Can we abolish the ceeb culture in the Somali community.

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Ceeb culture doesn't curb ceeb behavior, it only gives a facade with creative masking, and keeps it bubbling under surface.

Ppl teach shame, but shame isn't transferable; it can't be taught. Teach the child values and how to think critically. That's the difference the child told to stay away from the cookies reaching for the cookie jar in your absence, thinking twice and stopping short, or the child reaching for the cookie jar with his eyes on the lookout for you :ummhmsmiley: for him to feel shame only when he's caught.
Ceeb culture will never go away when it comes to rape. And even if it does, people will call you a liar. Look at Sangub. People still act as if the man is not wanted by Interpol. I'd venture to say there are a lot of Somalis (both male and female), who have chosen not to come forward with allegations of abuse as children, due to the stigma attached.

The reality is there are relatives abusing children and dugsi macalins taking avantage of boys and girls alike. And none of them speak out because of this ceeb culture.

Shameful really.


Queen of the light
What is ceeb ? We're humans let's all celebrate degeneracy unless blood is spilled, rape is committed these two terms are unacceptable, so is minor things stealing etc. But sex ? Come on grow up, someone cheating? Let the couple deal with it.

There is no ceeb
I agree. A little bit of ceeb can be beneficial so people aren't constantly airing dirty laundry, but serious problems such as pedos, rapists etc need to be talked about and publicly condemned. Too much of an ceeb culture stops people from fixing fundamental problems within the culture.
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