Canada inviting Mexicans

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The average Mexican is 60% Native American by ancestry. Secretly I hope they take over North America and replace the Whites as the rulers. :ulachen001:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
The average Mexican is 60% Native American by ancestry. Secretly I hope they take over North America and replace the Whites as the rulers. :ulachen001:

And turn the US into Mexico where drug cartels are kidnapping soccer players and assassinating politicians? Lol.
10,000 of them claimed refugee status at the border in 2010. This is what happens when you give them visa free entrance

Trudeau's own left wing immigration department had advised against this but he doesn't listen. He only wants to please foreigners.


Suicidal men adore me.
Aren't the left in North America welcoming towards Latin/South American in hope that they will vote left? I hope that backfires. It's not uncommon for immigrants to be conservative.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
He has overturned deportations. He was for sob stories. What kind of man interferes in this deportation process?

A Columbian girl was crying the other day and he has a press conference. This man is a xoolo and a media hound.

Crazy lefties are destructive. I consider myself a left wing guy but this guy is way off the cliff.


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The average Mexican is 60% Native American by ancestry. Secretly I hope they take over North America and replace the Whites as the rulers. :ulachen001:

Secretly kulahaa

Viva Azatlan y Viva La Raza

He wants to get rid of first past the post. He wants to be a dictator.
First past the post is garbage and actually works in his favour (NDP and Cons often vote Liberal). This is why I don't think that the new system will be much different from first past the post.
First past the post is garbage and actually works in his favour (NDP and Cons often vote Liberal). This is why I don't think that the new system will be much different from first past the post.

It doesn't work in his favor.

He wants ranked ballots. He will always be first or second choice. He will never lose. But he can lose in FPTP.


Don't or you'll end up like this


We're fucked:damn:
The same concept of Oromo in SL and PL are trying to do. This comment in national post"
Many illegal Mexicans are part of La Raza which means "The Race". They want to breed quick and take over by changing Democragpics, in the hope that California, and many western states become part of Mexico. "


The same concept of Oromo in SL and PL are trying to do. This comment in national post"
Many illegal Mexicans are part of La Raza which means "The Race". They want to breed quick and take over by changing Democragpics, in the hope that California, and many western states become part of Mexico. "
Here it is the obligatory canuck post:wow:
It doesn't work in his favor.

He wants ranked ballots. He will always be first or second choice. He will never lose. But he can lose in FPTP.
Ranked ballots are better for him, that is true. However, it's not so much better that it is worth risking the system going to proportional representation. And with his left wing campaign did risk that by rocking the boat. The status quo has been great for the Liberals.
Ranked ballots are better for him, that is true. However, it's not so much better that it is worth risking the system going to proportional representation. And with his left wing campaign did risk that by rocking the boat. The status quo has been great for the Liberals.

He is not putting it up to a referendum. His majority liberal committee will push for ranked ballots.

2019 is the year of ranked ballots.

He will be in power for 20 years
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