Can Big Data, DNA and Snitching Culture Stop Xaar-Shabab?

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@LarryThePuntite east asians got a very different culture and way of life to us. This kind of authoritarian regime sits well with them and their Confucianist values. Not sure how applicable this is to Africans, least of all the hard-headed, red-blooded Somalis.

I don't understand why Somalis love to reinvent the wheel.

Our biggest luck right now is watching the world develop around us. We get courtside seats to watching everyone play.

For example, these low oil prices are an opportunity for Somalia to watch what everyone else is doing.
Countries are trying to pivot in this new oil glut and Somalia with its reserves can sit back and watch.

I'm pro-authoritarian. No holds bared
I don't understand why Somalis love to reinvent the wheel.

Our biggest luck right now is watching the world develop around us. We get courtside seats to watching everyone play.

For example, these low oil prices are an opportunity for Somalia to watch what everyone else is doing.
Countries are trying to pivot in this new oil glut and Somalia with its reserves can sit back and watch.

I'm pro-authoritarian. No holds bared
I'm pro-authoritarian - it would bring stability to Somalia and the people would accept it. However, the harvesting of people's information, I disagree with. We have a qabiil problem, last thing we need is our leaders to have people's information ready to abuse as they wish.
I agree with you whole-heartedly. I would love to see a system in Somalia where we catch and punish terror suspects with minimal loss of life. The only issue is the incredible cost of this project, and the fact that you need incorruptible institutions to make ot work. Somalia famously had government officials who were so corrupt that they actually procured weapons from the National Armory and sold these weapons on the Black Market, with some of these weapons ending up in the hands of terrorists. There are no limits to their corruption

Officials are corrupt because they aren't getting compensated.

Singapore made corruption a capital punishment but, also increased compensation to curb any inclinations of wanting to make side deals.

This project isn't in the Billions as some put out there.
If you read some financial statements of many IPO tech start-ups, they always started lean.
Labour costs and renting offshore servers are the biggest costs. A software like this can start small and pivot.
I already said, people would be charged 20-40$ annually to register, these fees can help pay for many expenses.


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
I think addressing any problem without data is a problem. Somalis hate facts for some reason.

Jaajuus culture was what helped suppress qabilism during Siad Barre raign.

They had no servers, no mobile phone or anything of that sort and they managed to maintain trust through obedience.

Somalis needs a dog trainer. The whole country needs to be reformatted like hard-drive.

Well it didn't work well for Siyad Barre, he succumbed to clan bias himself. The elite can easily use such a system to their own advantage.

"Who will guard the guards themselves?"
last thing we need is our leaders to have people's information ready to abuse as they wish.

Leaders can't code.

And the data is online so they can't own it.

Even the startup's office would have rigorous security measures and nobody can just stroll in.

Having an independent Somali firm that gathers data and increases jaajuus culture without threatening
citizens can be helpful in the right direction.
Well it didn't work well for Siyad Barre, he succumbed to clan bias himself. The elite can easily use such a system to their own advantage.

"Who will guard the guards themselves?"

The jaajuus culture is strong then. It just needs a creative approach
well I know Somaliland already takes photos and fingerprints of people getting into and out of the country. However they can't afford getting everyone on the database but if they had the money, they definitely would be on that.
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