Can someone explain to me why are Westerners so concerned about Muslim women?

It’s disingenuous & it’s a propaganda play

They want to make Muslims turn on their leaders

It’s much better for a country to kill itself versus killing them

Gaza’s been a PR disaster for the Zionists

The Zionist’s have a “Greater-Israel” project underway but Muslim majority countries stand in the way of it so they’re doing what they can to weaken them

Garaad Awal

War is coming.
I want Muslim women to wake up, the same guys telling you that your world view is ‘Western’ are the same men who have fell for liberalism left right and centre. These men have sold their soil to Ribaa, the best of them will try and create Islamic systems to mimic Ribaa just so that they can still take part in this sort of Western like financial banking, will wear suits, believe in holiday pay and will sue for it, and will literally go down the rabbit hole of everything Western with even supporting partial secular law for their home countries and if they’re not fully in agreement will still vote like the SL elections, but the moment women talk about women’s rights within an Islamic framework that actually honors women, they’re up in arms talking about ‘only fans’. What does only fans have to do with me? A covered Muslima? What does clubbing or hijab have to do with me? The thing is, these men have deluded themselves into thinking that the entire ideology of liberalism is just women or feminism. They lead a life that is wholly Western but think that Islam and fiqh is only to be administered on women and family. This is where the real issues lies. They’ve gendered Islamic law and its Talmudic to say the least.

You cannot fool me and any Muslim woman that has her wits about her can see it. The men who rule using securalism in their countries, allow Western finance and banking systems to sink their flaws in will lecture Muslim women. The very men who support this and lead a life is that is literally liberal to the core will lecture. They think liberalism is just about feminists but don’t realize that they too have drank the cool aid in about every other aspect of it apart from women.

Muslim men have been compromised decades ago when it comes to liberalism, and any one who is honest knows this. @Garaad Awal you probably voted in the SL elections but you’ll debate me about me being Western. You even insult Southerners because reer SL believe in democracy 😂😂. That’s sort of hypocrisy is so funny to witness as Muslim woman. It truly is!
Your arguments against me only work if I was a Salafist Jihadist (which seems to your ideal of what a true Muslim should aspire too which is dangerous. Those dangerous types interprets constitutional documents as forbidden. There is nothing in Islam against voting or even a form democratic state; in fact the Qur’an supports democratic principles and is against authoritarianism.
Surah Ash-Shura (42:38):

“And those who have responded to their master and established prayer and whose affair is [determined by] consultation among themselves, and they spend from what We have provided them.”

This verse highlights the concept of shura (mutual consultation), encouraging collective decision-making in managing affairs, which resonates with democratic practices like voting and representation.

The West literally supported this Anti-Islamic terrorist and atheist and helped him smuggle young Saudi girls to Germany, refusing to extradite him despite multiple requests. This is due to their hatred for Islam and wanting to corrupt Muslim women.

World, I know this and I have never denied this hence I’m at a loss as to why my point is going over people’s head. That is why I said Muslim women are between a rock and a hard place. You have gaals trying to exploit them and some Muslim men creating about not being allowed to write like the Mufti of Afghanistan

What many of you lot refuse to acknowledge is that the first people compromised were Muslim Men and my other paragraph goes into detail

Garaad Awal

War is coming.
@Angelina the curious case of a Salafist championing Western feminism—an intellectual tightrope if there ever was one. On one hand, shes adheres to an ideology that venerates strict gender roles rooted in early Islamic traditions, emphasizing a “natural” divide in duties and rights. Yet, on the other, she raise the banner of Western feminism, a movement often critiqued (ironically by Salafists themselves) for dismantling traditional values and advocating for egalitarian ideals that challenge hierarchical gender norms.

