Breaking: Tribal clashes breakout in Dacdheer!

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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Naga aamus af Soomali waa kaa badiya 'ciyaal shiisha loogu koriyeey' kulaha . War qoraalka Af Soomaaliga soo baro dayuusyahow . You thought I was a hooyo ma taalo kid eh:westbrookswag::hillarybiz:
Dayuus ada ah oo wecel ah. Horta Xawaadle ayaad tahay inaad hadashid ba ma ahayn Beledweyne ayaad ku koobantahay, dad cawaan ba tihiin oo aan dhaqan lahayn.

Adiiga so maadan qirin in aad daroogiste tahay?
Khamriga iyo xashiishka intaad iska daysid orod shaqo isku fal fadhi ku dirir ragga aya loogu talagalay.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''

Dameero xoog lahayn baa tihiin shib iska dhaha

We have xoog and xiniinyaho Allah the merciful has made me a royal Marehan Ugaas. I have been ruling Ethiopians in Harar under the Sultanate of Harar. I have been ruling Somalis including yourself for over 21 yrs. I have my own state and Militias army. And yet today we ruling you in Villa Somalia. Your adeer Waare is a good pet to Jaalle Farmaajo tho. Keep following the MX man. Haye dheh abaayo. :dabcasar:
Dayuus ada ah oo wecel ah. Horta Xawaadle ayaad tahay inaad hadashid ba ma ahayn Beledweyne ayaad ku koobantahay, dad cawaan ba tihiin oo aan dhaqan lahayn.

Adiiga so maadan qirin in aad daroogiste tahay?
Khamriga iyo xashiishka intaad iska daysid orod shaqo isku fal fadhi ku dirir ragga aya loogu talagalay.
War sheekada khamriga kaftan ayay aheed waxyahow wax barashada laheyn . Caytin iyo hadal lee haysiin waa lagaa xoog badanyahay meel iska fadhiiso bilaa edeb baa tahay yaa cawaan leedahay boqol mar baa lagu tumaya waxna ma iska celi kartiin:mjlol:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
War sheekada khamriga kaftan ayay aheed waxyahow wax barashada laheyn . Caytin iyo hadal lee haysiin waa lagaa xoog badanyahay meel iska fadhiiso bilaa edeb baa tahay yaa cawaan leedahay boqol mar baa lagu tumaya waxna ma iska celi kartiin:mjlol:
Ya iga xoog batay? Cawaan hawiya ah? Kkkkk hooyada uu sheeg
We have xoog and xiniinyaho Allah the merciful has made me a royal Marehan Ugaas. I have been ruling Ethiopians in Harar under the Sultanate of Harar. I have been ruling Somalis including yourself for over 21 yrs. I have my own state and Militias army. And yet today we ruling you in Villa Somalia. Your adeer Waare is a good pet to Jaalle Farmaajo tho. Keep following the MX man. Haye dheh abaayo. :dabcasar:
Imagine thinking ruling over your stolen land is a W:pachah1: we have xiniinyo kulaha:russ::russ: Weakest Somali clan .:lolbron:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Hawiya lands are ruled by Shabaab your own state of Hiiraan is ran by Shabaab. Go liberate yourself before you takk about free folk.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Imagine thinking ruling over your stolen land is a W:pachah1: we have xiniinyo kulaha:russ::russ: Weakest Somali clan .:lolbron:

What stolen land? All our lands are ours. Yeah you heard me quite correctly we have xiniinyo and xoog. Can't say the same for your sub clan called Xawaadle and if there's a weak clan it's either you guys that got invaded or Beesha 15 min.

How can a royal large clan be weak? When in 1991 we were untouched and is was Marehan vs the World? Are you drunk off the henny right now? But anyway your argument is invalid gaceliye. :ulyin:
Well I had fun triggering you cawaans . I have to go and make myself a nice bowl of cambuulo . Maybe you guys should eat too to get stronger:trumpsmirk::drakelaugh:


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Orod meel fadhiiso . Lions don't talk to sheep.

Liibax kulaha. Only liibaxs here is the one called Marehan. Oorad shaax i kari. I can't believe your cooning for the same Hawiye that invaded your region and city. But then that's langaabnimo from a langaab clan. If that's not coonery I don't know what is.

Allahu maskaxda ka caafiyo.
Liibax kulaha. Only liibaxs here is the one called Marehan. Oorad shaax i kari. I can't believe your cooning for the same Hawiye that invaded your region and city. But then that's langaabnimo from a langaab clan. If that's not coonery I don't know what is.

Allahu maskaxda ka caafiyo.
Well I had fun triggering you cawaans . I have to go and make myself a nice bowl of cambuulo right now. Maybe you guys should eat too to get stronger:trumpsmirk::drakelaugh:


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Well I had fun triggering you cawaans . I have to go and make myself a nice bowl of cambuulo right now. Maybe you guys should eat too to get stronger:trumpsmirk::drakelaugh:

Nobody got triggered but yourself. Go on out the door and take your L. FKD with you is obliteration.

The Sheikh got a easy W.

Gaceliye let me educate you strength doesn't come from food. It comes from lineage. :samwelcome:


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Weren't you the one calling us hu2us ? Don't act like the nice guy when you start the name calling on most threads:mahubowtf:
I don't personally attack females and call them and so forth. Calling Hawiye huutuus is totally different though.
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