Breaking: Reer Luuq capture Yurkud and mooryan militia flees!

Madoobe wrote a letter 1 week ago saying that tax in gedo would be collected at yurkud. Because the bridges in gedo are all destroyed by the floods with the exception of luuq. Trade will now always go past yurkud then to luuq.

So it is blackie behind this, he is electing himself again in kismaayo and basically wants marehan busy dealing with raxanweyn. Couple of days ago he also tried to sabotage the efforts into rebuilding the bridges.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Rahanwayn threaten to put Luuq Airport under siege like Surre did in Abudwaq. Reer Hassan don't be like Reer Diini, Don't worry about Dhabad and Saaxo they have a PL culture just worry about Reer Diini whose airport has been shut down in Abudwaq due to Surre Gang.

The airport in Cabudwaaq has been functioning for weeks now. You truly are a pathological liar.


Madoobe wrote a letter 1 week ago saying that tax in gedo would be collected at yurkud. Because the bridges in gedo are all destroyed by the floods with the exception of luuq. Trade will now always go past yurkud then to luuq.

So it is blackie behind this, he is electing himself again in kismaayo and basically wants marehan busy dealing with raxanweyn. Couple of days ago he also tried to sabotage the efforts into rebuilding the bridges.

I feel sorry for Marehan their Siyad Barre really did believe in Somalinimo and developed non marehan areas(I read he put 80 factories just in the south) forget the other health, education, roads, airports and ports and energy.

The dude wasn't aware till much later that Somalinimo is just a tool or means used for clan supremacy if that fails then its Islam, if that fails its media or social media, if that fails then its charity. Once the good means doesn't work they do resort to trickery, lying, stealing, killing, fraud, etc. They always weigh up which means is most realistic to achieve the end goal(land or clan supremacy) and will execute it as the means is irrelevant to them as long as the ends is achieved.

Now all Somalis hate your clan, rule no 1 never help a somali, it's not a culture about helping and don't fight them either the best policy is total ignore and carry on with your community goals.

Somali Saayid

Rer Siyaad Xuseen
The airport in Cabudwaaq has been functioning for weeks now. You truly are a pathological liar.
This is the guy who is putting up videos of hiil harti forces going to las canod back when the war in sool first started @DR OSMAN ma harti baa isku badala surre

I recognized the convoy the second I saw it, I was pretty sure that was the video circulating when the first hiil harti reinforcements entered las canod.

Somali Saayid

Rer Siyaad Xuseen
This is the guy who is putting up videos of hiil harti forces going to las canod back when the war in sool first started @DR OSMAN ma harti baa isku badala surre

I recognized the convoy the second I saw it, I was pretty sure that was the video circulating when the first hiil harti reinforcements entered las canod.

U don't even need a fact checking to disprove this type of misinformation @TekNiKo I think their are more trucks in this convoy then surre in all of Somalia 🤣 they need to stop their antics before they become an extinct species


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
U don't even need a fact checking to disprove this type of misinformation @TekNiKo I think their are more trucks in this convoy then surre in all of Somalia 🤣 they need to stop their antics before they become an extinct species
View attachment 346709
Its my subclan Reer Dalal’s fault, we protected them and coveted them until they turned on us. Imagine welcoming a clan in your heartland and allowing them to thrive and teach Quran until they take off their religious mask. Wallahi its tragic.
If I had to choose between farm lands vs red sea global trade corridor, I know where I would migrate. Farming to Somalis is some big thing yet they don't know the time n Labor and financial investment involved vs the petty returns 1 cent per produce, they even sell it at 1 dollar a kilo. Noone liked farming that's why slaves were used for it. Somalia are always backwards to global trends even till today developed countries bring in poor country Labor to do it and Somalis r chasing after it like its some gold mine untill they find out they just turn to eelay status who made that mistake and till today live in tents lol while nomads purchase real properties. While smart rahanwayne are moving into merchants lol knowing the mistake while nomads fill their ancient role.

Somalis are always heading towards a direction the world turns away from, it must be some curse from siyad.

Imagine trying to provide a value on farming knowing it's 10,000 year old skill, knowing it involves in planting climate adjusted seed in fertile soil, watering and waiting weeks for harvest. The complexity is really amazing huh, well expect your 1 dollar a day for farmer workers lol and for farm owners expect your 1 cent per produce yeild also. Noone is paying u for such unskilled ancient work, u will remain a 3rd world country who pursue that economic for your locals. I cry when I see puntites pursuing it, just replacing slave and eelay job who also flee it.
Why choose when you can have it all and be self sufficient?

Madoobe wrote a letter 1 week ago saying that tax in gedo would be collected at yurkud. Because the bridges in gedo are all destroyed by the floods with the exception of luuq. Trade will now always go past yurkud then to luuq.

So it is blackie behind this, he is electing himself again in kismaayo and basically wants marehan busy dealing with raxanweyn. Couple of days ago he also tried to sabotage the efforts into rebuilding the bridges.
Maybe stop tossing around emotional insults and focus on the facts, how are you going to blame him for everything lol
Everything in gedo is marehan.
:deadmanny::deadrose:you funny


The only Somalis with good land are either in the south or galbeed faafan area with either rivers or substantial rain
the bantus are smart they flock to this land and rivers, start farming and population explodes. they are many folds bigger than many clans today because of this vision.

the bantus are smart they flock to this land and rivers, start farming and population explodes. they are many folds bigger than many clans today because of this vision.

Facts Somali Bantus are the true laandheere in koonfurta due to practicing farming if a 1m1v happens in Somalia they will gain the most


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