not so sad after all
forget anything elss ninka qosol igu dilay
forget anything elss ninka qosol igu dilay
@Nana.H & @AbdiJohnson
if you look at this video you'll notice that their carrying the supposedly shot victims to the abulance but when they think the cameras off they put him down and one of the guys start making a little dance like he's happy. This is suppose to be an injured person that was shot in the leg, so you'd assume they can't walk. And a devastating event so why is the guys dancing like he's all giddy?
This one is a bit strange. So they're transporting the supposed victims from the shooting towards the Pulse club! Makes no sense since the shooting was supposedly said to happen there yet they seem to be coming from an opposite direction which is towards the direction of the pulse club. So where did the shooting take place, were going around in circles with an injured body? You also see the other clip that was previously posted in here going towards the same direction and much more clearer, but they cut of the scene where he's put down.
it's obvious the shooter didn't finished the job so these good samaritan wanted to help out by bringing them back to the club
Probably used as a scapegoat.Two other people in there shooting people. Makes me think this Omar guy either wasn't on his own or he was a victim himself and not involved in a bigger wider conspiracy. Shit is craxy