Breaking: AS leader says they will take action on nyone who pays 5% Sales Tax in Mogsdishu

AS has no power in this situation considering how heavily intertwined they are with telecom companies. How could they threaten "islamic legal action" against their biggest tax payers? This looks like a cheap attempt at piggy backing on the grievances of reer xamar businessmen in an attempt to garner popular support there.
AS has proven itself to be the actual governing body in the capital and south of the country where the paper govt of Xamar is protected by foreign forces and doesn't have complete control on the security of the capital city and they have the audacity to talk about us :susp:


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
AS has no power in this situation considering how heavily intertwined they are with telecom companies. How could they threaten "islamic legal action" against their biggest tax payers? This looks like a cheap attempt at piggy backing on the grievances of reer xamar businessmen in an attempt to garner popular support there.

AS are running a multiyear budget surplus. They collect $100 million a year from road checkpoints (isbaaroos) alone. Alshabab don't care how large your business is. If you don't pay the taxes assessed they will destroy you and your business. A new telecom will take your place and they will be obedient.

I think that many people want to tell themselves nice stories about Alshabab being reasonable. AS is a highly ideological organization full of true believers. Money to them is a tool. Their goal is to destroy the FGS and take over Somalia. Making a few hundred million is to them no big deal.


Internet Nomad

Im all for somaiiweyn but until that can be done cut us loose we don’t want to share problems with you niggas maybe in the future we can ally to take al-shabab out.
AS are running a multiyear budget surplus. They collect $100 million a year from road checkpoints (isbaaroos) alone. Alshabab don't care how large your business is. If you don't pay the taxes assessed they will destroy you and your business. A new telecom will take your place and they will be obedient.

I think that many people want to tell themselves nice stories about Alshabab being reasonable. AS is a highly ideological organization full of true believers. Money to them is a tool. Their goal is to destroy the FGS and take over Somalia. Making a few hundred million is to them no big deal.

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