BREAKING! Both The Bloc Québécois & NDP Say They Won't Help Conservatives Topple Justin Trudeau's Minority Government!


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
@Yami why do you niggas hate trudueaa
Quality of life went down with him in power. Everything from currency to housing and the job market.

Currency & housing were already pre existing problems that he just made worse lakiin the current job market is mostly his fault.

Young people 15 - 25 can't find jobs because the millions of immigrants & international students he brought over took those jobs.

Conbine this with the ass housing market with sky high rent & now international students are working 2 jobs to afford a place to live, screwing over even more young Canadians.

Older people hate Trudeau because their relatives can't find jobs & afford to live outside hooyo's house.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member

Hehe. The leftist coalition are now trying to fist fight. I don't think they will give up power when they lose. I think they'll create a dictatorship.


No dictator can imprison a population forever.
Why would they? They would have no control or options with a conservative majority. Better for them to keep the status quo till the fall 2025 election and get concessions; They get nothing Pollivere