Breaking News Paul Anthony Formosa arrives back in Bosaso Puntland

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And before they were denying that Paul is very infamous and a troublemaker who acts like he owns the land and the people,

But the people of Bosaso will teach him otherwise, inshallah!
Paul go home a friendly advice. Your new weapons brought from Dubai will not get you anything.

He already has blood on his hands and he bruised an elder by hitting the elder on the head with a walking stick.
Second day of protests under way

XamarCade not yet as previous big companies who refused to use the port have been bribed to use it for now and Gaas gave them the money they needed to pay Paul.

This is to prevent a total shut down and greedy businesses do not care for the ordinary folk on the street.

What you see are normal people who are protesting many issues such as high prices, removal of their place of trade, hand over of the port and Paul himself.
Gaas‘s campaigners and biggest supporters reporting on the public uprising and demonstrations

Mudaaharaad Mar kale ka dhacay Boosaaso-Sawiro

Posted: HORSEED STAFF - November 20, 2017Leave a Comment

Maalintii Axadda iyo maanta oo Isniin ah ayaa mudaaharaad ka dhacay xarunta gacansiga Puntand ee Bosaso. Mudaaharadkan waxaa ka qaybqaatey haweenka haysta ganacsiga yaryar kuwaas oo ka cabanaya xaaladda cakiran ee ka taagan dekadda Bosaso.

Mudaaharadkan ay dhigeen haweenka Boosaaso ayaa ka duwanaa kuwii hore waxaana uu ahaa Mudaaharad nabadeed, oo ay ku muujinayaan cabashadooda, waxay la socodsiiyeen maamulka, waxaana hareeraha ka socdey ciidanka amaanka Puntland. Haweenka ayaa watey boorar iyo maryo ay ku soo dhigeen halkudhigyo ay uga soo horjeedaan sida haatan dekadda Bosaso u shaqeyso, canshuur kordhinta, khidmadda dekadda ee la kordhiyey iyo ganacsatada waaweyn ee ku goodinaya in ay sicirka iibka kor u qaadayaan.

Haweenka Mudaaharadka dhigey ayaa ka bilaabey goobaha ay ku ganacsadaan ee Suuqa, kadibna waxay socod ku mareen wadada dheer ee laamiga ah, waxaana qorshohoodu yahay in ay isugu tagaan banaanka hore ee dekadda.

Qaar kamid ah Ganacsatada iyo maamulka ayaa la filayaa inay ku heshiiyaan in kor loo qaado canshuurta alaabo gaar ah kuwaas oo kor u dhaafaya 70 shay, kadib markii uu shaqeyn waayey khidbmadii dheeraadka ahayd ee ay soo rogtey shirkadda P&O Ports.

Ganacsatada iyo maamulka ayaa sidoo kale ku heshiiyey in muddo 10 maalmood ah dekaddu u shaqeyso sidii caadiga ahayd, laakiin dhaqaalaha ka maqan Shirkadda Imaaraatiga ah waxaa kabaayey Maamulka Puntland taas oo ay sheegeen in ay culeys ku tahay, waxaana ay hadda qorsheynayaan in lacagtaas la saaro ganacsatada oo alaabaha qaar la saaro, kadibna loo gooyo shirkadda P&O.

Ganacsatada qaarkeed ayaa sheegaya in iyaguna ay sicirka kor u qaadayaan, dadka khasaaradu ku dhacaysona ay noqon doonaan danyarta iyo shacabka.Haweenka Boosaaso ayaa ka cabanaya arrimahaas, waxaana ay doonayaan in dekadda lagu so celiyo xaalad caadi ah.

Bilal Paul‘s flamboyant behavior is known across Bosaso.

He sees himself as an owner of sort. He took down the Flag of Somalia and Puntland and hoisted the flag of the UAE.

Such disregard shows you he doesn’t care about some elder who visited him in his office to mediate businessmen and him.

He did not want to hear it and his newly found confidence only increased when after that incident he received several soldiers who are following him every step as he goes bullying and heavy handed policing of his new port.
That’s Paul Anthony Formoda in the picture after hitting an elder he received soldiers as bodyguards that follow him everywhere as he does his rounded bullying anything and everything

Shuun because he is in Somalia and bad behavior is encouraged he was awarded full security detail. Soldiers with big guns are now following on every step he does
Paul fled on the 1st of November after he filled Bosaso‘s hospitals with the wounded and death as he tried to forcefully disperse protesters of his land the port of Bosaso

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