BREAKING: Politico Reports That The Democratic Party Is In A 'Total Meltdown'!


Veni Vidi Vici
It is too late for the Dems to switch now, they made their bed and they should lay in it.

Imo, I am not against another Trump presidency. If he wins this term, he can never run again and therefore can’t hold rallies and do campaign financing.

Also, it is very clear that with the absence of Trump, the Republicans have no idea who to get behind. So the quicker Trump isn’t a viable political candidate anymore, the quicker we get to this point.

Also, I think another Trump presidency will set the record straight on him. He will have the final word and he is quite erratic, meaning people’s last memory of him as a politician will be whatever unhinged sh*t he does.

Another Biden presidency is just going to extend this circus longer.
But yet it's way too late for such malarkey, this is a meltdown at its finest. 4 months from the election and trying to swap your candidate is a recipe for disaster.

Its like a final push to a Trump win, heck he hasn't been erratic as 2016, the Dems just giving him gems after gems on a plate. That debate was nearly a month ago.

