Man shut yo ass up the audacity of this dick sucker in one post he admits they sabotage khatumo in the above he admits they don't plan on doing shitSo in another words cali khaliif galayr is your president within Somaliland.. the same cali khaliif that was brought to laascaanood by faysal cali waraabe...because that's khaatumo.
Puntland will never ever fight Somaliland on the basis of freeing people that are lost..your people are mentally chained and as long as people clap and welcoming lining up the streets for faysal cali waraabe as the host bring one of your most adored leaders as guest to HIS own town..
What is happening right now in sool defines you as people.. your own people are leading the Somaliland propaganda.. Puntland does not own you like a master owns his property but Somaliland owns your people like sheep..
Stop being nacas and get that monkey of your back..