Breaking: Liyuu Boolis attack Dawaclay near Harti Sheekh!


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Can we try to dissect this conflict.
I will do my best.
Which clan owns the grazing land that sparked this conflict?
The land in question belongs to the Reer Cali subclan of Reer Isaaq, but it is within Harshin woreda of Faafan Zone.

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Why did the Yoocaale commissioner get killed in Xarshin?
He was there because that is the administrative center of the area in question.

Why did the Arap decide to impose a tax on the corpses of the Liyuu they had killed?
They are stupid and did not think through the consequences of making the regional police look weak.
Who on the Isaaq/Arap side made the questionable decision to seek and initiate peace talks during an open conflict, especially after their side massacred Liyuu forces?
Their clan leaders realized what their stupid clan militia had done and called for peace.
Why did Somaliland decide to utilise government resources to get involved in an open conflict concerning the citizens of DDS?
Somaliland has previously allowed members of its security forces to participate in clan conflicts inside DDS with little consequences. They did not expect this response.
Why did Ogaden citizens donate livestock to Liyuu as if they were facing Afar forces?
The Reer Cali see the regional police as their security force fighting against Somaliland aided militia destroying their grazing land with charcoal production.
Why are ONLF condoning and sending good wishes to Liyuu?
The ONLF are opposed to any attempt at weakening the Somali state's authority. They may oppose Cagjar, but they are not opposed to the existence of DDS like many Isaaq are.
Why are the Liyuu setting camp in Baligubadle?
The DDS regional police do not want to ever again risk having their policing activities interfered with by militia from across the Ethiopia-Somalia border. Setting up a station in Baligubadle allows to confront such militia before they make it to areas of conflict inside DDS.
Why did the Habar Awal decide to become observers in the Xarshin district that they make up the majority?
The Habar Awal were not observers. Some of their subclans were active participants.
Here is a darod sheekh telling that liyuu aren't even Muslims but rather a foreign agents employed to destroy the somalis no matter which clan they hail, so its time for every community to evict these mooryaans from their deegaan

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I will do my best.

The land in question belongs to the Reer Cali subclan of Reer Isaaq, but it is within Harshin woreda of Faafan Zone.

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He was there because that is the administrative center of the area in question.

They are stupid and did not think through the consequences of making the regional police look weak.

Their clan leaders realized what their stupid clan militia had done and called for peace.

Somaliland has previously allowed members of its security forces to participate in clan conflicts inside DDS with little consequences. They did not expect this response.

The Reer Cali see the regional police as their security force fighting against Somaliland aided militia destroying their grazing land with charcoal production.

The ONLF are opposed to any attempt at weakening the Somali state's authority. They may oppose Cagjar, but they are not opposed to the existence of DDS like many Isaaq are.

The DDS regional police do not want to ever again risk having their policing activities interfered with by militia from across the Ethiopia-Somalia border. Setting up a station in Baligubadle allows to confront such militia before they make it to areas of conflict inside DDS.

The Habar Awal were not observers. Some of their subclans were active participants.
What a load of BS, so according to your cagdheer logic ogaden invaded their own land to loot a bunch of timir and burn their own village down :drakelaugh:

Every body will notice how dump you sound with a such self contradicting wild statements


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
What a load of BS, so according to your cagdheer logic ogaden invaded their own land to loot a bunch of timir and burn their own village down :drakelaugh:

Every body will notice how dump you sound with a such self contradicting wild statements

Building a village does not establish exclusive claim to the land on which the village is situated.

For example:
Hoosingow is an entirely Sheekhaal village in Badhaadhe district of Lower Juba. However, the land on which the village is built does not belong to Sheekhaal but to the Mikahiil Ogaden.

Dacawaley is an Arab village situated on Reer Cali land. The Arab do not have exclusive claim to the grazing land surrounding Dacawaley by virtue of building a village.
Can we try to dissect this conflict.
From historical perspective, anytime arat kilo administration perceives increased rebellion from some of the major stakeholder ethnicities, ogaden are used to distract the somalis from seeking a secession or atleast a more favorable adjustments in addisababa by waging wars on some random neighboring clans, so this conflict isn't about dispute over grazing land but rather an orchasterated proxy war between the neighboring communities
Which clan owns the grazing land that sparked this conflict?
Why did the Yoocaale commissioner get killed in Xarshin?
In the beginning, a few nomads disputed over a tiny peice of land in a grazing area between yoocaale which is ogaden village and dacawaley wich is an isaaq/arab village, then the administration sent a commission to resolve the conflict.

