, they work with you, but there are some tribes that are like snaky Russians .Chinese that will always be scheming behind your back whilst they smile at you,

marehan from gedo waa calm people, marehan galti waa bit aggresive, so God created Ogaden galti to deal with them
Majeerteen are destined for greatness. Our political savvyness is unmatched.

i hope yall get out of this shyt hole called fake somalia, create tyour own nation,

i want puntland to go its own way, jubbaland same and let marehan and haiye burn each toher in the centre killing weach other day and night with eley as the docile fool always tricked by various groups,

let Ogaden focus on his 3 kingdoms, xamar has held us back by 30 years, how much fucking longer will we be held back, i am tired of being a refugee in the west, i want to go back to a safe country but not whilst that so called country is shared with whotuushuuutus and eley and crazy hutusissed marehans


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
i hope yall get out of this shyt hole called fake somalia, create tyour own nation,

i want puntland to go its own way, jubbaland same and let marehan and haiye burn each toher in the centre killing weach other day and night with eley as the docile fool always tricked by various groups,

let Ogaden focus on his 3 kingdoms, xamar has held us back by 30 years, how much fucking longer will we be held back, i am tired of being a refugee in the west, i want to go back to a safe country but not whilst that so called country is shared with whotuushuuutus and eley and crazy ****sissed marehans

Fam Marehan's kingdom is our native mammul Jubaland. You cagdheers places is DDS and NFD.
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