Breaking: AS attack Liyuu Boolis and capture Yeed and Aato, Bakool.

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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
There were 2 Al-Shabab forces that attacked. The ones in Yeed were defeated and they’ve retreated to Rabdhure where they buried their dead. The other force entered the region and were spotted near Sifiin where liyu forces are now engaging in a battle.
Your article says they have already advanced towards Huraal a village outside Godey. What happened to ENDF? Why is Abby ignoring
Xildhibaan Mursal from Bakool sare region warned us a year ago about the injustice placed on his own region by the Federal government and regional state Koonfur Galbeed.
The Somali National army stationed in the 4 districts of Bakool sare do not have the adequate equipment nor logistical support to defend themselves properly.

Absame natives of Bakool region are now starting to wake up about the political Marginalization happening in Bakool.
Puppet Laftagareen nor his southwest state house page did not send condolences nor support to the region 👇🏾




Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)

Daawo: Al-Shabaab oo guul weyn ka sheegtay dagaalkii Liyuu Boolis soona bandhigay Sawirro​

Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Kooxda Al-Shabaab ayaa markii u horeysay ka hadashay weerarkii ay ku qaaday degmooyinka Yeed iyo Caato ee dhaca xaduudka Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya, kaasi oo guul weyn ay ka sheegatay.

Warbaahinta Al-Shabaab ayaa goordhoweyd faafiyey sawirada weeraradaas oo ay sheegtay inay dagaal-yahaanadooda xasuuq ba’an ku gaarsiiyeen ciidamada Liyuu Booliska ee ku sugna xeryaha ciidamada ee deegaanadaas.

Sidoo kale waxay sheegeen in weeraradaas ay ku dileen in ka badan 87 askari oo Itoobiyaan ah, ayna sidoo kale ku soo furteen hub, gaadiid iyo saanado ciidan.

“Ciidamadeenu waxay dul tageen meydadka ugu yaraan 87 askari oo kamid ahaa maleeshiyaatka lagu xasuuqay weeraradii lagu qaaday xeryaha Yeed iyo Aato, waxaana suuragal ah in khasaaruhu sii kordho,” ayuu yiri sarkaal u hadlay Al-Shabaab oo u waramay warbaahintooda.

Sidoo kale waxay soo bandhigeen maxaabiis ay nolosha kusoo qabteen, intii ay dagaaladu socdeen, sida ay sheegteen.

Inkasta oo deegaanada uu dagaalku ka dhacay yihiin dhul Soomaaliyeed oo ka tirsan deegaanada gobolka Bakool ee maamulka Koonfur Galbeed ayaa hadana waxaa ku sugan ciidamo ka amar qaata dowlad deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya.

Waa magaalooyin istaraatiiji ah oo ku teedsan xuduuda Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya.

AS capture a Liyuu Boolis prisoner




9 pages and I still don't know what happened. Who is impartial in this ignored part of Somalia?
Alshabab attacked unprepared Liyuu forces in Yeed, Ceelbarde and Caato in Bakool. Heavy casualties on both sides but it's been reported that Liyuu got overran yesterday but have been reinforced this morning(East africa time) by forces from Godey which houses the second biggest liyu forces and liyu control the aforementioned districts in bakool now. I expect things to clear up within the next week. Liyuu are too strong but they got caught slacking this time and sometimes wars are won on tactics.
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Local native of Afdheer region has reported this news. Looks like liyu Boolis are handling the situation very well and now gained control of the districts and have the upper hand. Once this cools down I hope they prepare for a major revenge operation against al qushaash.

7 years ago liyu Boolis danced on the dead bodies of Alshabab. We are waiting for another Dhaanto session to take place in’sha’allah



Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
They cant stop now-Not only bakool but Gedo aswell-Our excuse is we are chasing shabaab-Permanent bases fortfied and well equiped in somalia is the solution.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
They cant stop now-Not only bakool but Gedo aswell-Our excuse is we are chasing shabaab-Permanent bases fortfied and well equiped in somalia is the solution.
What does this have to do with the topic? Gedo is not involved.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Liyuu Boolis have been dragged accordin to Arab the fighters are being supported by Egypt! Itoobiya badbaadi!



Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Soldiers in bases in areas of strong presence of xarakat kebab need to be always be on high alert. This is what these terrorists love to do, attack bases.
They used to own these bases-ileey took it from them-But they got what they wanted-Come in hard do damage take pics and leave- All about the social media probagandha-But you are right,cant just hd the base you need to also be mobile and always on the offensive.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)

AS have setup bases in Itoobiya as they expand in DDS. Itoobiya truly is a failed state now.
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