Cadaans sit around laughing at the possibility to gun down somalis

Internet Nomad

the fact that it’s probably bluff doesn’t mean anything, the point of his thread was to highlight, the fact that they were talking like this publicly to millions, without any backlash.
Exactly its not some faceless troll or some hyper-right-wing commentator but a podcast which has millions of views. No backlash or mention in the comment section because its treated like any other sentence.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

Idk if Im just overly sensitive but swap this with the possibility of sitting at the shores of isreal and gun down idf you would be cancelled fr the rest of your life but you can speak about Somalis this way.

Mark cuban is a jewish billionaire would he like if people laughed at the idea of people talking about jews like this?

They need the Somali pirates dead to steal sea resources. Captain Barkhad needs to start a movement
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The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
This really shouldn’t affect you he made a dumb joke it’s not that serious

I think a lot of you were bullied in school why does every time some random white person mention Somalis you guys get emotional and confrontational learn to ignore and not care what others think about you


Forza Somalia!
I'd loved this to be true, it would have been great for Somalis to hunt down that cruise ship, 10- 15 small boats with RBGs firing on that or even laying mines on its path would've been great. I mean imagine if the they sink such cruise ship and took every foreigner to Somalia for ransom? This could made others mostly western Somalis to finance the supposed pirates against the Russian cruise-ship.
can’t wait for the new age of piracy to start popping off once again once the US Navy weakens and goes to shit inshallah
one piece love GIF
That’s why I’m happy Blackbeard is Somali. He’s a true rageedi. We need a real life Teach now
Who cares? As others noted its a fake story. Some people will shit talk for attention like how Erik Prince once suggest Africa should be colonized again.
This really shouldn’t affect you he made a dumb joke it’s not that serious

I think a lot of you were bullied in school why does every time some random white person mention Somalis you guys get emotional and confrontational learn to ignore and not care what others think about you
If you think joking about killing other human beings and comparing it to hunting an "endangered species" is a "dumb joke", I have a bridge to sell in New york for $20.

This is about normalising dehumanization of certain groups. But keep thinking that it's not that serious.