Bro has a point, the double standards are crazy

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
board shrooms GIF

stephen colbert smh GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

i thought you don’t like black tings

oromos are the exception for you? :liberaltears:
You see this though? his immediate counter is trying to
It actually works very well given you niggas thought I was Somali for so long! :lolbron:
ከባህር ዳርቻዎች እስከ ኮረብታዎች ድረስ ሶማሌላንድ ፈንጂዎች ይሆናሉ :denzelnigga:

Come enslave me then. Personally I don't mind Somali women are very attractive demographic :mjdontkno:
Dumb nigga You think its bad to be oromo or something. Im good friends Daadhi Tarre why cant u come out publically. You know why I hate you especially more is how u were bad talking islam


East Africa UNUKA LEH
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View attachment 325947

Look at this one
View attachment 325948
Absolutely nuts
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Im suprised though, Yami did a good job staying undercover wlhi i didnt suspect him until now. Like let me get things straight, im not racist or calling for a ban. Just weirded out by his behavior and decieving nature. Like he wasent HabarSteven levels of obvious, he genuinely claimed somali. Absolutely Nuts.
Every ethiopian larper claims isaaq too


Plotting world domination
Nigga im not gonna cap I would've folded like them. Imagine chilling one day with your dutty smelling cattle deep in the nigga savannahs of Tanzania when suddenly agricultural baddies with fat asses invade your grazing lands. Croodie I'm never looking back:dead:

I would have folded :mjkkk:


Plotting world domination
Bruh the madows in somalia are small wallahi man pocket size they aren't beefy madow men. Plus, that's more of a sterotype a lot of madows are mad short expect for nilotic kings and queens
I'm not trying to smash any of the niggas :kodaksmiley: tf wrong you :draketf:

I'm talking about the thick women


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
You see this though? his immediate counter is trying to

Dumb nigga You think its bad to be oromo or something. Im good friends Daadhi Tarre why cant u come out publically. You know why I hate you especially more is how u were bad talking islam
You somali niggas already claim my Oromo qabiil as one of your lost long mans anyways so in a way I'm already one of y'all.
Every ethiopian larper claims isaaq too
Because Isaaq are lost oromo east clan to claim
Anyways @Yami being Ethiopian (if he's being fr) shouldn't surprise anybody, at least not in retrospect, that boy's been steadily pushing 'Oromophobia' as a legitimate term on here, even my autistic ass felt something was off:
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