Can someone explain to me why are Westerners so concerned about Muslim women?

I’ve been following the post-Syrian civil war news lately and noticed all Western people do is talk about women. They ask “why are there no women in government positions”, “will they be covered”, screaming misogynist and all that crap. They won’t talk about the priorities they need to fix after a 13 years civil war.

The same thing for Afghanistan where they came out from a long war and is in a recovery phase. It’s always about the women.
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It’s a valid concern. Women in Afghanistan can’t go to school, talk in public, or go to the doctor after the Taliban came into power.

The guy who overthrew Assad was a member of Al-Qaeda (who are more radical than the Taliban).
Control and to seek righteous. These people have got the highest SA rates in the world and thier women are the most humiliated women to ever exist. Thier female icons in Hollywood constantly get SA by producers, thier career women constantly get SA by thier higher ups, thier women leaders same thing (kamala being the biggest example). God humiliated them to the point of making them stop having children and make online. Honestly if you take step back and look at things it's crazy how they even think that they are free.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I’ve been following the post-Syrian civil war news lately and noticed all Western people do is talk about women. They ask “why are there no women in government positions”, “will they be covered”, screaming misogynist and all that crap. They won’t talk about the priorities they need to fix after a 13 years civil war.

The same thing for Afghanistan where they came out from a long war and is in a recovery phase. It’s always about the women.
Because destroying Muslim women is the first step in secularization. Western propaganda targets women and makes them feel “oppressed” by Islam. Unfortunately they are the most malleable and gullible subsection of our Ummah. I have even seen FOBs in Somalia using “pickme” and other nonsensical western terms lately. It truly is a malignant cancer.

Garaad Awal

War is coming.
It’s a valid concern. Women in Afghanistan can’t go to school, talk in public, or go to the doctor after the Taliban came into power.

The guy who overthrew Assad was a member of Al-Qaeda (who are more radical than the Taliban).
He pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda to avoid ISIS, he then rescinded his allegiance to Al Qaeda and cleansed his military of the Al Qaeda hardliners. He has clearly become a more traditional Sunni Muslim and politically seems to understand realism and pragmatism.

As for women education, the Taliban is actually worse than ISIS & Al Qaeda. People need to actually read before spouting nonsense
Because destroying Muslim women is the first step in secularization. Western propaganda targets women and makes them feel “oppressed” by Islam. Unfortunately they are the most malleable and gullible subsection of our Ummah. I have even seen FOBs in Somalia using “pickme” and other nonsensical western terms lately. It truly is a malignant cancer.
Shia do mutah marriage (marriage for only sexual intercourse and dismissed after ward) they know nothing about women rights. Shuit it

Garaad Awal

War is coming.
Because destroying Muslim women is the first step in secularization. Western propaganda targets women and makes them feel “oppressed” by Islam. Unfortunately they are the most malleable and gullible subsection of our Ummah. I have even seen FOBs in Somalia using “pickme” and other nonsensical western terms lately. It truly is a malignant cancer.
Islamist but loves Assad & Commie Afweyne. You are confused.

Because destroying Muslim women is the first step in secularization. Western propaganda targets women and makes them feel “oppressed” by Islam. Unfortunately they are the most malleable and gullible subsection of our Ummah. I have even seen FOBs in Somalia using “pickme” and other nonsensical western terms lately. It truly is a malignant cancer.
lol there are serious issues in many muslim countries re womens rights .

reer galbeed don’t really care tho many times, they’re just looking to delegitimize muslim countries that don’t align with them

as for the claim that women are the most gullible and malleable LOL
There's three groups the government targets when it attempts a color revolution/regime change: Woman, ethnic minorities, and student activist organizations.
You can see this rhetoric being played out in every country the US has an antagonistic relationship towards (i.e Ukrainians in Russia, Uyghurs in China, Kurds in Syria, woman in Iran/Middle East, universities in Bangladesh). It's all propaganda and even if there are genuine social issues in those countries it's completely used in bad faith as a destabilizing agent.

Garaad Awal

War is coming.
Why did you think they overthrew them? To stop the Axis of Resistance. Go learn about maslaxa cala masiiral ummah from fiqh you fool.
Where in Fiqh does it say to accept a Gaalo tyrant and not to rebel? I don’t follow your twelver Shia fiqh. Aytollah Xaarmeini can kiss my ass
It’s a valid concern. Women in Afghanistan can’t go to school, talk in public, or go to the doctor after the Taliban came into power.

The guy who overthrew Assad was a member of Al-Qaeda (who are more radical than the Taliban).

The West don't care at all. They just know that Muslim countries tend to be hypocritical abusers that do not implement the Islam they keep bragging about. They LOVE exposing Muslim men/Muslim countries, which is not hard to do.

A lot of Muslim women have better lives in the West than they would in their own "Muslim" countries thanks to these embarrassingly misogynist cultures

Muslim men LOVE to talk about the rights Islam has given women in debates with the West. But in reality, don't really implement these laws. That is why the West exploits these deficiencies to make themselves seem like the enlightened ones. Muslim men/ countries make it so easy for them too.

Allah SWT cares about the plight of Muslim women and on the day of judgement every abuser and neglector will get what he deserves.
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Someone should make a compilation of Muslim debaters bragging about the rights of women in Islam and then pull up the laws and other incidents in Muslim countries to expose the hypocrisy.

Who is really there to protect the rights of Muslim women? Only Allah SWT baa u maqan the countless women that are being subjugated.

A good number of these Muslim men only care about how the West perceives them, not how Allah SWT perceives them. Aakhiro war baa jira 😂😂

The truth seeker

Silent weapons for quiet wars
They want to undermine and weaken the power of Islam in major middle east countries by convincing the youth that there culture is “backwards ”the young women are usually there first targets ( feminism/hollywood movies )as the young men will fall in line in order to get with the “times ”

We are already seeing the affects of this in Egypt and soon Saudi Arabia when I was in Cairo I heard autotune rap music and teens dressing like they were raised in a broken section 8 home fearing for the future of our world
Two things:
1) It's been a continuation of the old trope that Muslimah are oppressed by their husbands and need an cadaan to save them.
2)The first step to destroying a community is starting at a micro level by targeting the ordinary family and the most vulnerable individual in said family bar the children are the women.It's also most probably why men would chain their women when the Dajjal is trekking throughout the world because of his fitna.
They want to undermine and weaken the power of Islam in major middle east countries by convincing the youth that there culture is “backwards ”they young women are usually there first targets as the young men will fall in line in order to get with the “times ”

We are already seeing the affects of this in Egypt and soon Saudi Arabia when I was in Cairo I heard autotune rap music and teens dressing like they were raised in a broken section 8 home fearing for the future of our world

It is not a lie when they talk about how Muslim women are treated. Muslim women mostly understand the game that is being played between the West and misogynist Muslim men and cultures. They want to use Muslim women as a pawn, and neither care about the rights of Muslimahs.
Two things:
1) It's been a continuation of the old trope that Muslimah are oppressed by their husbands and need an cadaan to save them.
2)The first step to destroying a community is starting at a micro level by targeting the ordinary family and the most vulnerable individual in said family bar the children are the women.It's also most probably why men would chain their women when the Dajjal is trekking throughout the world because of his fitna.

A good number of Muslimahs are being abused or neglected in archaic cultures. However, most are smart enough to enjoy the safety net the West has to offer without leaving Islam and being used as a spokesperson to denigrate Islam.

