Can Big Data, DNA and Snitching Culture Stop Xaar-Shabab?

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Hear me out.

I hope a startup emerges than can take finger prints and DNA samples of every single Somali in the region by force. A database that can be accessed through an App given to police officers and various institutions to catalogue data into one single mainframe. If someone blows themselves up; DNA can determine who this person is and cross reference their relatives. The same tool can used as a digital identification instead of cards. People would be forced to pay an annual fee to register and if they don't fines and restrictions to healthcare and even passport registration can incentivize people to stay on top of registration.

Big data can help stop terrorism in Somalia and snitching culture is the cornerstone for this type of tech to seed security.

There's 9000 goons running around and they blend in everywhere. The government hasn't even built a prison for Xaar-Shabab suspects. Harsh interrogation tactics to gather information and public execution isn't enough. The state needs to bring about a culture of "snitching and Jaajuus" people can deliver tips via mobile to aid in data gathering and receive secure anonymous payments for thier contribution to security.

Somalia can handle this problem by leveraging technology and data. Couple that with an aggressive public campaign on anonymous "snitching" I think this type of technology can point us in the right direction.

What are your thoughts?

Can big data, DNA and jaajuus culture weaken terrorism in Somalia?
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Too expensive for now, especially for a third world country. Even a developed country could barely afford something like that right now.
I wouldn't want that kind of technology in the hands of leaders who cannot even be trusted with aid money. That mass data will be used by neo-colonialists to suppress our development even further.

I also don't believe AS is the biggest threat to Somali people's progress.
The Data farm and servers would be outside of Somalia.

If costs are lowered do you think this can help?



If a suspect is in the city. People can get mobile alerts with a description and chase this person.

I wouldn't want that kind of technology in the hands of leaders who cannot even be trusted with aid money. That mass data will be used by neo-colonialists to suppress our development even further.

I also don't believe AS is the biggest threat to Somali people's progress.

The Software would be in the hands of an independent Somali Start-up.

This technology would not only help with security, but it can help with getting better information and data on
health, age, literacy and everything in-between.
The Software would be in the hands of an independent Somali Start-up.

This technology would not only help with security, but it can help with getting better information and data on
health, age, literacy and everything in-between.

Independent...for how long? They will be sharing the information with the police and government anyway. Won't be long until they become one and the same. Also, I don't agree with having a police state where everyone is on a system at the mercy of the government where their every move is watched. That sounds like a nightmare.

Also how would this stop terror attacks? Knowing the DNA of the blown up person after they have blown up the place is nigh useless unless you plan on then interrogating and persecuting the bomber's family. In which case a) how useful would that actually be? and b) is it moral or ethical to tar them all with the same brush or criminalise a family because of one bad action?

I feel like what is missing from Somalia is trust. We need to be able to trust that our government and police will do their jobs. Then the people will become fearless. Right now, though, the police man is probably a bigger crook than the guy you are trying to report.
I wouldn't want that kind of technology in the hands of leaders who cannot even be trusted with aid money. That mass data will be used by neo-colonialists to suppress our development even further.

I also don't believe AS is the biggest threat to Somali people's progress.
It would work under a credible gov't that seeks to protect the nation, we need to keep tabs on everyone & root out the terrorists. Btw AS is the biggest obstacle to Somalis right now, how can the nation progress when theres bombs going off every week?
Independent...for how long? They will be sharing the information with the police and government anyway. Won't be long until they become one and the same. Also, I don't agree with having a police state where everyone is on a system at the mercy of the government where their every move is watched. That sounds like a nightmare.

Also how would this stop terror attacks? Knowing the DNA of the blown up person after they have blown up the place is nigh useless unless you plan on then interrogating and persecuting the bomber's family. In which case a) how useful would that actually be? and b) is it moral or ethical to tar them all with the same brush or criminalise a family because of one bad action?

I feel like what is missing from Somalia is trust. We need to be able to trust that our government and police will do their jobs. Then the people will become fearless. Right now, though, the police man is probably a bigger crook than the guy you are trying to report.

I agree with trust but you need to understand that our police use Gmail accounts and unprotected servers. The ministry of agriculture uses a fucking hotmail account.

Even as a despora member I would offer my finger prints and DNA upon landing in Somalia.

Big Data and a big brother approach to security is something somalia needs. If a Camel farts we need to determine what he ate.

65% literacy and 65% youth population. The country needs data to find weaknesses and inconsistencies.
It would work under a credible gov't that seeks to protect the nation, we need to keep tabs on everyone & root out the terrorists. Btw AS is the biggest obstacle to Somalis right now, how can the nation progress when theres bombs going off every week?

There's nothing that kills Market confidence more than bombings

For example.

If there's consistant attacks from a specific Qabil and the data gathered shows a consistant growth of attackers coming from a certain tribe, pressure can be put on a clans leader and elders to clean up house.

I believe in two things: God and Data and I say it time and time again.

Somalias security needs big data.


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
Not feasible. The logistics of such a project alone would cost billions of dollars.

I agree with her. Al Shabaab capitalise on the actions of our corrupt politicians. If we spent billions on fighting corruption and executing every corrupt fat cat in Somalia, Al Shabaab would cease to exist.
Not feasible. The logistics of such a project alone would cost billions of dollars.

