Breaking news🚨 Iran plans to launch attack on Israel


One thing that perplexed me is that the Iranians i have met don't really seem that connected to their faith and hate Islam and Muslims, i struggled to comprehend why. I don't particularly see that with any other Muslim demographic.

But yeah, all i get from this is that both Shia and Sunni leaders lack pragmatism and foresight.
Iranian diaspora fleed Iran during the Islamic revolution, they lived during the monarchy and are irreligious/secular.
The Palestinian groups are self sufficient to an extent and recent reports show they are not reliant on Iran as previously thought. That said, a tactical coordination and communication with the Shia group in Lebanon is a necessity at the moment and there are Palestinian groups in Lebanon there. Iran is still needed for certain things.

I consider it hypocritical to say Palestinian groups are completely forbidden to work with Shia groups when the Saudis called upon USA to stop Saddam invading and this was done with the consent of some of their scholars(1 million Iraqi children dead under USA sanctions). From a Sharia perspective, these cases are judged by a case by case basis and there is no prohibition under Islamic law completely preventing working with Shia under the common goal of thwarting an invasion.

You are coming from an idealistic and emotional perspective. The Sunnis in Sham and the wider Middle East are going to have come to some kind of political solution with Shia groups to not strengthen the Zionists and secondly to stop the stem of the current failed state trajectory. This is idea of wiping out Shiasm and not including them in a future political settlement of those states is a complete nonsense and it’s actually laughable when it comes from Somalis. Even the Saudis know this, hence why they have opened talks with Iran and gave some concessions to the Houthis.

Taliban have made some changes to their policies to the Shia minority in their country. They’ve realised you can’t antagonise such a large minority who may become fifth column and be used against you. This is real life state building, something some of you guys are unable to fathom because you read Kitab Taw-heed, and you think every religious/ political verdict can be 100 percent implemented according to the literal fatwa of a few Saudi Sheikhs.
The difference between Saudis allowing US forces to be stationed in their eastern province and help them to stop Iraqi invasion and allying yourself with Shia regime in Iran and its proxies in the region is that the latter has spilled Muslim blood in Iraq Syria and Yemen and it's still happening now with them publicly insulting our figures in religion.
Crazy how you are attacking Iran for Yemen as if the Saudi-UAE-US coalition didn’t contribute to the deaths of nearly 1 million civilians through the sea blockade and air bombardment. The “Shia” in Yemen are native Zaidis who have lived in the region for 1000 years.
Saudi and the Arab coalition was called for intervention by the request of the legtimate govt after those sectarian thugs forcefully took over the capital and it was supported by the majority of Yemeni people who have resisted them.

The “Shia” in Yemen are native Zaidis who have lived in the region for 1000 years.
People of the northern Yemenis have revolted against the Zaydi backward imamate that kept the people in the dark to end centuries of racist subjugation of the people in the highlands by clans who claimed to be "Hashimates" and the Yemenis are their servants and those clans are actually from Iran Tabaristan region where the Rassi family came from who have established the Zaydi Imamate state by first fooling the tribes that they're from the family of the prophet and then killing Yemenis to forcefully make them accept their theocratic shia variant rule by calling Iranians for help to crush the rebellious Tribesmen in the highlands
The previous monarchy has no redeeming attributes over the Shia government. Other than being secular and criminalising Islam.
The Pahlavi's weren't secular nor were they "criminalizing Islam" as that's dumb statement to make about a monarchy which drives its legitimacy from the Shia merj'as and uses Shia symbols in the state.

Opposition to Pahlavis from the clerics was the reform policies that they didn't approve of such as the white revolution proclaimed by the shah in the 60s to further modernize the country.

the White Revolution received most of its criticism from two main groups: the clergy, and the landlords. The landlords were angry about the land reforms because their land was bought by the government and then sold in smaller plots to the citizenry at a lower price.

The powerful Shī'ah clergy were also angered at the reforms that removed much of their traditional powers in the realms of education and family law, as well as lessening their previously strong influence in the rural areas. A "large percentage of the upper echelon of the clergy came from landowning families" deeply affected by the reform and much absentee rent income went directly to the clergy and their institutions. The rents from an estimated 10,000 villages whose rents helped finance the clerical establishment were eligible for redistribution.
The difference between Saudis allowing US forces to be stationed in their eastern province and help them to stop Iraqi invasion and allying yourself with Shia regime in Iran and its proxies in the region is that the latter has spilled Muslim blood in Iraq Syria and Yemen and it's still happening now with them publicly insulting our figures in religion.

You are correct there are some differences, but the presence of western forces led to millions of Muslims dying and those bases are still used to launch wars against Muslim nations. It is funny how you downplay the Zionist/USA led deaths and the Saudis tactics in Yemen which aren’t too dissimilar from Iran militias tactics used in Syria.

In any case, the Palestinians are in an extreme situation, even worse than the Saudis when Saddam attacked, and you can’t categorically say it is haram to seek alliance with Iran when they are forcing genocide. If you had an alternative support mechanism in mind it would be a different case. But you don’t. And the Palestinian relationship with Iran is not all cosy btw.

Fobnimo Till I Dhimo

كَمَا دَخَلُوهُ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍۢ🕌☝🏾
Urgent | Qatari Prime Minister: We do not accept that attacks or wars be launched from Al Udeid base against countries in the region or outside it
