Breaking News: Puntland Surrendered - Live from Madaxtooyada Garowe

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Haha I'm glad we got planders who got a sense of humor unlike a certain person who's crying in this thread after the karbash i laid out :dead:

True Puntlanders are the worst critics of themselves and point fun of themselves, don't buy into the sheegatos bro, the sheegato has some sort of inferiority complex and can't simply have a laugh at himself and needs to prove his loyalty to the clan after-all he is a shegaato. That's how I tell who's sheegato and who isn't. U shud see what my father spews out about my clan, wallahi u wouldn't think he was from the clan!!! He even called our boqor lineage a bunch of moryaans who have lost their culture and respect in society and prestige and are now resorting to jid-goyos like common thugs. He said we will lose our status as reer boqor if we dont stop these behaviors


DalJecel the DhafoorQiiq
True Puntlanders are the worst critics of themselves and point fun of themselves, don't buy into the sheegatos bro, the sheegato has some sort of inferiority complex and can't simply have a laugh at himself and needs to prove his loyalty to the clan after-all he is a shegaato. That's how I tell who's sheegato and who isn't. U shud see what my father spews out about my clan, wallahi u wouldn't think he was from the clan!!! He even called our boqor lineage a bunch of moryaans who have lost their culture and respect in society and prestige and are now resorting to jid-goyos like common thugs. He said we will lose our status as reer boqor if we dont stop these behaviors
And who's sheegato:gaasdrink:


If this is true, I would like to thank the Puntland leaders for avoiding war and advocating for a peaceful resolution. I know people on this forum who live in the west, eating cupcakes with a nice cold glass of milk are beating their chest, refreshing their browser every 10 minutes and calling for war.

The reality is people back home who live in absolute poverty are doing all the dying, kids losing their dads and families forever destroyed. It takes individuals with highest IQ to resist the drums of war and take the high road and for that Jiron is grateful. I want to thank Puntland foremost and I want to thank people in Somaliland who are also against unnecessary wars.


All these Jeegaanta kids ain’t got shit to say when the big boys are around lol.

They like to come at People in packs. Solo seldom do they utter a word.

Look at this whipped cuck riding for a supporter of Morgan, the man who slaughtered Garhajis people from the hills around hargeisa.


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The butcher of Hargeisa will come again for part 2.

Scream all you want.

land will still cry about Morgan in the year 3030.

These MJ tears are just an appetiser folks, can you imagine the scenes when we take Garowe from these people.

All they can do is remain detached from reality by speaking about a shrivelled fossil who was last seen running butt naked from hargeisa.

Las Anod > Gambadhe > Tukaraq > GAROWE :mjhaps:


Run Gaas Run. :mjhaps:


If this is true, I would like to thank the Puntland leaders for avoiding war and advocating for a peaceful resolution. I know people on this forum who live in the west, eating cupcakes with a nice cold glass of milk are beating their chest, refreshing their browser every 10 minutes and calling for war.

The reality is people back home who live in absolute poverty are doing all the dying, kids losing their dads and families forever destroyed. It takes individuals with highest IQ to resist the drums of war and take the high road and for that Jiron is grateful. I want to thank Puntland foremost and I want to thank people in Somaliland who are also against unnecessary wars.


My dream of a total PL pull out of Dhulo lands is getting near everyday. Reerkan want and need You, to hold their hands, and do sh*t for them. Alhamdulillah, soon we will not need to waste time and money on these people and their dirt poor region.


And who's sheegato:gaasdrink:

I didn't say anyone here bro, I just mean for god sakes we are all somalis, and u should know most somalis are critical of their own the most
My dream of a total PL pull out of Dhulo lands is getting near everyday. Reerkan want and need You, to hold their hands, and do sh*t for them. Alhamdulillah, soon we will not need to waste time and money on these people and their dirt poor region.

Remember what I said. Ugaryahan die for PL, you DONT!!! your opinion will not be consulted. U will not get an opinion just cause you share a clan with us, your clans dead bodies for the state will be reviewed not your abtiris or cheerleading!!! This is PL we don't mess around and don't get fooled by 'political gestures' and 'clan cheerleading' we review solid hard facts. I want the maxamud salebans to judge for themselves. Do u trust someone who pays the ultimate price thru their dead bodies for the state or just gives you 'emotional rants and cheerleading'? U decide Maxamud Saleban.


I didn't say anyone here bro, I just mean for god sakes we are all somalis, and u should know most somalis are critical of their own the most

Remember what I said. Ugaryahan die for PL, you DONT!!! your opinion will not be consulted. U will not get an opinion just cause you share a clan with us, your clans dead bodies for the state will be reviewed not your abtiris or cheerleading!!! This is PL we don't mess around and don't get fooled by 'political gestures' and 'clan cheerleading' we review solid hard facts.

This boywhore. Didn't I tell you to stop stalking me? Don't quote me again, c*nt naccas.


This boywhore. Didn't I tell you to stop stalking me? Don't quote me again, c*nt naccas.

Armadillo U know I love u bro, u know the maxamud salebans will rock up and we will have dinner together, have a laugh, shits n giggles, fadhi ku dirir, but don't come with us when talking about state matters...We only want 'real soldiers' for the state who can prove it thru how many boys they sacrifice for it and MS and Ugaryahan will only be invited to that meeting!!!


DalJecel the DhafoorQiiq
I agree with @DR OSMAN ,these mountaindwellers have never contributed militarily , but want to withdraw from lands of the people who do. Im a Gobolist not a Qabilist


Armadillo U know I love u bro, u know the maxamud salebans will rock up and we will have dinner together, have a laugh, shits n giggles, fadhi ku dirir, but don't come with us when talking about state matters...We only want 'real soldiers' for the state who can prove it thru how many boys they sacrifice for it and MS and Ugaryahan will only be invited to that meeting!!!

Do you ever shut your gob?


Because i see the reality , Saleeban Maxamad waa dhiigay, laakin nin SalaxHarti ah ha iga foogayn

Harti? Harti is long dead saxiib. Get with the programme, the same 'Harti' you're banging on about, dislike you more than Reer Porcupine and HAGites.


DalJecel the DhafoorQiiq
Harti? Harti is long dead saxiib. Get with the programme, the same 'Harti' you're banging on about, dislike you more than Reer Porcupine and HAGites.
Ugaadhyahan iyo Naaleye meel ay joogan miya Harti ka dhiman; Islaan bashiir said that


Ugaadhyahan iyo Naaleye meel ay joogan miya Harti ka dhiman; Islaan bashiir said that

I repeat, Harti is dead. The sooner you realise that: the better. Not even those tuna munchers are loyal. After building a top class university and a major road for them in Badhan, the Warsan clan leaders, still welcomed every single SL presidential candidate into their towns. Oh, and also not forgetting that a good amount of Al Shabab in the Galgala are Warsan.


Why are you arselicking?

If u think he is agreeing with me, you are sadly mistaken. What can he say when he see those dead body count through-out PL history and reviews it. Galgala, Hamar, Galkayo, Sool, all the battles PL has been in, how can he say and turn around those people weren't PATRIOTS. They are on the ground in front of him. It's not about agreeing with me, he sees the evidence in front of him and needs to make a decision whether he accepts your cheerleading and af-ka-nool behaviors or accepts the dead bodies. Dead men TELL NO TALES comes to mind huh. Dead people dont lie sxb, only those alive do
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