Breaking news: California shooter likely muslim terrorist

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Your superior
as we were expecting police suspect Farooq Saeed, a goat molesting sand person

Somali race has been infected by vile arab ideology, i hope the rest of the world doesn't get infected. Stop the so called syrian refugees, the only people coming over are arab terrorists.
Was it Fox News or the Daily Mail who reported this? It's funny how we can only get the truth from tabloids and neo-cons these days.

How come the liberal media is not reporting who the terrorists are? If it were any other person, we would know their credit score and middle school report card grades by now. They will report their identities in a few days when things die down and people lose interest.

We will be bludgeoned by lefty TV hosts in our own homes with their "they were misguided and brainwashed from low income homes" drivel.

They attacked a disability centre in the school. Cowards.


Your superior
Was it Fox News or the Daily Mail who reported this? It's funny how we can only get the truth from tabloids and neo-cons these days.

How come the liberal media is not reporting who the terrorists are? If it were any other person, we would know their credit score and middle school report card grades by now. They will report their identities in a few days when things die down and people lose interest.

We will be bludgeoned by lefty TV hosts in our own homes with their "they were misguided and brainwashed from low income homes" drivel.

They attacked a disability centre in the school. Cowards.

what scares me is that western leaders are importing these terrorists by the thousands
We are importing 25,000 of these people in February alone with no background check. It was supposed to be in December alone but they changed the plan because they wouldn't find enough planes on time to transport them



The Arabs are a mess and should not be accepted into any nation in the West. I say this as a fellow Muslim.
Most of these people will be radicalized in the process, and they'll carry out attacks from within.
Somaliland should have never taken those refugees from Yemen, who knows what the f*ck they could be.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
The name sounds like a South East Asian Muslim not an Arab.
Sam Hyde was also the shooter at the recent Colorado shootings. How can the media be trolled twice? Liberal media wants it to be a white man so bad

BREAKING NEWS: Syed Farook ID'd as a suspect as California mass shooting leaves at least 14 dead, 17 wounded. San Bernardino shooting suspect traveled to Saudi Arabia
BREAKING NEWS: Tashfeen Malik was killed by police along with Syed Farook after the Inland Regional Center shooting in San Bernardino, California, on December 2. She was 27 years old.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I hope this doesnt happen in canada, these events are becoming more frequent, attacking a disability centre benefits no one, terrible news :(
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