BREAKING NEWS: Terrorist kills 50 LGBTQQIPS2AA club goers in terrorist attack

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This massacre against innocent humanbeings it's just horrific.. and worst of it Muslim is behind it again... i also blame Americas gun laws. How can anyone can walk on gun stores and buy high caliber military assault rifles.. America needs gun controll walaahi...


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
They also shot down claims that Mateen had snapped after seeing two men kissing each other in public.

“That’s bullcrap, right there. No offense. That’s straight-up crap. He’s been around us,” Smith said. “Some of those people did a little more than (kiss) outside the bar … He was partying with the people who supposedly drove him to do this?”
How did i miss this thread? Well i think i was too busy n the clan section arguing with stupid people. The research i did i come to this conclusion the shooting was absolutely a hoax and i believe that Omar Mateen was a mind control victim he was directed internally by the CIA/MOSSAD even if he was not a mind control victim or directed by CIA/MOSSAD that means that he hasn't any proper training he would be too shocked to do anything like that if he wasn't mind controller or directed by CIA/MOSSAD.

However there is no way a 1 guy could shoot 50 people without having a help. He could have gotten a few but no way near 50? Imagine a 50? By himself? And apparently this shooting was 3 hours long. Really? 3 hours long? Wouldn't he have been tackled down or rushed at? Wake up and smell the coffee.
There were a few gunmen and others blocking the exist. Club owners knew and security was oddly up, people were holding the exists in order to corral and trap the victims inside, and when it popped off bartenders tweeted there is a gunman everyone RUN See they knew was going to happen because they were told to. This all was a staged event a big steamy pile of horse shit.

Also i'm not sure about did really people died on this staged event or they were actors too. I really don't know i will do a research on that inshallah. But if they really died then there were multiple shooters not just 1 guy case closed. And also where are the pics of the dead, blood soaked bodies? Where are the pics of the ambulances? Where are the pics from inside pulse? Where are the pictures or video of the victims? In an age of selfies and camera phones, no one got a picture of inside? There aren't any. Seems very fishy.

The witnessed all are crisis actors. They are paid for their dusty liar crocodile tears. They bring almost the same witnessed all these staged shootings the faces are very familiar to me. So now you guys wonder why they staged this well let me tell you the answer is they planned this attack to get the publicity of the gay community out there to mourn for them and get global attention. After this staged event what happen? There were major cities around the world displaying the gay flag or the lgbt color. They had it planned all along. They want us to feel sorry for the gay agenda and at the same time promoting gay agenda. Also they create these attacks to cause fear and enslave the public.

The big reasons is to take guns away to ban guns so when it's time for them to attack the citizents and put them into camps they won't be able to fight back because their guns are taken away gun law
And create more more more more Islamophobia
Islam is peaceful religion, so they have to tarnish the name . Or paint all of us muslims as a terrorist. This staged attack has nothing to do with Islam. I don't still understand why some muslims are apologizing for what united states government did? Wake up and do your research

After this comment i know i'm gonna get a lot of hate by atheist and lgbt squad and other members who isn't aware these things but i dont careeeeee
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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
@AbdiJohnson I'm worried about your wellbeing huuno. What if you start shooting innocent gay people because you envy how carefree their life is since you are so emotional and depressed due to your double life.


@Nana.H & @AbdiJohnson
if you look at this video you'll notice that their carrying the supposedly shot victims to the abulance but when they think the cameras off they put him down and one of the guys start making a little dance like he's happy. This is suppose to be an injured person that was shot in the leg, so you'd assume they can't walk. And a devastating event so why is the guys dancing like he's all giddy?
@Nana.H & @AbdiJohnson
if you look at this video you'll notice that their carrying the supposedly shot victims to the abulance but when they think the cameras off they put him down and one of the guys start making a little dance like he's happy. This is suppose to be an injured person that was shot in the leg, so you'd assume they can't walk. And a devastating event so why is the guys dancing like he's all giddy?
:dead: at the video the hoax is too obvious
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This one is a bit strange. So they're transporting the supposed victims from the shooting towards the Pulse club! Makes no sense since the shooting was supposedly said to happen there yet they seem to be coming from an opposite direction which is towards the direction of the pulse club. So where did the shooting take place, were going around in circles with an injured body? You also see the other clip that was previously posted in here going towards the same direction and much more clearer, but they cut of the scene where he's put down.


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This one is a bit strange. So they're transporting the supposed victims from the shooting towards the Pulse club! Makes no sense since the shooting was supposedly said to happen there yet they seem to be coming from an opposite direction which is towards the direction of the pulse club. So where did the shooting take place, were going around in circles with an injured body? You also see the other clip that was previously posted in here going towards the same direction and much more clearer, but they cut of the scene where he's put down.

A comment from that video had me rolling
it's obvious the shooter didn't finished the job so these good samaritan wanted to help out by bringing them back to the club


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I remember reading how someone compiled videos and pics of a crisis actor who was at the Boston bombing, Aurora shooting and Sandy Hook shooting.

As for the video where they are carrying injured people back towards the Pulse nightclub, the only plausible explanation I could find for that was this

"They carried a wounded person out of the club, away from danger. Then when the police showed up they carried them back towards help."


:chrisfreshhah::deadpeter: He said Obama was a gay prostitute- he actually went on air with his views. I'm not that far into the game but it might be true- he can lie straight to our faces and produce fake tears for Sandy Hoax why not?


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine


@Baraf @dhagax

Two other people in there shooting people. Makes me think this Omar guy either wasn't on his own or he was a victim himself and not involved in a bigger wider conspiracy. Shit is craxy


he's probably just causing speculation since a lot of people are noticing the bull in this event. Similar to how the media said they loud bangs were from the shooter but police confirmed they implanted bombs to 'dissuade' the shooter. I know that the family members of the supposed victims seem to be false. Perhaps actual people were killed, and the individuals coming up are pushing for this anti-gun narrative and not genuine people from loves ones but what i don't understand is they changed the story from being an 'extremist' to now being a gay self-hater.
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