salah la'aanta waye
Sxb I don't know about you but I want me a Mrs underwoodNo offense, but just because you've received a degree that you spent years slaving over while accumulating horrendous amounts of debt doesn't mean you are entitled to prince charming with the high intellect, amazing education and the ripped sculpted body. The reality of the situation is quite different my internet friends. Men and women have different ratings when it comes to hunting for the opposite sex. Having all the fancy credentials and making good money doesn't impress a Farax, or in this case a William because that's simply not what we're looking for. Successful men would rather deal with feminine, homely, attractive younger women that compliment him rather than deal with a 30something, ran thru, masculine energy embodying feminazi who will compete with you and nag you to an early grave. It's just not practical and knowing myself I wouldn't want to deal with them either.
I have a close family member who refuses to even consider a Somali brother unless he has a degree and is smart+attractive yet I always wondered why her standards were so high when she's overweight herself and couldn't get along with her reflection let alone a grown man. All I'm saying is to come back to reality ladies and ground yourselves because growing old and lonely is all you're gonna get because your biological clock waits for no one.
This modern feminist revolution really is going to be the end of men-women traditional relationships. I want out I say!