Breaking News: I was just told there are Somali Christians that are church sponsored to come to Canada by a Somali Christian group

They are better than the non-Muslim, agnostic or atheist Somalis we have on our community so although I look down on them, I see them on a higher level than the others which I personally don't have respect for.:mjdontkno:
They're the same as the Gaal, they mock the rest of us and think they're the only ''real Somalis'' lmao. They all think they're special. I'd rather have a Gaal, Khanis or even a Hindu Somali over a Christian one. They've abandoned their ancestors that fought against Christian aggression.
The 2000s and upto 2010s there used to be a Somali-christain radio station based in Kenya(most probably Thika). I would question the new converts who relocate to the west but there were some hardcore Christians who will be older now.
Allaha so hanuuniyo.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
These are Ethiopians pretending to be Somali so they can get refugee status
They are getting more bold


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Ethiopians in the last 3 years have been tahreebing like crazy even more than Somalis
It now makes sense to me. There are alot of Somalis that I met who have nothing really Islamic about them but didn't seem godless either. I never thought much of it.
50% of Muslim Somalis barely practice. Praying and fasting is the only thing they do. Lying, cheating, haram behavior, supporter murder and genocide is something they all casually do.
🤣I would love to hear a Somali try to explain trinity in Afsomali
Lebron James Wow GIF by Bleacher Report
aabaha, wiilka iyo ruuxda reer akhiraadka ah :holeup:
sounds even more incomprehensible jargon in af somali.
This reminds me of the time when i was still in sixth form and our skl bought in a somali hare krishna. Wallahi I thought i was going into cardiac arrest, and of course her abo was a good for nothing deadbeat.
How is this a surprise, those Christians from America go around Africa offering money & all sorts of things for people to convert, then they will use them in their online propaganda videos, displaying them as ''clean & civilised'' now that they've converted to Christianity and become Kuffar
Suldaanka rabbiga eebe samada jooga, saddex kala qeybood bu ka sameysanyahay, rabbiga aaba noo kala ah, ciisa masiixi o ilaahay dhalay iyo nuuxa quduuska o ilaaahay karaameeyay. Christianity is such a nonsensical religion cant lie 🤣


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
50% of Muslim Somalis barely practice. Praying and fasting is the only thing they do. Lying, cheating, haram behavior, supporter murder and genocide is something they all casually do.
true. But atleast they do the foundations of the religion. Some christian somalis blame everything on religion. But fail to open their eyes

