WTF is this? the hu.tu OP tricked yall 

Cs girl tells me it is all liesIsolate? Gallan and cali saleeban in general are from qandala which is one district of bari while bari consists of 4 districts namely
Bosaso district - cismaan maxamud + disheshe
Qandala district - cali saleeban
Isku shuuban district - cismaan maxamud
Gadaful district - Cismaan maxamud+siwaaqroon
Cismaan maxamud gave cali saleeban land in bosaso district carmo so that cali saleeban wouldnt be isolated from the rest of Puntland since qandala is mountainous and inaccessible by land.
Despite cali saleeban being a minority in bari And cismaan maxamud being the majority cismaan maxamud still gave cali saleeban governorship to appease cali saleeban while cismaan maxamud settled for deputy mayor of bari and divided bari into two creating karkaar just to appease cali saleeban.
Gallan was made the governor of bari a region where he is a minority but that was not enough here he is declaring war against president abdiweli gaas administration after abdiweli gaas fired him from his position as the governor of bari
A mehmet=Mohamed
Hes forced to sit in the corner in Xamar
View attachment 71445
He's clearly talking but nobody is listening to him. Jurile, the senator next to him, is like 'war naga aamus'
You keep disparaging females surely out of everyone one must respect the womb that bore you, which speaks volumes about ones character utter pestilence you have no redeeming qualities whatever is wrong With you it’s inherentCs girl tells me it is all lies
Exactly. I expected better from some people in this thread than to slander our honourable leaders.Every person who's been a President of Puntland deserves respect if nothing else.
Of course, this thread wouldn't be complete without another manic episode by our favourite sociopath.May the war between cismaan maxamud and cali saleeban grow stronger and deeper and may the hatred between us remain eternally amiin thuma amiin wallahi theres no love lost qandala is a terrorist safe haven i dont know what deni was thinking naming a terrorist like gallan as head of amniga
Maybe she was tired of you saying your abgaal exes were good cooks, why would she cook when she can afford maids to cook for her, you will never find another girl who gives you blood pressure and calms you down at the same time, go apologize to her and stop acting childish.
Exactly. I expected better from some people in this thread than to slander our honourable leaders.
@Huutu Qamaan still claiming to be Majeerteen while spreading libelous slander about our esteemed Boqor is par for the course, however.
Of course, this thread wouldn't be complete without another manic episode by our favourite sociopath.
Loool are you a mad man if so you must be cause she is right and i believe no matter whatYou keep disparaging females surely out of everyone one must respect the womb that bore you, which speaks volumes about ones character utter pestilence you have no redeeming qualities whatever is wrong With you it’s inherent![]()
that list is fake issa yulux is in garowe right now and he fought against somaliland in tukaraq. he got rich from piracy but he was never a terrorist. all those list were made by cudad ridden tribalist. walahi thats why i love my people they dont care about tribes. and by the way gallan during his rebbelion was supported by most barri tribes and even issa mohamoud. so stop the lies. and his base was froom carmo not qandala. he was tthe one who was send to qandala by gaas to get rid of isis. walahi you and @Reiko are disgusting people.always insulting people but now you want to lie about someone who got killed in the mosque during friday prayer just to protect a scumbag from your tribe who killed him. walahi i pray allah forgived both of you.
She was never born in banderbayla. Her parents were born in the big city. Just because she once caught you lying about your age. SmhI never apologise. She has too much suuro and tries to act ilbax way too much. She identifies herself as western and refers to Somalia as the country of her parents, eventhough she was born in Banderbeyla![]()
that list is fake issa yulux is in garowe right now and he fought against somaliland in tukaraq. he got rich from piracy but he was never a terrorist. all those list were made by cudad ridden tribalist. walahi thats why i love my people they dont care about tribes. and by the way gallan during his rebbelion was supported by most barri tribes and even issa mohamoud. so stop the lies. and his base was froom carmo not qandala. he was tthe one who was send to qandala by gaas to get rid of isis. walahi you and @Reiko are disgusting people.always insulting people but now you want to lie about someone who got killed in the mosque during friday prayer just to protect a scumbag from your tribe who killed him. walahi i pray allah forgived both of you.
