Marshall D Abdi
Know you’re place peasant
Wtf r they doing in jigjiga they already took harar dire dawa n now this?
Wtf r they doing in jigjiga they already took harar dire dawa n now this?
''why do Ogaden claim a city where dominate don't they know amharas and oromo ar taking over?!?''
''why do Ogaden claim a city where dominate don't they know amharas and oromo ar taking over?!?''
f*ck these fa9gots who parrot ''SRS isn't only for ogaden'' bulshit, that sentiment is shared by the of piece enabler allowing for this crime.
ITOOBIYA oo soo saartay go'aan meesha ka saaray rajadii ay qabtay Somaliland - Caasimada Online
Hargeysa (Caasimada Online) - Wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ee dalka Itoobiya ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in aysan aqoonsaneyn Somaliland, islamarkaana ay
My Isaq comrades it's time you send back Oromos packing.
it's very deep mess. all i could say isI'm lost bro. Expound more on this.
it's very deep mess. all i could say is
Cagjar is facilitating Amhara takeover of Jigjiga and possible landgrabs in Gode.
if Abiy is able to win against the opposition and get his way, Somalis in DDS will be finished and will become like the hararis in harar.
if the PP falls i hope cagjar and his masters will be cleanse from jigjiga.Off with his head then. Wtf.
It is very good step for SL to bring Egypt.Lol the issue is egypt's base in SL. i think abiy is very angry and afraid of egypt having a military base in somaliland, so in return, he wants to get back @ SL by getting closer to Obbo Farmajo.
It is very good step for SL to bring Egypt.
Abye is an ambitious xabashi.That is the reason they want an AMISOM base in Jigjiga to justify invasion of SL.
Farmajo has too much on his plate. He would probably just send letter to the UN just like he did to the UAE base.I guess so. It's all about your interests, so if SL feels that's in their best interests, can't be mad at that.
That maybe true, do u think farmajo would help or remain neutral?
Farmajo has too much on his plate. He would probably just send letter to the UN just like he did to the UAE base.
Anyway, bixi was the one that invited Egypt and proposed the military base to “get back” at abiy for siding with farmajo. But in doing so he showed the world that SL can’t be trusted. Ethiopia needs to change its strategy towards SL or risk SL becoming the new Eritrea. Because believe it or not SL does not need Ethiopia. Ethiopia needs SL’s port.
Farmajo has too much on his plate. He would probably just send letter to the UN just like he did to the UAE base.
Anyway, bixi was the one that invited Egypt and proposed the military base to “get back” at abiy for siding with farmajo. But in doing so he showed the world that SL can’t be trusted. Ethiopia needs to change its strategy towards SL or risk SL becoming the new Eritrea. Because believe it or not SL does not need Ethiopia. Ethiopia needs SL’s port.
The tweet is misleading. There is nothing in the video that resemble the tweet. In the video MoF spokesman says Egypt can have any relationship with any country including Somaliland as long as it is not at the expense of Ethiopia and is not a national security threat, meaning: Military base is unacceptable!
@xabashi What's he saying?
The first time I fully agree with youIt is still hard to gauge how serious and deep Ethiopia-Somaliland rift is.
Abiy might be employing the carrot-and-stick approach to induce a desired behavior from Biixi. Didn't Habeshas announce sending a permanent envoy to Hargeisa just a few weeks ago?
Even the relocation of the AMISOM base to Jigjiga hasn't been confirmed yet.
It is apparent Biixi lost Ethiopia's trust. What is not apparent is the actual Ethiopian policy change towards Somalia. Declaratively Ethiopia was always in support of Somalia's territorial integrity, but in actuality it supports Somaliland's breakaway status.
I am 50/50 on that news.
So yoy are saying Ethiopia will attack Sl for allowing Egypt to have a base there? Woow! the balls on you! The land belongs to Sl so whatever they do with it ,it is upto them. Injireydhu sanka aye kusocdhan walle waa yaab aduun!The first time I fully agree with you
Ethiopia never officially supported the independence of Somaliland but in practice both SL and Ethiopia has consulates and Ethiopia acknowledges SL passport etc. I still see nothing new in practical terms. The spokesman of MoF simply repeated the official line that has never changed.
The real game changer in my view is and will be SL’s final decision to allow a military base. The moment that decision is made, Ethiopia will change gears and will see SL as it’s #1 enemy and will find any execuse to invade and abort the Egyptian threat. Im 100% certain on that. From that decision on Ethiopia will always see SL as a potential security risk for generations to come. Ethio-SL relationship will never be the same. I hope sane SL people get rid of their crazy leader before he drags the country into unnecessary war.
I’m 100% certain that the moment SL decides to allow Egptian base, Ethiopia will see it as a declaration of war and use any execuse like border war or whatever to enter SL terrory and abort this madness before the first egyptian soldier arrives in SL. Only naive fools will thik Ethiopia will wait and see until Egyptian military is fully stationed in SL and is too late for Ethiopia. There is an Ethiopian saying that says „they planned to beat us at lunch/noon but we beat them at breakfast“. If SL president thinks he can checkmate Ethiopia after Egypt military is set up in SL then be dead sure Ethiopia will checkmate him BEFORE the arrival of the first egyptian soldier. There is a red line for everything and when you cross that line then sovereignty and international law blah blah will have no meaning and will be thrown out of window. You declared war on Ethiopia and threatened its existence, expect the same threat coming to your existence. Sovereignty blah blah doesn’t have any meaning after you declared war. By declaring war on Ethiopia, I see SL becoming ICU 2.0.So yoy are saying Ethiopia will attack Sl for allowing Egypt to have a base there? Woow! the balls on you! The land belongs to Sl so whatever they do with it ,it is upto them. Injireydhu sanka aye kusocdhan walle waa yaab aduun!
