Bosaso Developments


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
It's a shame that Bantus are doing mechanic work and natives run away from doing these jobs. I am fed up with the ignorant attitude towards work.
My aunt and I were rofling about this a while back. Somalis have the same mentality as Jazeerans when it comes to jobs like construction, mechanic work and carpentry but none of the oil money to justify such kibir. Stop calling it Midgo work and pick up the hammer, nacaasyahow.
My aunt and I were rofling about this a while back. Somalis have the same mentality as Jazeerans when it comes to jobs like construction, mechanic work and carpentry but none of the oil money to justify such kibir.

People from South and Central Somalia go to Puntland to find work, even from Somaliland. There are waitressing jobs, mechanic/plumbing/cleaning etc, etc, but locals don't want to touch those jobs. Even more shocking is that they even bring in Asians to do this work.

Puntland needs a leader that makes everyone do voluntary manual work by law, I think if people were made to clean and maintain their streets and public buildings, they'd drop the kibir.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
People from South and Central Somalia go to Puntland to find work, even from Somaliland. There are waitressing jobs, mechanic/plumbing/cleaning etc, etc, but locals don't want to touch those jobs. Even more shocking is that they even bring in Asians to do this work.

Puntland needs a leader that makes everyone do voluntary manual work by law, I think if people were made to clean and maintain their streets and public buildings, they'd drop the kibir.
We must. I am scared for our people. I am not xenophobic but I don't want Somalia to turn into the Khaleej where it someday owes most of its prosperity and industry to the hardwork of an ajanabi underclass and where we are a minority in our own lands. Geeljires must learn to become the purveyors of their own industry. Everything from a factory worker to a waiter to a taxi driver to a plumber to a doctor to a white collar jockey to a CEO must be 90% indigenous and of all the clan backgrounds. We must build our nation with our own hands, not on the backs of former slaves, lower castes and ajanabis and sit around with idiotic kibir in a country we'd never be able to run on our own if such peoples forsook us.
We must. I am scared for our people. I am not xenophobic but I don't want Somalia to turn into the Khaleej where it someday owes most of its prosperity and industry to the hardwork of an ajanabi underclass and where we are a minority in our own lands. Geeljires must learn to become the purveyors of their own industry. Everything from a factory worker to a waiter to a taxi driver to a plumber to a doctor to a white collar jockey to a CEO must be 90% indigenous and of all the clan backgrounds. We must build our nation with our own hands, not on the backs of former slaves, lower castes and ajanabis and sit around with idiotic kibir in a country we'd never be able to run on our own if such peoples forsook us.

Even if these mechanic jobs were held by our native traditional metal workers, that would be far better for us because it means they are locals who invest back into Puntland.
Southerners (D&M, Bantu etc) send their money back home and use it to build houses back home.

1. I think Puntland's Government needs to speak to the diaspora and tell them to stop sending money unless it's for disabled people and for educational purposes. Also, they should make more economic development plans open for diaspora investment like with Garacad Port. That's where diaspora money should go; into investment projects, not remittances for able bodied people who have kibir.

2. We need economic studies done to assess which courses should be available locally, how many students should study Vocational Courses and how many jobs available. How many students should study medicine etc, etc. I hate to say it, but we shouldn't allow everyone to study everything.

Switzerland has a great Education model called the VET Model
The Swiss federally recognized vocational education and training model is a dual-educationor dual track VET – system which combines part-time classroom instructions (usually one to two days a week) with part-time paid workplace training or apprenticeship at a host company (usually three to four days a week). The vocational training courses last two to four years and forms the basis for lifelong learning.


@Pwyneth Galtrow It's time to retire in Bayla

Taariikhda Degmada Bender Beyla​



Degmada Bender-Beyla wuxuu soo degitaankeedu bilowdey xili haatan laga joogo 400 oo sanno, waxeyna magaaladdu aheyd meel xeeb ah oo dad ajnabi ah oo Yamaniyiin iyo Cumaaniyiin kaluumeysato ahi degenaayeen, waxase dhanka soomaalida degitaan ugu horeeyey nin la oran jirey Cabdi Yuusuf.


Xilligii Boqor Cismaan oo ku aadan dabayaaqadii qarnigii 19-aad iyo horaantii qarnigii 20-aad waxa degmadda B/beyla Duq Magaalo u ahaa Samantar Cabdi oo ahaa nin dulqaad badan, guddoon adag isla markaana diinta islaamka aqoon fiican u lahaa.

Xilliga deyrta oo dabeyshu tahay Mansoon koonfureed ayay doonyuhu u dhoofi jireen suuqyadda sawaaxilka ee Mombassa iyo Zinzibaar waxeeyna sii mari jireen Hobyo, Muqdisho, Baraawe iyo Kismaayo, waxeeyna ka soo iibsan jireen Galeyda, Caleenta Shaaha, Bunka Qaxwaha IWM. Sidaasoo kale bey doonyuhu xilliga Gu’ga waxeey u dhoofi jireen Ardul-Carab, Hindiya iyo Iiraan iyadoo safaradaasi muddo qaadan jireen waxeyna dhoofin jireen Caw, Dermooyin,Subag, Hargo, Libaax baddeed, Dhego Libaax, Saafan, Taraaqad IWM, waxeeyna keeni jireen Cuntooyin, Timir, Galey, Dhar IWM.



@Pwyneth Galtrow GM moryankooda iyo sheikhooda live together, these guys don't have prisons, all they're criminal elements live freely among them. No rule of law these ppl. That's why PL demanded they hand over they're criminals, they have no rule of law or justice system in they're lands.


@Pwyneth Galtrow when shit happens between PL n DDSI or SL, we demand those areas put to justice they're criminals who harmed puntite and vice versa we do the same here, but in GM it's different, they're is no courts-prisons-legal system, all their criminals and sheikhs live together freely, it's truly a jungle. That's why u need to demand they hand over they're criminals so you can execute justice.


@Pwyneth Galtrow PL should adopt Australia student n trade apprenticeship program. When a student is not performing well at school and he is 16, they don't force them to continue studying but put them into technical trade program. We should teach them plumbing, electricity, bricklaying, landscaping, concreting, gardening and other important skills needed in the market place.

