BREAKING NEWS! U.S. Says ISIS Growing In Northern Somalia! New ISIS Global Leader Is In Northern Somalia According To U.S.!

ma khawarij aya ku dalay?
First learn what that word means in Islamic context.

Let me ask you this question, do you support the atrocities of the woyana gaalo army did to somalis ?? was the death of 10 of thousands of our people at the hands of the Ethiopians worth it it for the so called "govt" to return back to the capital behind the gaal Ethiopian woyana tanks ??
Daesh numbers only a few hundred at most in northern Somalia so not really a huge concern. That said, Puntland should really clamp down on them, zero terrorism should exist in Somalia.


Inaba Caadi Maaha
Crazy. The FGS banned plastic bags though so there's that at least.

That was Faroole who banned plastic bags in Puntland lol. Good policy for that cloth bag factory, though.



Al kebab members come from all walks of life, from all the big clans, security is just tight in the north, I had to go through 10 stops before entering Hargeisa from Borama, though this might change soon without intervention, the amount of dugsi being supported by external actors is increasing, the government needs to stamp these out.

Alhamdulillah we don't have to worry. Sheikh Cabdillahi Sheikh Ali Jowhar who is a traditional Shafi'i Sufi is the Mufti of Awdal. No Islamic seminary, class or indoctrination can occur without his blessing. Wahhabism is suffering greatly in our regions which is why we are safe from suicide bombings and religious strife.
Whereas in other parts of the Somali speaking world they have no religious regulatory system that can flush out these dangerous ideologies. It's over in Mogadishu and those areas because every other random uncle, auntie, cousin is AS. They're too compromised so its over for them. Next in line will be Burco. All it will take is a collapse in the the authority structure and AS will take over Burco and large parts of Puntland aswell.


Alhamdulillah we don't have to worry. Sheikh Cabdillahi Sheikh Ali Jowhar who is a traditional Shafi'i Sufi is the Mufti of Awdal. No Islamic seminary, class or indoctrination can occur without his blessing. Wahhabism is suffering greatly in our regions which is why we are safe from suicide bombings and religious strife.
Whereas in other parts of the Somali speaking world they have no religious regulatory system that can flush out these dangerous ideologies. It's over in Mogadishu and those areas because every other random uncle, auntie, cousin is AS. They're too compromised so its over for them. Next in line will be Burco. All it will take is a collapse in the the authority structure and AS will take over Burco and large parts of Puntland aswell.
whats it with isaaqs and salafism? why do they have a higher proportion of salafis? is it because of their diaspora in the gulf?


whats it with isaaqs and salafism? why do they have a higher proportion of salafis? is it because of their diaspora in the gulf?

They imported a huge number of Wahhabi students and gave then free reign. The only thing that's stopping Burco from becoming AS central is the Madkhalism, an even more deviant strain and the SL authorities.


For US colonization of Somalia|Trudeau4Prison
Staff Member
Someone email John Bolton, urge him to make up with Trump, and beg him to send US troops to Somalia to fight terror.


They imported a huge number of Wahhabi students and gave then free reign. The only thing that's stopping Burco from becoming AS central is the Madkhalism, an even more deviant strain and the SL authorities.
interesting thing is that salafism in saudi arabia didnt attack the local dominant hanbali framework. but salafism abroad had strains like non-madhabism and/or trying to mix salafism with local (non hanbali) madhab which doesnt work. and then the non-madhabists of south asia. etc. but nowadays theyre usually content with madhabs.
Deni announced this week that they will start cleaning the mountains, he's in Bosaso now and met with AFRICOM today. Maybe this is the reason why there were a lot of arms shipments lately through Ethiopia border and Bosaso airport.
Deni announced this week that they will start cleaning the mountains, he's in Bosaso now and met with AFRICOM today. Maybe this is the reason why there were a lot of arms shipments lately through Ethiopia border and Bosaso airport.
Why act now when they have been there for decades?


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
If they had given Cali Saleebaan the kursi for one election cycle, this issue would've never begun. :damedamn:
Maxamuud Saleeban wont share, the hierarchy in PL has long been established with the Boqortooyo. It seems like they have been very displeased..
Alhamdulillah we don't have to worry. Sheikh Cabdillahi Sheikh Ali Jowhar who is a traditional Shafi'i Sufi is the Mufti of Awdal. No Islamic seminary, class or indoctrination can occur without his blessing. Wahhabism is suffering greatly in our regions which is why we are safe from suicide bombings and religious strife.
Whereas in other parts of the Somali speaking world they have no religious regulatory system that can flush out these dangerous ideologies. It's over in Mogadishu and those areas because every other random uncle, auntie, cousin is AS. They're too compromised so its over for them. Next in line will be Burco. All it will take is a collapse in the the authority structure and AS will take over Burco and large parts of Puntland aswell.
Sufism is dead in your region. Tell me how many of reer Awdal take pilgrimage to sheikh Saylaci tomb ??

Reer Burco wouldn't go or allow a corrupt jihadist movement to takeover their land or rule over them because the event of the state collapsing, the authority goes to the already established community elders like it was in the 90s and early 2000s.