One has to wonder: is it conviction, or is it simply the desire to cherry-pick what suits her narrative while ignoring the glaring contradictions? After all, nothing says consistency like championing two fundamentally opposing ideologies.
@Angelina the curious case of a Salafist championing Western feminism—an intellectual tightrope if there ever was one. On one hand, shes adheres to an ideology that venerates strict gender roles rooted in early Islamic traditions, emphasizing a “natural” divide in duties and rights. Yet, on the other, she raise the banner of Western feminism, a movement often critiqued (ironically by Salafists themselves) for dismantling traditional values and advocating for egalitarian ideals that challenge hierarchical gender norms.

One has to wonder: is it conviction, or is it simply the desire to cherry-pick what suits her narrative while ignoring the glaring contradictions? After all, nothing says consistency like championing two fundamentally opposing ideologies.
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Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
There's three groups the government targets when it attempts a color revolution/regime change: Woman, ethnic minorities, and student activist organizations.
You can see this rhetoric being played out in every country the US has an antagonistic relationship towards (i.e Ukrainians in Russia, Uyghurs in China, Kurds in Syria, woman in Iran/Middle East, universities in Bangladesh). It's all propaganda and even if there are genuine social issues in those countries it's completely used in bad faith as a destabilizing agent.
Full documentary is called the century of self.

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
To be clear I am not against women empowerment and fair treatment in Somalia. Im just very skeptical of projects back by western governments and institutions


This is a French propaganda poster made by the French bureau of psychology that was pushed on to Algeria during the 1940s and 50s. It says “are you not pretty? Unveil yourself!” Algeria suffered a brutal occupation from the French empire for years. They were genocided and restricted to pray


Feminism has always been a tool to justify and support colonialism and occupation in non white countries throughout history. This is the “white mans burden” : a duty formerly asserted by white people to manage the affairs of nonwhite people whom they believed to be less developed.
@Angelina the curious case of a Salafist championing Western feminism—an intellectual tightrope if there ever was one. On one hand, shes adheres to an ideology that venerates strict gender roles rooted in early Islamic traditions, emphasizing a “natural” divide in duties and rights. Yet, on the other, she raise the banner of Western feminism, a movement often critiqued (ironically by Salafists themselves) for dismantling traditional values and advocating for egalitarian ideals that challenge hierarchical gender norms.

One has to wonder: is it conviction, or is it simply the desire to cherry-pick what suits her narrative while ignoring the glaring contradictions? After all, nothing says consistency like championing two fundamentally opposing ideologies.
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I’ve been following the post-Syrian civil war news lately and noticed all Western people do is talk about women. They ask “why are there no women in government positions”, “will they be covered”, screaming misogynist and all that crap. They won’t talk about the priorities they need to fix after a 13 years civil war.

The same thing for Afghanistan where they came out from a long war and is in a recovery phase. It’s always about the women.

This thread is full of liberals and feminists so all they will give you is an ideological distorted answer.

It has nothing to do for care for women which is why they have no issue with genocide and oppression against Muslim men and women.

The demands for womens rights and alcohol only come when Muslims come to power.

The reason is what they care about is fighting Islam. If it is a secular or non-Muslim ruler killing Muslim women then it is not a problem. If it is a Muslim rulers trying to implement Islam in the country it is a problem. Like the wholesale genocide against women and children in Palestine.

So it is part of their war on Islam and Muslims. They use feminism and womens "empowerment" as a way to fight and degrade Islam.

It is the same with all their talk about "minority rights" when they never cared about the "majorities rights". When Islam/Muslims are supressed it is good, when anything else is its bad.

This is why in a country with half the country destroyed and half the people displaced, they ask if alcohol will be banned.

It has nothing to do with care for people but everything to do with a war against Islam.

That is why during a 20 year occupation in Afghanistan with men and women being killed you never heard anyone speak. As soon as the war and occupation ended you heard cries and screams about womens rights.

It is never rights to life safety and the basics of human life which is why they will bomb and sanction. It is the right to be naked and get a liberal education etc.

That is the reality and the facts. Anyone saying otherwise is lying to you is likely ideologically motivated themselves.

