British boxer Anthony Joshua and his Somali girlfriend spotted.

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how do i use this
I don't find him attractive, sorry. Bleach him and he looks Arabish. Not my type. Nose isn't sharp enough. Lips are too large. :dabcasar: Call me Ra----ciist.
your racist???


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
The destruction of AA households has a Plethora of causes . Men are to blame , but females are not entirely faultless . There are also structural causes .I see that you are again trying to seduce me into a gender war in order to appease Xalimos. You must be from Djibouti ? I have no interest in Xalimo vs. Farax gender debates . I am not a
Middle class privileged white girl . Somalis need to work together , period .
Sure there are women who are faulty But Im saying theres alot of men who dont do their responsibility in raising their kid Youre not only the breadwinner But youre supposed to take care your wife, kids, educate them, discipline them and help your wife with the house which lessens the work load at home its alot of responsibilities and people need ro be ready to tackle them

Also when you do get divorced youre still supposed to provide for your kids and be involved in their lives thats something many ignore in the community


They need to start closing some of these threads if it gets filled with more than 3 pages of qashin.
Faraxs shouldn't hate if a somali girls marries or dates outside of her race. There needs to be more of the you do you mentality in the somali race. Somali girls need to control themselves though, my twitter and Facebook feed are full of farax bashing xalimos, bare annoying. :damedamn:


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Those are not even really marriages . You have girls who are raised by soft single mothers marrying former convicts . A girl from a traditional , strong Somali unit , with a Proper father , uncles and brothers , would never dream of making such a move or even bringing her male relatives such a fellow from the lower eschelons of society . God bless Turks , Pakistanis and Arabs .
I know girls that are from strong family units that married ajanib bums. Some Somali fathers prefer an ajanabi bum to their qabil rival. :samwelcome:

Iโ€™m all for marrying a successful ajanabi though. :hillarybiz:
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