But the problem with the commission was that they were all an ogadeni and were already on a mission to displace arab living there, so instead of resolving the tiny conflcit by deciding on who will owe which part the disputed peice of land, they told arab that they will establish a clan border between reer isaaq and arap and the border will not gonna be between yocale and dacawaley but rather 6km north of dacawaley which is between dacawaley and baligubadle, means arab has to evacuate almost half of their lands.

So as already predictable, arab told them the disputed land is located more than 10km south of dacawaley so no way they can give up 20k+ strip of land to the commission's clan, the next day yocale commissioner brought a bulldozer together with a few liyuu bolis soldiers to dacawaley and they started creating a line in the middle of the arap deegaan and the arab living there told them to stop bulldozing there territory but the few liyu bolis responded with bullet and injured one of the arap people there and its at that time arab killed the commissioner and chased the rest to where they came from
Why did the Arap decide to impose a tax on the corpses of the Liyuu they had killed?
I don't get what they supposed to achieve with that action and i don't support the idea that somalis should hate each other this much but seems they were sending a message to ogaden that every daalim trespasser will have a humiliating end

Who on the Isaaq/Arap side made the questionable decision to seek and initiate peace talks during an open conflict, especially after their side massacred Liyuu forces?
Isaaq madaxdhaqameed were always seeking to peaceful resolution of this conflict and It was DDS administration that took advantage of this goodwill to decieve them into dacawaley and disband the local militia just attack them later on
Why did Somaliland decide to utilise government resources to get involved in an open conflict concerning the citizens of DDS?
Sland didn't utilise any resource to fund the local militia, it just did 2 things which are letting the injured ones to be treated in hargeisa, baligubadle and salaxley and try to communicate with the ethiopian authorities including DDS to stop massacring civilians there
Why did Ogaden citizens donate livestock to Liyuu as if they were facing Afar forces?
Why are ONLF condoning and sending good wishes to Liyuu?
It all goes down to clannism, supporting the same ones you once blamed for committing the worst human right against your clan when theyre doing the same thing to another clans shows youre just a qabiilist hypocrite.

It also proves isaaq's claim that liyuu are cuqdad ridden clan militia that has no right to come to iidor territory
Why are the Liyuu setting camp in Baligubadle?

Trying to secure a border theit clan doesn't reside and thats why they keep failing everytime time
Why did the Habar Awal decide to become observers in the Xarshin district that they make up the majority?
Still its confined to a few places in the inter clan border area and the other isaaq doesn't want to escalate further cuz there are alot more factors at play here than interclan squabbles alone, so they are applying some form of escalation managemt to get the right balance of keeping liyuu at bay without ingiting a huge war that we neither know who are we supposed to fight against nor what are we supposed to achieve
The good little adoon rushed to Ethiopia to make peace. If this was on the other side of the border they would have fought for a 100 days sparing nothing. The good thing is that the trajectory of the Horn of Africa
, however long it takes, is one of reunification of Somali territories and the potential collapse of Ethiopia.
Building a village does not establish exclusive claim to the land on which the village is situated.

For example:
Hoosingow is an entirely Sheekhaal village in Badhaadhe district of Lower Juba. However, the land on which the village is built does not belong to Sheekhaal but to the Mikahiil Ogaden.

Dacawaley is an Arab village situated on Reer Cali land. The Arab do not have exclusive claim to the grazing land surrounding Dacawaley by virtue of building a village.
So according your logic, ogaden building yoocaale establishes exclusive claim over the surrounding area but arab building dacawaley doesn't? Ok tell me which single ogaden settlement locates in the east or north of dacawlaey to make dacawaley like the hosinglow youre talking about where according your claim surrounded by ogaden
@Araabi @TheLand Ciise took part in this conflict as part of the Liyuu contingent and have been celebrating on FB.

