This is why we get labelled as low iq and crime ridden thugs and savages by these alt right guys because this gang banging stuff especially in the first world is beyond retarded. I understand if these guys lived in Kenya or Brazil but come on London?.
Imagine your parents escaped shitholes and the horrors of civil war just so their kids can engage in petty street crime about postcodes, smh.
You don't even own these postcodes or streets you claim to be banging for. The Queen does. If these guys had a brain they would invest in retail estate or start making businesses for themselves and their communities so they can bring money in, but instead they wanna live the fast life where they will end up either being killed or put in jail.
Exactly!!! delinquent, future stabbing victims from my ethnicity are better at being thugs than others!! This is a good thing!! Maybe tests weren't lying when they said we had 68 IQ