You act as though Ethiopia and SL are allies. Never were. Never will be.I’m 100% certain that the moment SL decides to allow Egptian base, Ethiopia will see it as a declaration of war and use any execuse like border war or whatever to enter SL terrory and abort this madness before the first egyptian soldier arrives in SL. Only naive fools will thik Ethiopia will wait and see until Egyptian military is fully stationed in SL and is too late for Ethiopia. There is an Ethiopian saying that says „they planned to beat us at lunch/noon but we beat them at breakfast“. If SL president thinks he can checkmate Ethiopia after Egypt military is set up in SL then be dead sure Ethiopia will checkmate him BEFORE the arrival of the first egyptian soldier. There is a red line for everything and when you cross that line then sovereignty and international law blah blah will have no meaning and will be thrown out of window. You declared war on Ethiopia and threatened its existence, expect the same threat coming to your existence. Sovereignty blah blah doesn’t have any meaning after you declared war. By declaring war on Ethiopia, I see SL becoming ICU 2.0.
So Sl having a military base is a war declaration? You are overestimating Ethiopia too much dear! Ethiopia came to Somalia because the then President invited them. Instead of beating your chest threatening Sl , I suggest you take care of Tigrays and Oromos planning to take down the country. Ethiopia needs saving now and that is why Amisom soldiers are relocating to Jigjiga , to save Abiy's @ss from rioting Oromos and war ready TigraysI’m 100% certain that the moment SL decides to allow Egptian base, Ethiopia will see it as a declaration of war and use any execuse like border war or whatever to enter SL terrory and abort this madness before the first egyptian soldier arrives in SL. Only naive fools will thik Ethiopia will wait and see until Egyptian military is fully stationed in SL and is too late for Ethiopia. There is an Ethiopian saying that says „they planned to beat us at lunch/noon but we beat them at breakfast“. If SL president thinks he can checkmate Ethiopia after Egypt military is set up in SL then be dead sure Ethiopia will checkmate him BEFORE the arrival of the first egyptian soldier. There is a red line for everything and when you cross that line then sovereignty and international law blah blah will have no meaning and will be thrown out of window. You declared war on Ethiopia and threatened its existence, expect the same threat coming to your existence. Sovereignty blah blah doesn’t have any meaning after you declared war. By declaring war on Ethiopia, I see SL becoming ICU 2.0.
The GERD screws over Somalia, Sudan and Egypt. The Ethiopian government screws over all of its ethnic groups and they are the majority that is currently fanning the flames of war. Ethiopia is a house of cards so this guy arguing with you has no leg to stand on.So Sl having a military base is a war declaration? You are overestimating Ethiopia too much dear! Ethiopia came to Somalia because the then President invited them. Instead of beating your chest threatening Sl , I suggest you take care of Tigrays and Oromos planning to take down the country. Ethiopia needs saving now and that is why Amisom soldiers are relocating to Jigjiga , to save Abiy's @ss from rioting Oromos and war ready Tigrays
So, Abiy is afraid that Egypt might destabilize his Amharic motherland. Did it ever crossed your mind that the Egyptian base might be planned as a forwarding point for the Saudi/UAE activities in North Yemen. They are trying to rely more and more on the Egyptian soldiers and officers in maintaining the Hadi/STC power as Saudi army proved to be utterly inadequate to fight Houtis and Emiratis rely on the hired people anyway.The real game changer in my view is and will be SL’s final decision to allow a military base. The moment that decision is made, Ethiopia will change gears and will see SL as it’s #1 enemy and will find any execuse to invade and abort the Egyptian threat. Im 100% certain on that. From that decision on Ethiopia will always see SL as a potential security risk for generations to come. Ethio-SL relationship will never be the same. I hope sane SL people get rid of their crazy leader before he drags the country into unnecessary war.
I’m not from SL. I’m neutral. But my point still stands. Ethiopia needs SL more then SL needs Ethiopia. SL imports 250m worth of qat yearly from Ethiopia. They gave Ethiopia a free %15 share on berbera port, tax free zones, and many other things. And how did Ethiopia pay SL back? They started helping the FGS.Ethiopia has many port options, so while we do need Berbera for sure [I say we, because as an Oromo, Berbera is one of the ports we traded through before Ethiopia even existed], and we even sent a delegation not too long to check out Berbera, we can survive without it if we need to.
It's more of a security issue that keeps abiy worried, because egypt can invade or strike from somaliland. but then, SL would be attacked in turn, by ethiopa; is it worth it for you guys? do you really see it as being worth it? or is it to exert pressure on ethiopia to stop this lovey dovey relationship with Obbo Farmajo?!