Garaad Awal

War is coming.
you used Ayah you interpreted yourself instead of a scholar fatwa funny that.
Again Salafist. I don’t consider none of your “scholars” worthy of following and you don’t consider any that I listen to credible. Stop the mental gymnastics. I challenged your presumption that your Salafist interpretation isn’t the consensus in the Muslim World.
Liberalism for me but not for thee
Representative govt isnt anti-Islamic just because your Salafist scholars say so.
You’re a lib to the core believe in voting for every man
Sound like those Takfiri Al Qaeda folks which are your ideological kinsmen. You must be of the Madkhali strain of Salafist I presume.
despite only being for the shura council but call me a feminist for believing women can go school
Where did I say women shouldn’t go to school? I said you champion Western feminism. Also your limited knowledge of Islam is glaring and makes you unequipped to have these conversations.

How were the first three Caliphs chosen? Not like the Khaleeji monarch who rules you now ascended to the throne I presume? They were chosen via a primitive form of elective representation and they ruled consulting the locals, learned men, business, military commanders & business men.

Abu Bakr first speech after being forced into being Khalifatur rasuulallah:
“O People, I have been appointed over you as a leader, though I am not the best among you. If I do well, help me; and if I act wrongly, correct me. Truthfulness is a trust, and lying is treachery. The weak among you is strong in my sight until I return to them their rights, Allah willing. And the strong among you is weak in my sight until I take from them what is due, Allah willing. Obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger. But if I disobey Allah and His Messenger, then I have no right to your obedience.”

أيها الناس، قد وُلِّيتُ عليكم ولستُ بخيركم. فإن أحسنتُ فأعينوني، وإن أسأتُ فقوِّموني. الصدق أمانة، والكذب خيانة. والضعيف فيكم قويٌّ عندي حتى أُرجِعَ إليه حقَّه إن شاء الله، والقويُّ فيكم ضعيفٌ عندي حتى آخذ الحقَّ منه إن شاء الله. أطيعوني ما أطعتُ الله ورسوله، فإن عصيتُ الله ورسوله فلا طاعة لي عليكم.

All your responses in this thread can be summed up with that one word. An irrational confused Salafist Madkhali who espouses Western feminism that she was exposed to presumably in England and urges some sort of western style female uprising in Muslim societies.
You will defend Western backed finance and everything why? Because you’re ideologically hypocritical
When did I do that? You are fighting ghosts here
Mcr Shadow Boxing GIF by My Chemical Romance
LOL I cant believe some women here said Western society gives more rights to women than Muslim countries. I guess getting railed by a random madow is their sense of freedom. Meanwhile the very same West they praise taxes they pay bomb Gazan children to the ground and IDF soldiers rape female prisoners. A woman is much more safer in Saudi Arabia than the West thats for sure.
I have more rights in the UK than I’ll ever have in Somalia for you to deny this is disingenuous + you are simply lying. Somalia is still the same country where FGM is still practised spare me this.
This is why I support any homegrown feminist movement by Muslim girls stuck in these countries. I know Somali girls back home joke about “Dumarland”, but they need to get serious and start a movement whilst these men are killing each other over clan wars.

This is the social media era we live in, and nothing can be hidden anymore. They need to start recording all atrocities happening back home and putting English translations for everyone to see. I know a lot of people on here mock Indians for their “Indian hate” on Twitter because big accounts post-India unfiltered; Somalis like to laugh, but they should be grateful it’s not them. Just imagine the world seeing all the videos they use against one another in their open FKD on all social media platforms.

I remember seeing a video of macawisley men go viral on Japanese Twitter because they bragged about r*ping shabab girls, and people were shocked (rightfully so). We need more of those videos translated and exposed, and I can’t wait till Somali girls do it.
Speaking of putting english subtitles the people back home HATEEE tht 😂😂😂 everytime some1 is talking about issues in somalia and the person speaks in english. They say "plz speak somali hana ceebyn😟" not cuz they think whts happening is ceeb but cuz they dont want the world to know 😂 like they will agree with things against women and children and lesser tribes. They just dont want the world to know how messed up they are.
Again Salafist. I don’t consider none of your “scholars” worthy of following and you don’t consider any that I listen to credible. Stop the mental gymnastics. I challenged your presumption that your Salafist interpretation isn’t the consensus in the Muslim World.

