Can intelligent people get bad grades?

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Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
All my life I've been told im smart by many people. But in school my grades were mostly mediocre. I doubt that I am smart though :mjlol:
I was told I was the brightest in class, but I didn't give to many fucks in the start of the year and didn't achieve my potential :camby:

I actually just speak alot in class:manny:
Yes, yes they can.
Einstein was pretty average in school himself. A notable number of intellectuals agree that school is stifling and isn't really a good measure of a students capabilities. Since the primary goal is essentially to follow instructions. So a good many intelligent kids wallow in the system and don't really get to shine when in reality they are very bright.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
There are different types of Smart.

Street smart
Business smart
Education smart.

Depends which one they were referring when they told you were smart.
In year 8 i got everything right in a maths test ( i was the best) but ended up getting 51% because I didn't show working out.:mjcry:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Most kids with high iqs tend to hit bumps in the road mostly because they are unchallenged

My source is Smart Guy


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No, intelligent people get good grades because they are intelligent. If they were not intelligent they would not get good grades.


My grades were always average. I didn't really aim for the top marks just the minimum needed to pass which is a C. I did get higher than a C in other subjects but that's only because I knew a lot in those particular subjects and didn't really need to revise for them.


I've actually been wondering if genuinely intelligent people can be at Maths. By that I mean advanced Maths not secondary/high-school level stuff. Am I wrong in saying people with high fluid intelligence should be able to grasp upper-level Maths?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Intelligent pupils who won't conform usually get kicked out of class (Public school) cause it's an indoctrination centre where kids are taught to regurgitate whatever they are taught without doing their own critically thinking. Kids who question anything are punished cause the powers that be don't want a nation of thinkers, only workers. That's why the elite send their kids to private schools & there they learn how to think for themselves so they may take over their parents position & carry on leading the masses of mindless sheeple.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You see the cabal are not interested in educating the masses in case they figure out how badly they're getting shafted

I wouldn't say you are dumb. Exams measure how good you are at taking standardised tests and like anything, can be improved through repetition.

True mark of genius is not studying at all and getting full As. I envy people who can do that :ivers:


Albert Einstein got shit grades

It's a common misconception...Einstein was actually getting good grades.... (6) being highest mark you can get in Germany.

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