Comedy Central Shaq GIF by mtv
I feel their frustration and I've got nothing against them, but its rather the short-sighted gaajo officials ruling sland that care more about their baasto than they care about their community to be blamed for antagonising every tol or friend we supposed to have, with the new administration we are planning to reverse the course so that we gonna have huge block in the entire waqooyi that can create a significant leverage and deterrence against anyone
Former president of DDS cabdi iley told his childish and deluded succesor cagjar that hawd region from xarshin to daroor are the most sensitive areas in the country where a single mistake could lead into a catastrophe and urged him to resolve the conflict with a peaceful means.

Hopefully he goona head this advice for his own sake :denzelnigga:

Former president of DDS cabdi iley told his childish and deluded succesor cagjar that hawd region from xarshin to daroor are the most sensitive areas in the country where a single mistake could lead into a catastrophe and urged him to resolve the conflict with a peaceful means.

Hopefully he goona head this advice for his own sake :denzelnigga:

Naflacaari looking for support from Cabdi Illey who massacred you many times and is on probation for said crimes against you and extremist lunatic Xasaan who pledged allegiance to ISIS and probably considers you a gaal dhiigiis banaanyahay:deadpeter:
Naflacaari looking for support from Cabdi Illey who massacred you many times and is on probation for said crimes against you and extremist lunatic Xasaan who pledged allegiance to ISIS and probably considers you a gaal dhiigiis banaanyahay:deadpeter:
N1ga you definitely got some comprehension problem, where did I seek help from anyone? He warned cagjar against engaging war with isaaq's cuz he know what is gonna happen and I just reported what he said, so tell me where in my posts did I seek his help

The other thing is that the only time his regime committed massacre was once he chased some qaat dealers and they killed some of his ogaden soldiers, then the liyuu killed innocent civilians cuz they couldn't find the perpetrators, and that crjme resulted evacuation of his ogaden militia from all of the gashamo, so stop comparing noble isaaqs with peasant daarods that used to get constant karbaash from iley every day😂😂😂
N1ga you definitely got some comprehension problem, where did I seek help from anyone? He warned cagjar against engaging war with isaaq's cuz he know what is gonna happen and I just reported what he said, so tell me where in my posts did I seek his help

The other thing is that the only time his regime committed massacre was once he chased some qaat dealers and they killed some of his ogaden soldiers, then the liyuu killed innocent civilians cuz they couldn't find the perpetrators, and that crjme resulted evacuation of his ogaden militia from all of the gashamo, so stop comparing noble isaaqs with peasant daarods that used to get constant karbaash from iley every day😂😂😂
Didn’t read all that xaar sxb. You are quoting the man who massacred you many times and whose crimes you’ve made documentaries about as if it means anything. If he was still in power he’d do worse to you and you know it. What you were ‘fighting’ wasn’t liyuu so what Xasaan said is meaningless. Xasaan considers both participants to be gaal and whoever dies fighting there a gaal on both sides.
Former president of DDS cabdi iley told his childish and deluded succesor cagjar that hawd region from xarshin to daroor are the most sensitive areas in the country where a single mistake could lead into a catastrophe and urged him to resolve the conflict with a peaceful means.

Hopefully he goona head this advice for his own sake :denzelnigga:

You must be young. Cagjar is the miskiinest president to have governed this region. It’s just that Somalis are notoriously difficult to govern and they will force whoever rules over them to turn on them. Also abdi iley is the worst somali ruler ever in my opinion.
Didn’t read all that xaar sxb. You are quoting the man who massacred you many times and whose crimes you’ve made documentaries about as if it means anything. If he was still in power he’d do worse to you and you know it. What you were ‘fighting’ wasn’t liyuu so what Xasaan said is meaningless. Xasaan considers both participants to be gaal and whoever dies fighting there a gaal on both sides.
Warya stop deluding your tiny beenale soul, iley massacred almost every other clan multiple times without any repercussions except isaaq, he raided us many times but the only incident he killed innocent civilians was the day his liyuu sneaked into a border village and killed 40 civilians then run back to the neighboring ogaden settlements, but unlike the other masaakin reero in DDS that has got hundreds of reported massacres from cabdi iley and cant do anything, we don't tolerate the death of a single civilian hence we evicted every ogaden liyuu from our region and reported the incident to every one to show tue world how cruel cabdi iley and his liyiu are, so stop lies like you can mislead anyone


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