GX is like almost double of HJ. HA are also bigger.
Muuse sh Isxaaq is way larger than HY that's fact.
GX is like almost double of HJ. HA are also bigger.
Muuse sh Isxaaq is way larger than HY that's fact.
Badawnimo maaha ee alliance absolutely kills the mini democracy that existed in SL
If two major clans like Habar and Habar Jeclo merge and create political alliance, it creates political monopoly which is very bad for SL
It is similar to if Habar Yonis creates alliance with Habar Awal to sideline HJ.
Another negative aspect of alliances is it creates clan animosity
So instead of voting along political ideology, we are voting based on Qabiil
Siyaasadu aduunka waxay ku salaysan tahay wax la dhaho Afkaar ee kuma salaysna isbahaysi qabyaaladeed.
Kid your langaab clans decimated eachother historically, that's why the sacad yoonis in sanaag sought protection under Biciide historically as habar lamaan, like a good little orphan. Why you think isaxaaq is all the way in hargeysa. Let's not talk about cuqdad, idinka weligiin waad isgumaysan jirteen. Hadana you want to cry wolf when yall karbaashed eachother for centuries. Kaalaya aan dhabta kusaare
In what world? kkk. HJ were always way smaller and still are to this day. You were 15.6% of Somaliland while HY were 20.3% of Somaliland.
General survey of British Somaliland 1944.
Sacad Yonis defeated Biciide. Perhaps it is Biciide who needs a protection from SY lions.
That is not true didn’t Gaboose and Suldaan of Hy Locked up by Rayaale Kaahin because they opposed him?Inaader, it was HY that fisrt made alliance with Samaroon in 2003, they all supported Riyaale, and gave their votes, if HY never support Samaroon over their kin HJ, I am sure there wouldn't be any kind of alliance today in Somaliland's politics.
Remember the phrase 'DHab libaax' That's what made other clans to form an alliance.
I like if all major clans stand on their own GX, HJ and HA,
Sacad Yonis defeated Biciide. Perhaps it is Biciide who needs a protection from SY lions.
Watchmen kkkkk
Rorschach is a badass
In what world? kkk. HJ were always way smaller and still are to this day. You were 15.6% of Somaliland while HY were 20.3% of Somaliland.
General survey of British Somaliland 1944.
That is not true didn’t Gaboose and Suldaan of Hy Locked up by Rayaale Kaahin because they opposed him?
Dahir Rayaale won by 80 votes hadii Inader aad caqliga isticmaasho ma Samaroon iyo HY ayaa ka badiyey HJ iyo Isaaq kale by 80 votes? Mise votes way isku dhex jireen?
Runti waxay, Riyaale cid kastaa ugu riday haba a badnaadaan HY iyo Ciise Muuse iyo Samaroon. sidoo kale Silaanyo Sacad Muuse, HY, Arab iyo Hj waa ugu rideen waxaana kuu cadaynaysaa votes uu ka helay degaanka HY
Aabahay baa ka mid ahaa dadkii Silaanyo ugu riday both 2003 and 2010
“Dhab Libaax” waa eray laga xanaajin jiray Hj wagii danbe ilaa 2008-2009 kii markii sheekadu soo xumaanaysay
Dude all you guys do is complain about hj, I have yet to see a hj have this much cuqdad to even know of a Hy businessman, let alone make daily threads. This is embarrassing man
I checked the numbers more HY supported Kulmiye than HJ supported Wadani.I am not talking in 2003, I said everyone was voting his clan, or anyone he wants, even HJ voted Riyaale because my own sub sub sub sub sub sub sub sub sub clan was UDUB supporters that's why when he won Defence minister was my uncle, he Was the defence minister when Somaliland captured Las Anod, and he was honoured with tons bilado.
Sxb I meant, post election of 2003, like when 2008 elections delayed, all HY was die hard riyaale supporters and even in 2010 election, majority of HY voted Riyaale. The hate between HY and HY increased in 2008, 2009, 2010. They would openly saying we will not allow HJ to rule Somaliland.
2018 elections HJ never bothered walahi, and even some HJ was supporting wadani,
They’re half breeds bro that’s even more embarrassing. These two guys were raised by darood and Hawiye respectively
I checked the numbers more HY supported Kulmiye than HJ supported Wadani.
Too bad Cirro was banking on Axmed Faarax Burco votes because of Xirsi Gaab. They never came through
HY are more political flexible because Clans like Isxaaq, Muse Carre usually don’t vote along with Ismail Carre
Muse Carre supported Kulmiye, Isaaq supports UCID . Mostly Ismail Carre Votes for Wadani
That is pretty dumb statement. HJ intermarry with Dhulos more than any other clan not to
Mention you guys are half Xabashi so take it easy with the half breed and purity nonsense
They’re half breeds bro that’s even more embarrassing. These two guys were raised by darood and Hawiye respectively
They are weird folks. Why do they care who HY marry. I suppose we should be fucking their Porcupine females instead.
Hablaha lama caayo waa ceeb, nin ragga miyaadan ahayn?