Haha I'm glad we got planders who got a sense of humor unlike a certain person who's crying in this thread after the karbash i laid out
True Puntlanders are the worst critics of themselves and point fun of themselves, don't buy into the sheegatos bro, the sheegato has some sort of inferiority complex and can't simply have a laugh at himself and needs to prove his loyalty to the clan after-all he is a shegaato. That's how I tell who's sheegato and who isn't. U shud see what my father spews out about my clan, wallahi u wouldn't think he was from the clan!!! He even called our boqor lineage a bunch of moryaans who have lost their culture and respect in society and prestige and are now resorting to jid-goyos like common thugs. He said we will lose our status as reer boqor if we dont stop these behaviors