Breakin Pres HSM to name wasiir Doodishe as Kenyan ambassador

You were asked directly by biden and you told him you are Saleebaan, who are you kidding.

What happened to the Saleebaan members, this nigga is Sacad iska qabta he is major troll. :ftw9nwa:

First of all, post me a proof I said what your stating and 2nd of all Salebaan and Sacad are literally brothers waliba isku Hooyo, so does it matter really if one brother acts for his other brother?


I’m not for or against Madoobe. I don’t mind the guy more than most tbh.

But HSM is keeping his cards close to his chest. He doesn’t want elections yet to improve his influence over JL next year when ATMIS leave and he can launch a successful military op there.
As long as Madoobe has his loyal Darawiish, Kenyan backing, and UAE support, no one can touch him


Farmajo displayed how Kismayo is impenetrable. HSM has effectively written Madoobe a blank check.

I wish the guy was interested in federal politics just so I could see the rollercoaster :lolbron:
What these jileec Abgaals and even MX don't understand is that Madoobe is Nuur Caburiye, Rer Cabdille are gumeystayaal when in power and fulay otherwise. and yes they work with Gaalo iyo Yahuud to enslave Somalis maxaa ka galay Somalis ma ayaga dhalay.

Even in DDS all Rer Cabdille former presidents don't just leave the seat, they rot in jail.

Boqortooyo doesn't give a shit about democracy.

Respect to Rer Cabdille, Farmaajo wu idin fahmay he knew as long Kenya is backing Madoobe and MX are divided, Madoobe ain't losing no sleep. So what did Farmaajo do, he attempted to unite MX a massive clan you can't unite easily, and he gunned for Kenya politicially, economically etc.

HSM isn't capable of doing either, he will try weak attempts and send MX boys to die to Kenyan Madfac at most like he did last time.


What these jileec Abgaals and even MX don't understand is that Madoobe is Nuur Caburiye, Rer Cabdille are gumeystayaal when in power and fulay otherwise. and yes they work with Gaalo iyo Yahuud to enslave Somalis maxaa ka galay Somalis ma ayaga dhalay.

Even in DDS all Rer Cabdille former presidents don't just leave the seat, they rot in jail.

Boqortooyo doesn't give a shit about democracy.

Respect to Rer Cabdille, Farmaajo wu idin fahmay he knew as long Kenya is backing Madoobe and MX are divided, Madoobe ain't losing no sleep. So what did Farmaajo do, he attempted to unite MX a massive clan you can't unite easily, and he gunned for Kenya politicially, economically etc.

HSM isn't capable of doing either, he will try weak attempts and send MX boys to die to Kenyan Madfac at most like he did last time.
Habar dhali wayday aleelo ku waalatay


As long as Madoobe has his loyal Darawiish, Kenyan backing, and UAE support, no one can touch him
Kenya waa laga furtay that’s what I last heard. HSM is very close to Ruto and Ruto needs HSM because of the khat industry. UAE we’ll see if they back him over HSM when it comes to it. Currently UAE has been asked by HSM to dump Deni and there’s high level discussions on this through Mahad Salad who’s their most trusted Xamar partner while Deni is their most trusted partner in Somalia in general. If they are willing to dump Deni, then Madoobe will not be a question.

Darawiish operate in Kismayo. Idea is if HSM takes Buale then he can decide the politics of JL.


Kenya waa laga furtay that’s what I last heard. HSM is very close to Ruto and Ruto needs HSM because of the khat industry. UAE we’ll see if they back him over HSM when it comes to it. Currently UAE has been asked by HSM to dump Deni and there’s high level discussions on this through Mahad Salad who’s their most trusted Xamar partner while Deni is their most trusted partner in Somalia in general. If they are willing to dump Deni, then Madoobe will not be a question.

Darawiish operate in Kismayo. Idea is if HSM takes Buale then he can decide the politics of JL.
As long as Ogaden politicians have influence in Kenya, Madoobe is untouchable (unless they turn against him). With Duale being Ruto’s right hand man, I highly doubt HSM has a chance.

The UAE no one really knows what these Arabs want so hard to speculate.

Madoobe has the resources to free Bu’aale, Badhaadhe, Xagar etc, it’s just an issue of political will. A Hawiye offensive from Baraawe is just the impetus we need to force his hand


As long as Ogaden politicians have influence in Kenya, Madoobe is untouchable (unless they turn against him). With Duale being Ruto’s right hand man, I highly doubt HSM has a chance.

The UAE no one really knows what these Arabs want so hard to speculate.

Madoobe has the resources to free Bu’aale, Badhaadhe, Xagar etc, it’s just an issue of political will. A Hawiye offensive from Baraawe is just the impetus we need to force his hand
Kenya is the last issue for HSM. Ruto agreed a long time back to reduce support to Madoobe. UAE is the only issue as they provide financial backing to both PL and JL darawish.

Ruto needs HSM more than the other way round. Especially after we join the EAC.

UAE doesn’t fully trust HSM as he’s also carrying a lot of Qatar backed politicians with him but Mahad Salad is working on this. We’ll see :manny:


What these jileec Abgaals and even MX don't understand is that Madoobe is Nuur Caburiye, Rer Cabdille are gumeystayaal when in power and fulay otherwise. and yes they work with Gaalo iyo Yahuud to enslave Somalis maxaa ka galay Somalis ma ayaga dhalay.

Even in DDS all Rer Cabdille former presidents don't just leave the seat, they rot in jail.

Boqortooyo doesn't give a shit about democracy.

Respect to Rer Cabdille, Farmaajo wu idin fahmay he knew as long Kenya is backing Madoobe and MX are divided, Madoobe ain't losing no sleep. So what did Farmaajo do, he attempted to unite MX a massive clan you can't unite easily, and he gunned for Kenya politicially, economically etc.

HSM isn't capable of doing either, he will try weak attempts and send MX boys to die to Kenyan Madfac at most like he did last time.
Kenya is a cope used by all failed aggressors in JL. They only fought AS and did so unsuccessfully.

MX galvanizing the Ogaden was what caused their failure from the jump. We hold the capital and revenue of JL its like Gadabursi uniting against Isaaq to become president of SL. They have to use the Dir brand and avoid hunguri/mooriyaan depictions at any means to be president.
As long as Ogaden politicians have influence in Kenya, Madoobe is untouchable (unless they turn against him). With Duale being Ruto’s right hand man, I highly doubt HSM has a chance.

The UAE no one really knows what these Arabs want so hard to speculate.

Madoobe has the resources to free Bu’aale, Badhaadhe, Xagar etc, it’s just an issue of political will. A Hawiye offensive from Baraawe is just the impetus we need to force his hand
UAE only needs to retain as many pieces as possible their biggest fear is getting iced out like during Farmajos era.

Hawiye have nothing in Kenya or to do with Kenya. Hawiyes only chips on the table is waiting for some of this legislation to pass which wont even be actionable for years to come if at all.