I agree with her. Al Shabaab capitalise on the actions of our corrupt politicians. If we spent billions on fighting corruption and executing every corrupt fat cat in Somalia, Al Shabaab would cease to exist.

It's a mobile software with a server offshore.

There's many Somalis from abroad that can build a scrum and work together to build the mainframe.

The biggest costs would be the labour costs associated with paying software engineers. The servers would be abroad. The startups office would be right inside the secret service building or inside the presidential palace.

If you were sitting in a coffee shop and a tinder style swipe screen popped up with suspects; and the guy is sitting next to you, you can send out an alert and even take a picture secretly of his person.

The citizens need a way to join in on the fight. And since everyone has a cellphone. This can exponentially increase Jaajuus culture
@LarryThePuntite I get what you're sayig but I really don't agree with the Big Brother approach -- it gives way too much power to an undeserving group of puppet leaders.

Even if AS attacks were traced back to a specific tribe what 'pressure' could be put on them? If they are blowing things up, we have already established they have little regard for the government or people of Somalia so why would they care about some people whining over their tribe and saying 'please stop'?

It just seems like this technology would lead to the persecution of innocent people -- pushing them into the anti-establishment groups e.g. AS. This is similar to what has happened in the West -- greater spying laws have not stopped terrorism from continuing, in fact it has led to the marginalisation of people in society most likely to be seduced by such groups. It's counterproductive and a danger to freedom.

In Singapore cameras are everywhere. When you land as a foreigner your SIM card is registered with your passport.

If you blog about the government or say things that are inconsistent with security people jaajuus you.

We aren't in the west. We are in the wild wild east.

There's a reason why China has everyone on lockdown. If this can start jaajuus culture it will also cross over into targeting corruption.

Do you know how Singapore got ride of corruption? Their MPs and Public servants are paid the highest in the world. If you are making a Six-Seven figure salary you won't risk it for side deal.


Here's one of my favourite quotes from Lee Kuan Yew

"If you can select a population and they’re educated and they’re properly brought up, then you don’t have to use too much of the stick because they would already have been trained. It’s like with dogs. You train it in a proper way from small. It will know that it’s got to leave, go outside to pee and to defecate. No, we are not that kind of society. We had to train adult dogs who even today deliberately urinate in the lifts.” (The Man and His Ideas)


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
It's a mobile software with a server offshore.

There's many Somalis from abroad that can build a scrum and work together to build the mainframe.

The biggest costs would be the labour costs associated with paying software engineers. The servers would be abroad. The startups office would be right inside the secret service building or inside the presidential palace.

If you were sitting in a coffee shop and a tinder style swipe screen popped up with suspects; and the guy is sitting next to you, you can send out an alert and even take a picture secretly of his person.

The citizens need a way to join in on the fight. And since everyone has a cellphone. This can exponentially increase Jaajuus culture

:dwill: Jaajuus culture would create distrust between an already fragmented society.

There are whole clans supporting Al Shabaab because they're marginalised by the Somali government. Would you target everybody from those clans? The root problem needs to be addressed first.
@LarryThePuntite east asians got a very different culture and way of life to us. This kind of authoritarian regime sits well with them and their Confucianist values. Not sure how applicable this is to Africans, least of all the hard-headed, red-blooded Somalis.
:dwill: Jaajuus culture would create distrust between an already fragmented society.

There are whole clans supporting Al Shabaab because they're marginalised by the Somali government. Would you target everybody from those clans? The root problem needs to be addressed first.

I think addressing any problem without data is a problem. Somalis hate facts for some reason.

Jaajuus culture was what helped suppress qabilism during Siad Barre raign.

They had no servers, no mobile phone or anything of that sort and they managed to maintain trust through obedience.

Somalis needs a dog trainer. The whole country needs to be reformatted like hard-drive.

Hear me out.

I hope a startup emerges than can take finger prints and DNA samples of every single Somali in the region by force. A database that can be accessed through an App given to police officers and various institutions to catalogue data into one single mainframe. If someone blows themselves up; DNA can determine who this person is and cross reference their relatives. The same tool can used as a digital identification instead of cards. People would be forced to pay an annual fee to register and if they don't fines and restrictions to healthcare and even passport registration can incentivize people to stay on top of registration.

Big data can help stop terrorism in Somalia and snitching culture is the cornerstone for this type of tech to seed security.

There's 9000 goons running around and they blend in everywhere. The government hasn't even built a prison for Xaar-Shabab suspects. Harsh interrogation tactics to gather information and public execution isn't enough. The state needs to bring about a culture of "snitching and Jaajuus" people can deliver tips via mobile to aid in data gathering and receive secure anonymous payments for thier contribution to security.

Somalia can handle this problem by leveraging technology and data. Couple that with an aggressive public campaign on anonymous "snitching" I think this type of technology can point us in the right direction.

What are your thoughts?

Can big data, DNA and jaajuus culture weaken terrorism in Somalia?

I agree with you whole-heartedly. I would love to see a system in Somalia where we catch and punish terror suspects with minimal loss of life. The only issue is the incredible cost of this project, and the fact that you need incorruptible institutions to make ot work. Somalia famously had government officials who were so corrupt that they actually procured weapons from the National Armory and sold these weapons on the Black Market, with some of these weapons ending up in the hands of terrorists. There are no limits to their corruption
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