Can men and women be friends?


the sea
yes. I've got female friends but I try to keep boundaries. how are you going to get married to a female without ever actually knowing a female
Slide to the 2nd video
Well said! Let's be real ladies and gentleman ..When a man has the opportunity he will go for it. All he needs is some sign and he's all in. Men are always looking no matter if they are married or not. At least he recognizes that having friends of the opposite sex is just a trap and he stays away, smart man! He knows there will be temptation so why even put yourselves in that situation.


Been there, done that
Am I attracted to women? Yes, Am I capable of seeing more than her physical appearance and less of the chemical reactions that cloud my judgment? Also yes. It's nothing really.

Once you establish these clear principles and view them as just ordinary human beings then I don't see how a platonic relationship isn't possible. Ofc it helps that I am a very picky person but anyone can do it
Am I attracted to women? Yes, Am I capable of seeing more than her physical appearance and less of the chemical reactions that cloud my judgment? Also yes. It's nothing really.

Once you establish these clear principles and view them as just ordinary human beings then I don't see how a platonic relationship isn't possible. Ofc it helps that I am a very picky person but anyone can do it
Oh really? Do tell.



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Am I attracted to women? Yes, Am I capable of seeing more than her physical appearance and less of the chemical reactions that cloud my judgment? Also yes. It's nothing really.

Once you establish these clear principles and view them as just ordinary human beings then I don't see how a platonic relationship isn't possible. Ofc it helps that I am a very picky person but anyone can do it

Sure I believe that friendship between the two is possible but under certain restrictions.

For example a business partner, associate, employee and employer.

There's a reason why a "work horse" has blinders, nothing is more distractive than a gorgeous women.
Jabir ibn Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever has faith in Allah and the Last Day, let him not be alone with an unrelated woman without her guardian. Verily, the third of them is Satan.”

Source: Musnad Aḥmad 14241

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani


Flying over your heads
A man can be friends with women if he has sexual self discipline.

If he can't control his wood and wants to chop down every woman he sees, then being friends with women will be difficult.


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
It's almost always an average guy being an emotional tampon for the woman and then her crying when he gets rejected and leaves. It's not impossible but it's damn near.
Only insecure es ask this question. If banging is all you think about, the grown ups world maybe isn't for you.


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
If you have a social life. You bound to make female friends. Don't you bros/mates have wife/girlfriends, sisters? who Also have female friends you regularly meet? Aren't their women you've met through childhood, teenage hood education, hobbies, social events and so on, that you keep contacts, hang out with, talk to like a normal person?

You don't have to have romantic interest with every women that breaths. There are some that are great to chill with. You don't have to bang eachother
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