Breaking news: Khartoum clashes highlight risks for Somalia. UAE blamed for exacerbating and creating battle in Sudan

Mr. Nur

Aspiring Somali CEO 🇸🇴
There have been reports of conflict between the UAE and Sudan, particularly in relation to the UAE's involvement in Sudan's political and military affairs could this be Somalia next? We need to avoid these Degniernate simps gov't UAE Which controls a diff set military of other country #sudan why? (United Arab Emirates)

"A brewing conflict between Sudanese generals has allowed both Russia and the UAE to intervene. Both aim to be power players in Sudan, have access to the Red Sea, and achieve their long-term security and economic goals at the cost of Sudanese democracy and US interests."

The UAE has significantly increased its involvement and direction of affairs within Sudan since the resignation of the civilian prime minister Abdalla Hamdok in January. He had already been ousted in a coup led by the generals in October last year and his brief return was due only to international pressure, primarily from Washington.

Imma say the UAE is behind this and they may do this to Somalia which is backed up by Western nations including US and Euro there also killing workers why?

This reminds me of the situation in the Port of Berbera in Somalia, which is currently owned and operated by the Somaliland authorities. However, there are concerns that it could soon be owned by the UAE due to their interest in Somalia's rich resources, including oil and natural gas. your probley wondering

what are the implications of the UAE's interest in Somalia's resources​

The UAE's interest in Somalia's resources, including oil and natural gas, has raised concerns about the potential negative impact on Somalia's political economy and stability12345. Some experts warn that the UAE's involvement could deepen rifts in Somalia and cause a constitutional crisis that could benefit extremist groups like al-Shabaab5. However, Somali officials have welcomed investment from the Gulf region, as long as it is done through the proper channels


Country in North Africa


Sudan, officially the Republic of Sudan, is a country in Northeast Africa. It is bordered by the Central African Republic to the southwest, Chad to the west, Egypt to the north, Eritrea to the northeast, Ethiopia to the southeast, Libya to the northwest, South Sudan to the south, and the Red Sea.

How about f*ck both .
When you're dumb , short-sighted and hate your own , everyone will try to take advantage of your stupidity .
I agree but Somali people are notoriously hypocrites. They'll hate on UAE because UAE is backing the interest of a rival clan, or vice verca. They'll support Ethiopia or Kenya depending on which one of those two is pro their clan.
I despise hypocrites.

I want to hear from original poster on his stance on Qatar and what they were doing during the last president's tenure. I bet he was fully supportive of that, and if so, why would anyone take him serious?
I agree but Somali people are notoriously hypocrites. They'll hate on UAE because UAE is backing the interest of a rival clan, or vice verca. They'll support Ethiopia or Kenya depending on which one of those two is pro their clan.
I despise hypocrites.

I want to hear from original poster on his stance on Qatar and what they were doing during the last president's tenure. I bet he was fully supportive of that, and if so, why would anyone take him serious?

Yeah, that's the tragedy, walaal.
so long we have that mentality we will always be an easy prey for ajnabis and our neighbors.


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