Lol same talking points, im not here to argue this topic is boring to me. But thats what you think or want to believe. Everything SL and every other region has done since the civil war was mostly funded and supported by the IC including the elections lol. Under the name Somalia. Somalia is this country here; its not a particular govt.We have nothing to do with each other politically since 30 years, Draco is right and his question legit. We have national elections with existing parties, so we were courois if we can support from the outside one of your local parties (although there won't be an election). You wish it were different, but reality is SL is a functioning defacto-country with a territory of 160,000 square, a military and every sign of a modern state, whereas Somalia exists only on the paper. So there is nothing called "SL-region" that is part of this non existent Somalia. You people don't know the difference between dejure and defacto.
It is not a coincidence that after 30 years most of your regions are lawless and are controlled by foreign troops, terrorists and warlords. The best adivise i have to your people: Jealously and delusions are not a good base of building a state. This will only hold you back another 30 years.
Some regions within it are more stable than others. Its not impressive to say 'we've been separate for 30 years' from what? No duh the country collapsed and there was a civil war, each region began establishing local rule its not unique to SL only. Everyone was de-facto "separated". And there was nothing to separate from everyone was autonomous and the central govt collapsed... why do you ignore reality? Also whole regions claimed by SL do not support seccession and yes there has always been Somalis from the SL region part of the central govt like everyone else. Even the seccsionist govts always maintained working connections with the central govt, some not so openly.
These delusional arguments are boring tbh. The truth will settle in more with time.