death threats walahi o bilahi o talahi i will arest you if you ever show your face in bosaso. you want to kill me. go ahead and try. im not scared of anyone but allah. when did i ever mention osman mohamud. i told you the man who killed the sultan while he was at friday prayer. and you want to defend him. go ahead. i dare you to come to bosaso and meet me at a location of your choise. walahi reiko i promise you i will send you to the dirtiest prison in bosasoWhy would I need forgiveness from a scumbag like you. You insecure cockroach. You’re always mentioning Osman mohamud like a bastard who’s trying to find his daddy. You claim you run things when your folks need permission to enter the city. I’ve couple of cousins who are itching to spill CS blood. It’s just a phone call away, it will be like hitting piñata. Don’t get it twisted. You’re a guest, act accordingly.
Arrest me? I own everything Puntland looooldeath threats walahi o bilahi o talahi i will arest you if you ever show your face in bosaso. you want to kill me. go ahead and try. im not scared of anyone but allah. when did i ever mention osman mohamud. i told you the man who killed the sultan while he was at friday prayer. and you want to defend him. go ahead. i dare you to come to bosaso and meet me at a location of your choise. walahi reiko i promise you i will send you to the dirtiest prison in bosaso
no body owns bosaso. bosaso is for all puntland tribes. stop with the fake supramisst shit. walahi you cant do nothing in bosaso. every tribe is equal becuase we are all made of human beings. why would you want to pit tribes against each other if your really for the success of puntland. it doesnt make any sense. i never said osman mohamud are bad or anything i said they need to give up the killer who is known to all the security forces and will be arrested if he ever comes back to bosaso. but why would you wish death on me for being cali saleebaan. why does that matter. you guys put tribes over your deen walahi its not going to help you. the youth in bosaso dont care about tribes. its only older head mentality. all my friends and people are non cali saleebaan. i dont care about cali saleebaan. i care about juctice and honesty. walahi tell me what are you benefiting from lying about a dead mans murder. why do you need to defend a murderer. your tribe is your own worst enemy in puntland because they will beg and rip you off. thats why i only do business with non family. my best friend is cali jabrahiil. i dont need my tribe for nothing. i have powerfull friends within most tribes that would help me before my tribal members would help me. tribes dont mean shit anymore. it is only good for killing and revenge which i dont partake in or promote unlike you. walahi think about it. just think.Arrest me? I own everything Puntland looool
All I’ve to say is you looked at me wrong... Don’t make me call my cousins Asad and mohamud! Mohamud owns Bosaaso...
no body owns bosaso. bosaso is for all puntland tribes. stop with the fake supramisst shit. walahi you cant do nothing in bosaso. every tribe is equal becuase we are all made of human beings. why would you want to pit tribes against each other if your really for the success of puntland. it doesnt make any sense. i never said osman mohamud are bad or anything i said they need to give up the killer who is known to all the security forces and will be arrested if he ever comes back to bosaso. but why would you wish death on me for being cali saleebaan. why does that matter. you guys put tribes over your deen walahi its not going to help you. the youth in bosaso dont care about tribes. its only older head mentality. all my friends and people are non cali saleebaan. i dont care about cali saleebaan. i care about juctice and honesty. walahi tell me what are you benefiting from lying about a dead mans murder. why do you need to defend a murderer. your tribe is your own worst enemy in puntland because they will beg and rip you off. thats why i only do business with non family. my best friend is cali jabrahiil. i dont need my tribe for nothing. i have powerfull friends within most tribes that would help me before my tribal members would help me. tribes dont mean shit anymore. it is only good for killing and revenge which i dont partake in or promote unlike you. walahi think about it. just think.