Cadan women dont make good partners.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🀐πŸ₯·
It's not love, it's infatuation. Love develops over time when you truly get to know a person. This is why you'll hear about people who married for 'love', cutting off family members who stood in the way and making major sacrifices only to divorce later down the line. In some cases due to abuse or infidelity.
Call it what you want but you aren’t actually in love if you’re not infatuated with them to an extent. You can’t say you’re in love if ur not obsessed with them and don’t want to spend every second with your significant other.
Western women or women who live in Asia/Africa but have been heavily influenced by western culture should be avoided

I recently went to Kenya to visit family and one of the girls on the couch (family friend )did nothing but use her phone and watch TikTok she told my mom stuff like β€œmen lie ”and β€œmen are useless ”she turned down multiple offer from diaspora men I am sure she will regret once she is 30 and has to settle for some fob

Globalization and Americanization is a disease and the whole world has been infected
Ngl christianity slipped in western culture into Africa. If you go to r/Kenya you'll see comments saying that middle and upper class kenyati are teaching their kids only English completely ignoring their native languages. They're erasing their cultures and becoming knockoff anglophones. As for swahili they've butchered it with English and native languages. They now speak an ever changing abomination called sheng :lol: Only Tanzanians speak it properly it seems