Representative govt isnt anti-Islamic just because your Salafist scholars say so.

Sound like those Takfiri Al Qaeda folks which are your ideological kinsmen. You must be of the Madkhali strain of Salafist I presume.

Where did I say women shouldn’t go to school? I said you champion Western feminism. Also your limited knowledge of Islam is glaring and makes you unequipped to have these conversations.

How were the first three Caliphs chosen? Not like the Khaleeji monarch who rules you now ascended to the throne I presume? They were chosen via a primitive form of elective representation and they ruled consulting the locals, learned men, business, military commanders & business men.
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Abu Bakr first speech after being forced into being Khalifatur rasuulallah:
“O People, I have been appointed over you as a leader, though I am not the best among you. If I do well, help me; and if I act wrongly, correct me. Truthfulness is a trust, and lying is treachery. The weak among you is strong in my sight until I return to them their rights, Allah willing. And the strong among you is weak in my sight until I take from them what is due, Allah willing. Obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger. But if I disobey Allah and His Messenger, then I have no right to your obedience.”

أيها الناس، قد وُلِّيتُ عليكم ولستُ بخيركم. فإن أحسنتُ فأعينوني، وإن أسأتُ فقوِّموني. الصدق أمانة، والكذب خيانة. والضعيف فيكم قويٌّ عندي حتى أُرجِعَ إليه حقَّه إن شاء الله، والقويُّ فيكم ضعيفٌ عندي حتى آخذ الحقَّ منه إن شاء الله. أطيعوني ما أطعتُ الله ورسوله، فإن عصيتُ الله ورسوله فلا طاعة لي عليكم.

All your responses in this thread can be summed up with that one word. An irrational confused Salafist Madkhali who espouses Western feminism that she was exposed to presumably in England and urges some sort of western style female uprising in Muslim societies.

When did I do that? You are fighting ghosts here
Mcr Shadow Boxing GIF by My Chemical Romance
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It is a secret we have known before Angelina could form words in his mouth.

Through fights with Al Adnani,AbdiFreedom and the Ana Arab Force,we've caught glimpses of the lady's explosive power but like an explosion,it always vanished with the moment.It couldn't be controlled... until now.

At last,the beastly power has been harnessed.

Now Garaad Awal will be fighting a warrior 20 years in the making on the next episode of DorkNN Ball Z
This is why I support any homegrown feminist movement by Muslim girls stuck in these countries. I know Somali girls back home joke about “Dumarland”, but they need to get serious and start a movement whilst these men are killing each other over clan wars.

This is the social media era we live in, and nothing can be hidden anymore. They need to start recording all atrocities happening back home and putting English translations for everyone to see. I know a lot of people on here mock Indians for their “Indian hate” on Twitter because big accounts post-India unfiltered; Somalis like to laugh, but they should be grateful it’s not them. Just imagine the world seeing all the videos they use against one another in their open FKD on all social media platforms.

I remember seeing a video of macawisley men go viral on Japanese Twitter because they bragged about r*ping shabab girls, and people were shocked (rightfully so). We need more of those videos translated and exposed, and I can’t wait till Somali girls do it.
The US government already does this for free and most ajnabis recognized the Muslim world is deeply patriarchal.
"Cancelling" a country doesn't accomplish anything lol


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Anyone who believes that they are actually concerned is naive. It’s the same people who said the death of 5 million iraqi children was justified and the same people who killed an entire city of women and children in 1945. They are so concerned about women that they shot and raped the same afghani women that they want to save. They are using the issue as a political tool against Muslim countries and Muslims are falling for it

